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Who needs Translink's transit info service when you've got nitronuts?

That's because my real name is Chris. Just before Translink got rid of me, I replicated myself into the internet and I've since become fully aware.

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What I want to know is, is there going to be the fare gates like in Asian and other parts of the world?

It has yet to be decided, but if there is they'll install it fare gates on all three SkyTrain lines in late-2010/2011. What has been confirmed so far is that we're getting smart cards next year, and it's quite evident as the new SkyTrain fare machines and ticket validators are equipped with smart card technology...although that goes for the older machines as well, but the new machines are a bit more obvious.

Edited by nitronuts
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why is it taking so freakin long to install turnstyles and enforce security? It's ridiculous.

Man attacked at a SkyTrain station wants more security

Seeks one transit officer at every station

Dave White SURREY (NEWS1130) | Sunday, July 26th, 2009 9:40 pm

SURREY (NEWS1130) - A Surrey man is demanding a significant increase in transit security after he was attacked in plain view of security cameras. He wants at least one transit officer on duty at every SkyTrain station.

Ravinder Sidhu was attacked in the early morning of July 15th in a well lit, secure zone of Surrey Central Station. His watch was stolen, along with gifts for his six-year-old. Now Sidhu no longer feels safe using public transit and doesn't believe the security measures already in place go far enough, "I was yelling help, help, help, all the time and not one person came to my aid until the [suspect] left."

Even though it happened weeks ago, he's coming forward now for the sake of everyone, "This is a public system, we all fund it. I pay taxes for it, you guys pay taxes for it. It should be safe. "

Sidhu and NDP MLA Harry Bains are now recommending a ten point plan that would see turnstyles installed at SkyTrain stations now rather than later, and would increase the number of transit officers by 50 per cent.

TransLink's Ken Hardie says its regrettable what happened to Sidhu, but he thinks the NDP's ten point plan is nothing new, "For the elected members to try and create the expectation that there's going to be 100 per cent coverage and that there's going to be somebody watching over people at every second of the day, is clearly unrealistic and they know that. But it is something that they've repeated quite often."

Hardie believes most of the points in their ten point plan have already been implemented, or are on their way.

Source News1130 http://news1130.com/more.jsp?content=20090727_003800_8004

Never thought I would agree with any NDP MLA, let alone that douche of an Olympic critic.

Edited by trek
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why is it taking so freakin long to install turnstyles and enforce security? It's ridiculous.

Never thought I would agree with any NDP MLA, let alone that douche of an Olympic critic.

How will turnstiles help deter robbers from targeting a lone man at a Skytrain station? It's not like the robber can jump the turnstiles while his victim lies withering in pain after getting knifed.

Oh wait.

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How will turnstiles help deter robbers from targeting a lone man at a Skytrain station? It's not like the robber can jump the turnstiles while his victim lies withering in pain after getting knifed.

Oh wait.

Stations in high crime areas such as surrey central should have turnstiles like those in Paris which form a barricade making it extremely difficult to jump. Think fence. Or have normal turnstiles that have manned attendants.

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why is it taking so freakin long to install turnstyles and enforce security? It's ridiculous.

Never thought I would agree with any NDP MLA, let alone that douche of an Olympic critic.

Like what Hardie said, what they're proposing is already being planned. And turnstiles don't just happen overnight, they need careful planning....and they're set for installation in 2011.

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