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had to sell my ticket, i'm working then =/

also, i'm sold for wwe 15

literally threw 14 in the trash after it was the same exact **** as wwe 13

Too bad, it was pretty cool. Bollywood Boyz had an insane match that pretty much took place all over The Commodore. Pic I took from my seat up near the side bar:


Recap of ballroom Brawl II: http://www.eccw.com/news/ballroom-brawl-2/

Gonna have to check out WWE 15, getting a little tired of the games being the same crap year after year. Reminds me of EA with the NHL series.

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TNA is delusional to think they have any chance of signing him. He hated his stint there along with some of his friends who are still there and how badly they've been used.

The belief in WWE is that it’s not in anyone’s best interest to force a renewal of Punk’s contract, so it likely will not be happening. Punk owns the rights to the name ‘CM Punk,’ and is back to using the Punk name on Talking Dead as opposed to his real name, Phil Brooks. Punk has a non-WWE related appearance lined up for AXS TV after his WWE deal expires in a few days.”

There are officials in TNA who are keeping a close eye on this situation as it unfolds. Internally TNA is discussing all avenues and alternatives they could make once CM Punk's deal ends. The company would like to sign him to also show Spike Executives that they could make headlines with a well known wrestling name. We believe however that CM Punk will not jump back into a wrestling ring, period. We can expect CM Punk to do job related adventures outside wrestling.

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Punk has some ventures outside wrestling lined up now that his deal has expired.

CM Punk’s contract with WWE is now officially expired, meaning that he is now able to negotiating deals for business ventures unrelated to WWE.

Due to the fact that Punk had prior usage of the “CM Punk” name prior to joining WWE, it is believed that he will have the rights to the name for any entertainment ventures.

As noted earlier this week, Punk is teasing that he is starting either a podcast or a band, or both.

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Part 2 of JR's interview with Kurt Angle

Here are the highlights:

Angle wants to sign with WWE, but isn't legally allowed to contact them and gauge interest until his TNA contract expires in September

Angle claims he'll pass the WWE drug test and his knee will be healed by the time his TNA contract expires

Angle says he messed up by doing too many painkillers in WWE and ruined his push as face of the company

Angle wants to work with Daniel Bryan, Roman Reigns, Cesaro, Rusev, and again with Brock Lesnar; says Lesnar was the perfect choice to end the streak

Angle says CM Punk should respect part timers because he could end up in that position one day; would have loved to work with Punk if he didn't quit

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Triple H teases a match with Sting in weekly sitdown interview with Michael Cole

* He called Sting one of the biggest Legends in the history of the business. Finally you can see things like Sting vs. Steve Austin, Sting vs. The Rock, Sting vs. The Undertaker and Sting vs. Triple H in the WWE 2K15 video game. Cole brought up Sting vs. Triple H and Triple H said the same thing would happen in real life, he would Pedigree him in the middle of the ring.

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Rock on why Lesnar feud was nixed.

He also stated in another interview there isn't a marquee name on WWE roster right now for him to come back and face at WM having already faced Cena (twice).

The Rock spoke with Michelle Beadle on ESPN's SportsNation on Tuesday. The Rock says he would love to wrestle another match. He says before he got hurt at WrestleMania 29, the plan was to begin a long feud with Brock Lesnar on RAW the next night. He said Rock vs. Brock going to be one of the WrestleMania XXX matches and then possibly another at WrestleMania 31.

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It would be a shame if Punk is done with wrestling for good. Such an incredible talent.

Any idea what kind of podcast he'd have?

Also, has anyone heard Goldberg's podcast? I can't stand it myself. He's so bitter towards WWE and it seems like he's using it to push his right wing agenda. Very off-putting.

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It would be a shame if Punk is done with wrestling for good. Such an incredible talent.

Any idea what kind of podcast he'd have?

Also, has anyone heard Goldberg's podcast? I can't stand it myself. He's so bitter towards WWE and it seems like he's using it to push his right wing agenda. Very off-putting.

It would be a shame if Punk is done with wrestling for good. Such an incredible talent.

Any idea what kind of podcast he'd have?

Also, has anyone heard Goldberg's podcast? I can't stand it myself. He's so bitter towards WWE and it seems like he's using it to push his right wing agenda. Very off-putting.

Goldberg is bitter towards WWE because of his run there and how he was used. It was forgettable.

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Layla and Summer Rae are LayCool 2.0

Apparently the new team of Layla and Summer Rae is seen as the new adaptation of LayCool, Layla's former team with Michelle McCool. It's said that part of the reason they are together is because The Beautiful People are back in TNA. The idea is that they couldn't reunite LayCool so they put Layla with the Diva who looks most like McCool.

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Cena missing Raw which has led to speculation that he's dropping the title Sunday.

Much too early to put title on Reigns. Lesnar should win the strap and hold it until next year and drop it to Reigns at WM, who would get a huge and massive rub by beating the guy who ended The Streak.

Up until a few days ago, WWE World Heavyweight Champion John Cena was still being advertised for this Monday's post-Battleground RAW from Miami but he has been pulled from the listings. Cena will not be there as he has to be on the set of the Trainwreck movie that he is appearing in. This could be seen as a sign that Cena will drop the title at Battleground on Sunday. While it has not been confirmed or even rumored that is the plan, there are a lot of people who feel it's time to "pul the trigger" on Roman Reigns and give him the title on Sunday.

With Brock Lesnar scheduled to return on Monday's RAW, it will be interesting to see how they use him with Cena gone.

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News and Notes

- WWE officials have tossed an idea of having Brock Lesnar vs. Batista at Survivor Series

-Mark Henry is slated to turn heel

-Regarding interest in Kurt Angle from WWE, the last word was that there is very little, if any, interest in bringing Angle back as an in-ring performer.

One source said they could see WWE hiring Angle as a trainer at NXT instead.

-Despite previous reports, Sources say TNA officials will not attempt to discuss negotiations with CM Punk. The company has been having some financial struggles and signing a name like Punk, if he was even interested, would require a large amount of money from their budget.

-Officials are interested in having Ryback turn face soon.

-Former WWE announcer Josh Matthews is negotiating with TNA. No word yet however if a deal will be finalized.

-Stephanie McMahon says that she feels she can do one more match. The latest reports are that her opponent would be against Nikki Bella.

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