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Mulcair touts Canada’s oil and oil sands as an ‘important’ resource

Common sense

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Your second point is a crazy strech and not even slightly valid. First, there are always differences between provincial parties and their federal equivalents. Compare the BC Liberials to the Federal Liberials for example. Second, in the very article you posted Muclair talks about how dangerous the pipeline is, just like Dix. Third, Dix's to my knowledge has never come right out against the oil sands, just like most BC residents the Enbridge pipeline.Finally, given the above 3 comments which of Muclairs words could possibly work against Dix in the next election? This is the weakest attempt to stir something up I have ever seen.

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I disagree, in that I believe its part the political hijacking of our nations that makes it economically tenable, and the short-sightedness/lack of education of many of the consumer's, that allows for no change or very minimal change to occur. It's certainly not because we don't have alternatives. The more people who switch to alternate energy vehicles, vote in levels of gov't whose platforms revolve around developing a new energy sector into our social and industrial infrastructure, the less economical and invested companies will become it burning fossil fuels.

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Of course there are alternatives. But you are living in fantasy land if you believe that humanity has the collective ability to stop using fossil fuels. We both live on the same planet, right? At what point in history has greed been overcome for the common good from one corner of the globe to the other. What is the evidence that this is going to happen this time!?! We are discussing the building of more pipelines, not fewer! We can discuss alternatives until we are blue in the face. And I suspect that is exactly what is going to happen. We'll be blue in the face. No, I know that is what is going to happen. There is no political will to change the course. Hell, despite overwhelming evidence to support the case of anthropogenic global warming, environmentalists are now considered whackos who are doctoring the evidence, by far too many. That is where the political debate has gone. Denial is so deep already, and there is so much money in the ground, how can the trend be bucked?

Look, I used to share your optimism. I share your outrage. But at some point the truth is the truth. There are no alternatives when greed and money are involved.

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That's the beauty of being in the opposition. You can oppose oil and gas and go against cuts to social services but you don't actually have to make the hard choices that are required since you don't have a budget to balance. It's like having your cake and eating it too!

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Is it possible "global warming", via the excess use of fossil fuels, thus increasing carbon emissions with the resultant "greenhouse effect", is all part of a massive plot to "warm" the North, thus enabling more financially viable exploration and extraction? .. makes one wonder .. conspiracies abound .. and Harper is just a cog in the industrial wheel ..

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Is it possible "global warming", via the excess use of fossil fuels, thus increasing carbon emissions with the resultant "greenhouse effect", is all part of a massive plot to "warm" the North, thus enabling more financially viable exploration and extraction? .. makes one wonder .. conspiracies abound .. and Harper is just a cog in the industrial wheel ..

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The illuminati has the ability to stop the warming precisely when they want to much like an oven.

9/11 was a convenient distraction from environmental concerns to terrorism while allowing the "grand chef" as hes known to precisely regulate the earth temp so as not to cause too much damage or concern but allowing for the goal of freeing the artic from the terrorism of ice.

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