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why should i shut my trap? cause i have an opinion? Dean ambrose is just not interesting to me and i don't understand the hype.

You are entitled to your opinion. It might not be right but you can have your opinion. However, the guy is getting the biggest pops right now in the WWE so.... :)

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You are entitled to your opinion. It might not be right but you can have your opinion. However, the guy is getting the biggest pops right now in the WWE so.... :)

Which i don't understand. Never liked the shield and don't like any of them on their own. then again there isn't many people to cheer for anymore. All the good wrestlers get $&!# on by the WWE.

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Always thought the Shield was a pretty great concept. Their costumes at first were lame, but for that solid year they were literally the only entertaining story line in the WWE. Plus, the three of them together, their styles and skills really complimented each other well. The brawler, the bruiser, the high flyer -- pretty classic combo. Those three guys are franchise players for the WWE and we are going to see a lot of them over the next few years.

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I am 21. Favorite wrestlers atm is Damien Sandow. Great wrestler amazing mic skills but the WWE makes him a joke and even then he is awsome. Most hated Wrestler is John Cena tired of his crap.

I'm curious,care to elaborate on "his crap"?

You seem really ignorant about alot of superstars you dislike, and you seem to really buy into alot of WWE's marketing, I've got to be honest, you don't sound like you know your stuff at all, it sounds like you played a couple of WWE games, watched a few episodes of raw and some PPVs and decided to buy what they're selling.

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I'm curious,care to elaborate on "his crap"?

You seem really ignorant about alot of superstars you dislike, and you seem to really buy into alot of WWE's marketing, I've got to be honest, you don't sound like you know your stuff at all, it sounds like you played a couple of WWE games, watched a few episodes of raw and some PPVs and decided to buy what they're selling.

the stupid crap i am talking about is him coming out comparing himself to america and then praising the hell out of america. His matches are also very boring and BS he uses the same three moves and almost every match he gets his ass kicked and then 1 move makes him win. So many times other wrestlers will hit him with 2-4 specials and he will kick out every time yet 1 AA and the match is won for him. That is pure BS. He is a great guy for doing his work with Make a wish foundation but my god his character has got to change it makes me roll my eyes every time he comes out now. I hope Kevin Owens wins again but i know they won't let super Cena lose again.

Edited by Nicklas Bo Hunter
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the stupid crap i am talking about is him coming out comparing himself to america and then praising the hell out of america. His matches are also very boring and BS he uses the same three moves and almost every match he gets his ass kicked and then 1 move makes him win. So many times other wrestlers will hit him with 2-4 specials and he will kick out every time yet 1 AA and the match is won for him. That is pure BS. He is a great guy for doing his work with Make a wish foundation but my god his character has got to change it makes me roll my eyes every time he comes out now. I hope Kevin Owens wins again but i know they won't let super Cena lose again.

That was pretty much what I was expecting you to say...

Cena will be over as long as people are making noise for him; As long as people are chanting "Lets Go Cena; Cena Sucks" He's doing his job. It's when people go quiet that WWE should panic, and most people don't seem to understand that.

Personally, I dislike John because I thought he was the last of the attitude era; he was the Dr. of Thuganomics; pushing boundaries and entertaining like CRAZY on the mic; when he wasn't pushing every town for cheap pops; he was an amazing talker, but once again; what you see is a product of the PG era.


I believe the entire PG era is part of a bigger plan,Initially I think the plan was to get Linda McMahon in office so that the WWE could manipulate/push whatever political propaganda they need to to help stop the wrestlers from forming unions, etc.; but anyways, I think once that fell through, the plan became build up Cena as this idol like they did with Hogan for YEARS, and YEARS and then when the iron is hot, when the culture is changing, Turn Cena heel, create a new faction around him and the boom begins again...

As for your favourite(s), I'd bet you've never watched any indy matches, and thats a damn shame, I STRONGLY suggest you watch some Jon Moxley, Tyler Black, Kevin Steen, Kenta Kobayashi, Pac, El Generico, American Dragon, Samoa Joe, and some early CM Punk matches/footage.

They are all bloody talented in the ring, and on the mic, and if you don't know the names - you'll damn sure recognize the faces.

Edited by Rick Grimes
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That was pretty much what I was expecting you to say...

Cena will be over as long as people are making noise for him; As long as people are chanting "Lets Go Cena; Cena Sucks" He's doing his job. It's when people go quiet that WWE should panic, and most people don't seem to understand that.

Personally, I dislike John because I thought he was the last of the attitude era; he was the Dr. of Thuganomics; pushing boundaries and entertaining like CRAZY on the mic; when he wasn't pushing every town for cheap pops; he was an amazing talker, but once again; what you see is a product of the PG era.


I believe the entire PG era is part of a bigger plan,Initially I think the plan was to get Linda McMahon in office so that the WWE could manipulate/push whatever political propaganda they need to to help stop the wrestlers from forming unions, etc.; but anyways, I think once that fell through, the plan became build up Cena as this idol like they did with Hogan for YEARS, and YEARS and then when the iron is hot, when the culture is changing, Turn Cena heel, create a new faction around him and the boom begins again...

As for your favourite(s), I'd bet you've never watched any indy matches, and thats a damn shame, I STRONGLY suggest you watch some Jon Moxley, Tyler Black, Kevin Steen, Kenta Kobayashi, Pac, El Generico, American Dragon, Samoa Joe, and some early CM Punk matches/footage.

They are all bloody talented in the ring, and on the mic, and if you don't know the names - you'll damn sure recognize the faces.

I do watch some indy Wrestling and out of all those Wrestlers you mentioned I like Kevin Steen (Ownes), El Generico ( Zayn) wish they would let him bring that persona in, and I also like Pac (Neville) As I stated before though i don't like The shield. and very meh about Daniell. So basically i like the new guys coming in.

Edit- let me be clear I watch some Clips of Indy wrestling from time to time. I won't pretend to be a huge Fan. Aaron Stevens is still my favourite though.

Edited by Nicklas Bo Hunter
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is matches are also very boring and BS he uses the same three moves and almost every match he gets his ass kicked and then 1 move makes him win.

You could say that about any WWE wrestler these days. You can basically call what move is coming with every wrestler if you watch enough of their matches. Nowadays, nothing is a surprise. Back when wrestling was starting on tv, you really thought the one guy hated the other. You believed it. But everyone knows who each wrestler is and his real name...what's going in his real life. I get that you like the new guys coming up, as do I, but sooner rather than later you will be able to call their matches just like you can now. They all have a routine they follow in the ring if it's a regular match. If it's a gimmick match then the match is bit more exciting. I miss the Monday Night Wars and I miss the late 80s wrestling.

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why should i shut my trap? cause i have an opinion? Dean ambrose is just not interesting to me and i don't understand the hype.

Take that trap comment with a grain of salt, this is a wrestling thread. I agree that Sandow is being misused, but I get the feeling he pissed someone off with some power back stage. Personally I think Ambrose and the Shield are something wrestling needs right now, it's a shame the PG era wont let them push it further.

Ambrose reminds me of a cross between Steve Austin and Brian Pillman. With the right push he could really do what Stone Cold did in the Attitude Era.

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I think his gimmick is also dumb. I like the looks of Finn Balor coming up though.

I don't like him either. I was just asking because you said you didn't like Ambrose on the mic, so I was wondering if someone like Bray was who you were into.

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I don't like him either. I was just asking because you said you didn't like Ambrose on the mic, so I was wondering if someone like Bray was who you were into.

nope Sandow, Owens, Barret and R-Truth (Just so funny) Are my people right now. also starting to like the keltic warrior a little bit.

Edited by Nicklas Bo Hunter
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Watched Aftermath yesterday on The Score in Canada following SD, and the panel was making their predictions for MITB. Jimmy Korderas says he has a theory that Lesnar will show up during MITB Ladder Match, lay everyone out and take the MITB Briefcase and hold it hostage forcing The Authority to reinstate him.

This would be awesome and hope it happens.

He also predicted that Owens interferes and helps Rollins retain, and that Owens joins The Authority

Edited by the last outlaw
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Vince is trying to break up Lana and Rusev in a real life, according to nodq.com and Meltzer's Podcast.

Lana breaking up with Rusev in the WWE Universe to manage Dolph Ziggler has been a hot topic lately on the F4WOnline audio shows. Dave Meltzer, Bryan Alvarez and others are suggesting that Vince McMahon broke them up on-screen to facilitate a real-breakup, with Vince feeling that someone like Rusev shouldnt be able to get a girl like Lana.

Normally when a real-life couple that is paired on-screen breaks up in kayfabe, history has shown that life may imitate art. Its also common for the new squeeze to become the real life new squeeze. Its an occupational hazard in both Hollywood and pro wrestling.

Here are a couple of transcripts from the audio shows:

May 19, 2015 Wrestling Observer Radio (Bryan Alvarez and Dave Meltzer)

B: [Rusev] was apparently about to attack [Lana], and then Ziggler laid him out with a Zig-Zag. Ziggler then escorted Lana to the back. What a weird business this is.

D: Ah..yeah, it sure is. Wonder whats gonna happen.

B: (chuckles)

D: I mean, the last time they did something like this, CM Punk ended up marrying AJ Lee.

B: Thats what happened.

D: It did take a year or two, but that is what happened.

B: That is what happened.

D: Yep, and Daniel Bryan married Brie Bella.

B: Yes he did.

D: That took a couple years too.

B: Yeah, apparently she found out he wasnt vegan, even though he was.

D: Yeah, and Stephanie McMahon married Hunter.

B: Yep. Well, doesnt always happen like that.

D: And.no, of course not, doesnt always. But geez

B: Ted DiBiase Jr. didnt marry Maryse, that poor f***er.

D: Yeah, but you could tell they couldnt stand each other.

B: (chuckles) They did have no charisma together whatsoever.

D: I mean, lets face it, nobody every believed that they would, because it was like, you never saw two people somore him than her.he was so annoyed at having to pretend to be with this girl.

B: Well, he was married at the time, Im sure he was happily married and

D: Well, Im sure his wife probably wasnt thrilled because she probably, like, read the Observer or something, maybe read her uncles Observerfather-in-laws Observer, and was just likeyknow what I mean? And then kind of learned the history of this business, and maybe in that situationshe shouldnt be so happy.

B: Thats right.

D: They dumped that thing pretty quick.

B: And then we had

D: So does that mean theyll end up together in like, eighteen months?

B: Well I, I have faith in these youngsters, but who knows. Who knows.

D: So what happens to the house?

B: Well, it can always be sold. Hopefully, hopefully, they bought it when the market was downI dont know.

D: Yeah, hope they did, too.

May 19, 2015 Bryan & Vinny & Craig Show (Bryan Alvarez, Vinny and Craig)

V: I will cut to the chase, they decided to make Lana and Dolph a couple, and their storyline for this was..

B: ..Why?

C: (whispers) What?

B: You really wanna know why?

C: Yeah.

B: I dont know if I should say why.

C: Okay.

B: It, it.

C: Send it to me.

B: No.

C: (chuckles)

V: Send it in pig latin.

B: It has nothing to do with an affair, for those of you whore thinking.its just the way that Vince McMahon thinks. There are things that he thinks are right, and things that he thinks are wrong, lets just put it that way.

V: Say no more.

June 2, 2015 Wrestling Observer Radio (Dave Meltzer and Bryan Alvarez)

D: Yeah, I thinkI could see why [Rusev] was there to do this promo thing, but I really hope for the next month we dont see him on television, because, yknow having that injuryits a bitch to travel, yknow what I mean. He just needs to rest.

B: (chuckles) Hes gonna be traveling with Lana for the next month, dude.

D: Ughhhhh, man. I know. He doesnt want to let her out of his sight, he knows the game that theyre playing.

B: He knows the game now.

D: Yeah, must have read some books or something.

B: Sure.

D: The story of Debra Marshall.

B: Of many, many people.

D: (chuckles) Yeah

The apparent lack of on-screen chemistry between Lana and Ziggler has also been touched on on the Bryan & Vinny Show and Bryan & Vinny & Craig Show.

June 2, 2015 Bryan & Vinny & Craig Show (Bryan Alvarez, Vince and Craig)

V: So, they kiss once or twice, after the second Dolph knew something was up, he knew this was a trap.

C: Ill say.

V: And sure enough, Rusev appeared and he came out and just beat the holy living f*** out of Dolph, whom it always sucks to be.

B: Of course, hey, he got to kiss Lana twice. Im sure it was worth this beating.

V: I did note, it sucks even worse to be Stardust. So Rusev screamed at Lana

B: Really suck to be poor Rusev, is who itd suck to be.

C: This never ends well in real life, no.

V: No, it does not. So Rusev screamed at Lana and she slapped him, and he stewed and seethed, but before he could do anything, Dolph laid him out with a Zig-Zag, and Dolph and Lana left together, and you were talking about their lack of chemistry when they were kissing

C: Hmm.

V: Even leaving the ring, (chuckles) theyd have been better off leaving on opposite sides of the ring. Wouldve been more coordinated than this. He hold up one side of the ropes, so she starts to leave through the other side of the ropes, so he goes to lift those ropes, but by that time, shes already out. Yeah, I dont buy that theyre a couple.

B: Well, Rusev is very protective of his woman, and hes really, really big.

C: Right

B: So maybe it was likewell, you know, lets be professional about this thing right here, lets not grab her asslets just put our hand on her waistjust to be safe.

May 31, 2015 Bryan & Vinny Show (Bryan Alvarez and Vinny)

B: But anyway, I think that CJ really loves Miro, and I think that Dolph thinks CJ is ridiculously hot, but he knows if I get too close, Miroslav Barnyashev is gonna beat the f*** out of me. And so, Im just gonnayou know

V: I, Nick Nemeth, fear Miroslav Barnyashev.

B: Yeah.

V: Therefore, will make sure Dolph Ziggler does not anger Rusev.

B: I mean he probablyIm surethis is whatmaybe Im the only one. Lemme explain cartoons to everybody, okay? And this relates to real life. Im sure that Dolph Ziggler probably could take down Rusev, and hold him down, with his amateur background, okay? However, I believe, regardless of that, if Miroslav Barnyashev got really f***ing angry, and smoke was coming out of his earseven though Dolph could take him down and hold him down, hed still run for his life! This is just the way humans operate. So yes, I think that hes being careful.

Source - NoDQ.com + Dave Meltzer Podcast
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Dusty Rhodes has passed away :(

Triple H @TripleH 7m7 minutes ago

Saddened to hear the passing of Dusty Rhodes. Legend, teacher, mentor, friend...Love you Dream #BookinAintEasyKid

WWE.com is also reporting it too and issue the following statement:

"WWE is deeply saddened that Virgil Runnels, aka "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes -- WWE Hall of Famer, three-time NWA Champion and one of the most captivating and charismatic figures in sports entertainment history -- passed away today at the age of 69. Runnels became a hero to fans around the world thanks to his work ethic, his impassioned interviews and his indomitable spirit. Moreover, Runnels was a dedicated father to WWE Superstars Goldust (Dustin Runnels) and Stardust (Cody Runnels), a caring husband and a creative visionary who helped shape the landscape of WWE long after his in-ring

career had ended. WWE extends its sincerest condolences to Runnels' family, friends and colleagues." Stu and I were in the middle of recording our show when the news came in. We are both devastated to hear of the passing of one of the all time greats. We here at PWInsider.com sent along our deepest sympathies to his friends and family. Stu and I will be talking about The Dream. RIP Dream.

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