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Canucks Create-A-Song

Ryan Murray

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I was in my garage shooting some pucks, and I thought of some Canucks lyrics, that we, as a CDC Nation, could add on to. I have the main verse. If you guys could add on, I will pick the best ones and add them in the original post, and put them in the best sequential order possible. Then, once the song is finished, I could send it to DJ Dave, and he might be able to put something together to create the song, with credits to CDC. How about that for originality? :)


Lyrics must NOT contain swear words.

Please do not include racist words or remarks in your lyrics, as they may offend some people. Remember, we are ALL Canucks.

I'm a Canuck, by CDC

I'm a Canuck

I'm a Canuck

If they don't win

I'd rather be a Duck

They better keep winnin

Or Imma be sinnin

I would go to jail

If it means they won't fail

I'm a Canuck

I'm a Canuck

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We're all Canucks.

Our team doesn't suck.

Not watching the playoffs now

Cuz i don't care a bit.

Watch Kasser hit.

Watch AV throw a fit.

Can't watch Hodgson now

Cuz he's a little man.

Gonna catch a tan.

'All part of the plan.'

Next year IS the year.

Cuz i'm a super fan.



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In Vancouver we are all Canucks

And when we lose it's not because we suck

It's because our goalie can't stop the puck

In Vancouver we won La Coupe Stanley

Who cares if it's been near a century

And who cares if the nucks don’t win the trophy

We can always blame the goalie

In Vancouver we lost a playoff bout

So we are shipping luongo out

Next year after a loss

We will throw ginger under the bus

When we win in Vancouver

We will gloat!

When we lose in Vancouver

We will find a goat!

When we riot in Vancouver

It's because we choked!

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