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(Discussion) Value Of: Colin Wilson (Rfa)

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I was looking at the Predators forums and HF Boards about Colin Wilson.

Preds fans think the Capitals' (from Colorado) 11th overall pick is good enough for Wilson's AND Suter's negotiating rights.

But I want to know what Colin's rights are worth alone.

- Apparently, there is something between him and Trotz, similar to Hodgson & Vigneault

- Wilson hardly got top-6 minutes, he could play 2nd line center until Kesler is back

- He's kind of an odd player. He plays center, but can play right wing well too (he shoots left)

- Averaged about 38 points per 82 games so far in his career on a defensive team


- He made only ~$825,000 last season. If we were to acquire him, what would you pay him?

I'd give him a raise: 2 years @ $3.75 million. $1.875 cap hit


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da.moose created /topic/329690-wpg-nsh/">a proposal yesterday to move Wilson for Winnpeg's 1st. People seemed to think that was fair, so I'm not sure how the 11th overall would warrant including Suter's UFA rights if that were the case. I tend to think he may not be worth a pick in the top 15 as an even trade off, but I haven't seen enough of him to judge.

Suter's rights would warrant a low 2nd or decent 3rd (they are after al just his rights and no guarantee, so perhaps that bumps up Wilson's value enough to make a top 10 pick worthwhile.

For the record, your proposals are the insane bit - although it's similarly maddening that you'd make a discussion thread on a player and then create a separate proposal thread that forgets all about plausible value. Feel free to edit your OP with the trade you come up with.

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he has 55-60 point potential in a different environment then nsh but i would have him in the 2-2.5m range on a 2-3yr deal....i think he would be a good fit in wpg but nsh needs all the quality players then can get when they are gonna lose suter and weber....that deal was pretty fair value but i dont know if nsh would do it :wacko:

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Is Schroeder considered a blue chipper?

Maybe something like: Schroeder + VAN 2012 2nd for Wilson?

I'm stumped.

I just hope we can get a top-10 pick (either Toronto's 5th or Tampa Bay's 10th) for Luongo/Schneider+.

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