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We've all read countless threads on Luongo and Schneider. What one could fetch us over the other and who we want to stay with the team. I won't suggest who I'd rather have, however, I'd like to mention that unlike what a few people believe, the possible Luongo trade will NOT be a salary dump. He will not be moved unless we get something significant in return.

I've also heard many posters concerns that we have a small window to win and that the time is now. Apparently the Sedins are "declining" or will soon.

That being said, and remembering we have Lack in Chicago, would it be more beneficial to the franchise to trade BOTH Cory and Roberto? Think about this for a minute before you call me an idiot. We could gain a lot in return for one of them (probably more so Cory) and even more for both of them.

So what happens to our goalie situation if MG were to do this? Vokoun is a free agent and while not amazing he's a solid goaltender; that is assuming Lack isn't ready to shoulder a full NHL load as a starter. In this scenario he could back up Vokoun to get some experience. He makes roughly the same as Lou but with the emergence of Holtby in Washington, I'm sure he'd rather play somewhere he could get starting minutes - and take a pay-cut as a result.

There are countless trades/players that this could land us. A bonafide star on D, a true top 6 or even top 3 forward, and/or picks.

This could extend our window beyond what a lot of people think it is. While we take a step back in goal, potentially, for maybe a year until Lack is ready does it do that much harm? At the same time, look at the west right now: Quick, Smith, Elliot/Halak, Rinne. Can Lou or Schneids outperform these goalies? Cory could potentially perform at this level, Loungo maybe in 2007. With this much quality goaltending, I think it's as much about the team in front of the goalie and the coaching style as it is the actual goalie.

I'm sure a lot of people will hate this idea, however, I'd love to see MG have the balls to pull this off - assuming he gets some amazing, and deserving, returns. It could really set this team up for the next 5-10 years.

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I thought the desire was WIN NOW.

People complained that the Hodgson trade did nothing to help us this year.

Imagine the flames if we gave away our present to secure our future.

Also, puting Lack into the NHL too quickly could hurt his confidence: see Pogge, Justin.

It might be interesting to get Steve Mason in as a backup for Schneider/Luongo next season if Lack's not ready

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The big issue with that is we really don't know what we have in Lack.

He has a strong future... but theres no guarantee he becomes an NHL starter (both in the near future and long term).

By moving both goalies yes we could get a top 6 forward and a top 4 d-man....but then our weakness becomes goaltending.

I would rather the organisation lack 1 top 6 forward and have strong goaltending than have an extra top 6 guy and weak goaltending.

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Luongo for Gardiner and 1st round pick (Draft Dumba)

Schneider and Higgins for Parise

Edler and a 1st for Perry










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The big issue with that is we really don't know what we have in Lack.

He has a strong future... but theres no guarantee he becomes an NHL starter (both in the near future and long term).

By moving both goalies yes we could get a top 6 forward and a top 4 d-man....but then our weakness becomes goaltending.

I would rather the organisation lack 1 top 6 forward and have strong goaltending than have an extra top 6 guy and weak goaltending.

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Luongo for Gardiner and 1st round pick (Draft Dumba)

Schneider and Higgins for Parise

Edler and a 1st for Perry










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