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Cory Or Lou?

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ok..so we won...YAY CANUCKS!!! but now the controversy starts..even though the series isn't over...do we trade Lou..or don't we?? i honestly think he is an amazing goalie...he just needs a team to play with him and not depend solely on him...the team plays better with Cory in net...why is that?? was it because Daniel is back?? was it because defense didn't trust Cory enough in net? what was the big change in this game??

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Guest BuckFoston

DUDE.... GDT, okay? Or tonight's PGT. Or any other thread that is already discussing this, of which there are oodles. You are not THAT new here, come on! :angry:

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For all the people still thinking about trading Luongo and any associated conversations, CapGeek tweeted this today:

Lots of questions about Roberto Luongo's NTC. He has a full NTC but it does have a few stipulations. #NHL #Canucks

Most pertinent Luongo NTC stipulation is that after final 2013-14 game, he can supply five-team trade list valid through July 15, 2014.

Note that's *trade list*, not *no-trade list* ...

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Gillis holds all the cards with this situation.

1). Schneiders trade value just went through the roof by making him the starter AND having him play lights out.

2). If nucks lose I think AV goes.

3). If luongo doesn't move NTC then gillis gets a monster return for Schneider and gets a new coach in who show's confidence in Luongo..and states "he's our guy"

4). If lu waives NTC then you get a decent return and move out a big contract.

Gillis is playing his cards bang on.

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