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OMG Snow?


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Don't forget to include yourself in that category

I've tried being nice in public, but that never works here. Hell, even when I don't do anything, things don't go well. I've had someone swear at me randomly in downtown Vancouver before, and once, a woman spat on me as I was waiting for a bus. These types of incidents happen so regularly here now during these past several years that I've come to expect them. I've noticed that people around here don't even look at anyone else anymore; everyone's in their own little private bubbles.

So imagine my surprise when even the rudest person in LA's bad parts was more polite than some Vancouverites I've come across.

:( I don't know about that LA comment though, I suppose it depends on where you are...

Downtown LA. Near Macy's Plaza and Union Station, mostly, and sometimes in South Central.

Edited by BuckyHermit
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i think you're talking about the junkies, hermit. I always see wierd stuff at downtown like a woman cursing a tire or a random junkie picking up a cigarette butt from the street and smoking it, it's a good thing i'm in richmond

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i think you're talking about the junkies, hermit. I always see wierd stuff at downtown like a woman cursing a tire or a random junkie picking up a cigarette butt from the street and smoking it, it's a good thing i'm in richmond

I don't know what are the chances of a junkie hanging out on Robson Street, but maybe.

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hey can someone tell me what bus to take to metrotown from richmond, i'm bored and noones taking me anywhere

Option 1 (costs 2 zones):

Take any bus to Richmond Centre and transfer to 430 Metrotown Station.

Option 2 (costs 1 zone):

Take any bus to Richmond Centre, transfer to 410 22nd Street Station, take it to the SkyTrain station, and then SkyTrain to Metrotown.

Edited by BuckyHermit
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Option 1 (costs 2 zones):

Take any bus to Richmond Centre and transfer to 430 Metrotown Station.

Option 2 (costs 1 zone):

Take any bus to Richmond Centre, transfer to 410 22nd Street Station, take it to the SkyTrain station, and then SkyTrain to Metrotown.

Both options unreliable today. Take a car, unless you're 15 and you don't have a car, in which case stay at home and tough it out.

I hear Days of Our Lives is having an all-day marathon today :P

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Delivering mail in this snow is not very fun, also considering it's a super heavy day. Now I'm sitting at my relay box waiting for my mail to arrive. I appreciate the people who shovel their driveway, the people who don't F U

My buddy also delivers mail. I'm sure he's not happy either.

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Ditchmound is indeed pathetic. I don't think I ever saw one plow or salt truck on the streets last night.

Believe me, I think I logged more road time yesterday than all Richmond trucks.

Any updates this morning, esp. in the Seafair area?

I've actually seen many plow trucks the past week. Problem is, they're not actually plowing, they're just driving around doing absolutely nothing.

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