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Tired Of Hearing The Canucks Saying They Need To Step Up

Rock Pile

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It's easy to say and talk about it. Man up. Don't sing it. Bring it.

Tonight it's win or go home.

Boston hasn't put themselves in this situation and hole. They went to the Finals too and aren't having problems scoring like the Canucks.

That's what gets me about this organization. They make every excuse in the book.

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To be honest all the talk from the Canucks the past 2 seasons, going back to last years finals too. There is nothing but talk from them. I personally am kind of relieved the season is ending tonight, heads will roll and we will see some new faces to give us a fresh outlook cause this team as is stands is as said talk and diving, no grit or sandpaper. Hopefully after AV the first one gone is Kesler.

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I reckon they are feeling bad for themselves and the fans for not having produced what they feel they are capable of. But, in all truth, this team is not well balanced up front. The Canucks need more forward power to take the pressure off the rest of team, primarily the defence and the goal tenders. Hank and Danny are great guys, but Kesler, Raymond and Hansen are just not producing nearly enough and need to be replaced with bigger more talented forwards, who can stay on their skates in the attacking zone and have that essential finishing touch when they get in front of the net.

The players are working hard. But, as a team, they just don't have the goods to get 'er done.

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I reckon they are feeling bad for themselves and the fans for not having produced what they feel they are capable of. But, in all truth, this team is not well balanced up front. The Canucks need more forward power to take the pressure off the rest of team, primarily the defence and the goal tenders. Hank and Danny are great guys, but Kesler, Raymond and Hansen are just not producing nearly enough and need to be replaced with bigger more talented forwards, who can stay on their skates in the attacking zone and have that essential finishing touch when they get in front of the net.

The players are working hard. But, as a team, they just don't have the goods to get 'er done.

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