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New Year’s Eve - Thursday, December 31

Regular weekday fares until 5 p.m., then free service.

A number of bus routes will provide extended late-night service.

Expo and Millennium Lines and SeaBus will extend late-night service by one hour, with the last train and ferry leaving Waterfront Station at 2:16 a.m.

Canada Line service will be extended by one hour, ending at the last train leaving Waterfront Station at 2:05 a.m. towards YVR and 2:15 a.m. towards Richmond.

Source: TransLink website.

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Hey does anyone know why Translink takes train out of service in the middle of service. Pretty annoying giving up seat and waiting for another train. And all the trains do is get parked with lights and everything turned on.

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Hey does anyone know why Translink takes train out of service in the middle of service. Pretty annoying giving up seat and waiting for another train. And all the trains do is get parked with lights and everything turned on.

Because if you continue to run them, it disrupts the people who live next to a line and have to already endure the noise day in and day out.

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Because if you continue to run them, it disrupts the people who live next to a line and have to already endure the noise day in and day out.

O but other trains are still going to run, just asking why they switch them when they aren't damaged or anything

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They take trains out of service in the middle of the run:

1) to spread out mileage (wear and tear) over the entire fleet. Trains go back to the yard, and new trains come out of the yard.

2) towards the evening and into the night, there's a switch to lower frequencies and trains are sent back into the yard in the middle of service.

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So last night I phoned translink and asked them about later bus schedules for my route for the new years eve and they told me No for my bus, and yes for the Canada Line (extended 1 hour).

I ended up missing my "last" bus, but another came 30 mins later...

It would have been nice if Translink made it known that bus routes were indeed running later, I wouldn't have had to a) leave where I was when I did, and b.) get a little stressed when I "missed" the bus. I know someone posted a line from translink website saying "some bus routes will be extended" but that is not very informative... (especially when the Translink operator specifically told me that there wouldn't be later buses for my route)

Edited by BoggyDepot
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A woman was killed after being hit by a transit bus Monday morning while trying to cross East Hastings Street at Kootenay Street in Vancouver.

Traffic was diverted around the accident scene westbound on Hastings and blocked going east while police and other emergency personnel investigated.

The No. 27 diesel bus was turning left from Kootenay to go eastbound on to Hastings, and came to a stop in the middle of its turn, its front end about three metres past the crosswalk at the light-contolled intersection.

The B.C. Coroner removed the body just after 9:30 a.m.

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It's not a duplicate service... One goes to downtown Richmond, and one services the areas away from downtown Richmond...

Anything that goes downtown through Richmond that doesn't use the RAV line would be a duplicate service from downtown Richmond on. End of story. You can complain all you want (though why you care from Asia is beyond me, but whatever) but rest assured, even if your coming back someday, there will NEVER be service to downtown from places that travel through Richmond, much like there isn't any service to downtown from Surrey or Coquitlam (like there used to be).

It's a waste of money in an enviroment where translink is scrambling for cash.

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It's not a duplicate service... One goes to downtown Richmond, and one services the areas away from downtown Richmond...

But then that defeats the hub-and-spoke system that Translink is trying to set up w/ the RAV in Richmond...

Sorry, Bucky. I'm as big a fan as you of the 496 et al, but I don't see them ever coming back, especially with the RAV hitting numbers close to 100k in the last several weeks.

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Canada Line AddFare coming Monday, January 18

The AddFare will actually be implemented in a different way than we earlier proposed. Here’s the details:

  • The new YVR AddFare will cost $5, on top of the regular fare.
  • The AddFare will only apply to anyone buying cash fare tickets at any Canada Line station on Sea Island, for travel from the airport to Richmond or Vancouver. (Said another way: the AddFare only applies to those buying cash fares for travel off of Sea Island.) Ticket machines at these stations will automatically charge the correct amount.
  • Anyone using pre-paid fares will be exempt and will not be charged an additional fare for any trip on the Canada Line to or from the airport. Pre-paid fares include DayPasses, FareCards, FareSaver Tickets, U-Passes, Employer Passes and the BC Government Bus Pass Program.
  • Also, travel on the Canada Line is free between stations on Sea Island.
  • By the way, this new fare was approved in principle in 2004 as one of the ways to pay for the construction of the Canada Line. Clarification: The funds from the AddFare will go directly to TransLink to cover the construction costs.
  • And just to refresh your memory, the stations on Sea Island are YVR-Airport, Sea Island Centre and Templeton.

Please check out the very full explanation of the AddFare and its history over at the Regional Transportation Commissioner’s website.

Also, since someone will surely ask, here is the answer to one of the scenarios you might encounter (a colleague was bending his brain thinking of these).

Q. Let’s say I’m leaving the airport and have a one-zone FareSaver ticket, but I am travelling during the peak time so must upgrade with a $1.25 AddFare. I put my FareSaver into the machine and upgrade to a two-zone ticket, which looks just like a cash fare ticket. Is that considered a cash fare that forces me to buy the Canada Line AddFare? Or is this still considered an exemption?

A. The ticket will be considered exempt, but the machine will indicate “airport” on the ticket to alleviate any enforcement issues.

From the Buzzer Blog: http://buzzer.translink.ca/index.php/2010/01/canada-line-yvr-addfare-coming-mon-jan-18-heres-how-it-works/

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At least the add fare is only for leaving Sea Island....but i would prefer if they made it a zone 3, so much simpler.

AddFare has been approved and will come into effect on Monday January 18, 2010. The rate has also been changed from $2.50 to $5.00 to leave Sea Island (no AddFare required to go to Sea Island). Also travel between Templeton and YVR is free. This only applies to cash fares. Pre-paid fares such as DayPasses, FareCards, FareSaver Tickets, U-Passes, Employer Passes and the BC Government Bus Pass Program are exempt. TVM's on Sea Island will automatically add the fare. If you have a one zone pre-paid ticket and upgrade at any of the Sea Island TVM's there will be no AddFare and "Airport" will be stamped on your FareSaver ticket. Click here for more information


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Question: If you have a one-zone ticket, and you want to travel from the airport to just somewhere else in Richmond (one zone), the ticket should work without add fare correct?

You will need AddFare because you are leaving Sea Island.

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