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Canucks Misc Stats

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I know many people on this board already know about these stats but I like them since they can sometimes tell more about a player than goals, assists, and plus/minus.

Part of this board are people arguing about how a player's doing but sometimes I think these stats can be used to backup an argument. Facts beat opinions.


Things I noticed from these stats:

- Higgins is now #8 in the league in takeaways with 35.

- Ballard's numbers are pretty steady so I'm not sure why he was a healthy scratch earlier this season.

- Sestito doesn't have a lot of hits (29 in 25 games), especially for a big fourth liner compared to Weise (69 in 33 games) and Lappy (94 in 39 games).

- Hamhuis has a lot of giveaways (30). He's been playing much better in the past couple of months but wow was he terrible early.

- The Sedins really don't hit or block shots (not a surprise and not that we want them to).

- Kassian has many more giveaways (15) than takeaways (8).

- Garrison misses a lot of shots. 72 shots on goal and 44 missed shots.

- Roy is all-around steady!

Like I said, nothing new or groundbreaking for most people but I figure i'd bring it up.

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To me you are clarifying what most rational folks have observed .. this is now our team til the last game this year they play .. but we should base the changes on the whole year, and not just how we finish .. this team could be scary good ..

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Sestito doesn't have more hits than weise because he can't skate as well as Weise and Lappy - lappy's skating has slowed down from him putting muscle on but still a faster skater than Sestito...

but then again when sestito hits .. the guy goes flying and when Weise hits.. it a bit of a bruiser and nothing else

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Loving the Higgins takeaway stat. 8th in the league in takeaways, with so many other great two way forwards, is a nice accomplishment for Higgins. Makes you think Gillis knew what he was doing in rewarding him with a 4 year extension. Higgins is exactly the kind of useful utility player you win Cups with.

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ballard has always been known as a hitter and shotblocker before joining us, he was a hitting and blocking machine in florida but could also possibly be inflated stats as well. funny how much we ruined this guy, now he's just a 14min less than 10 pts dman that doesn't hit that much anymore but last time he tried to hit a guy he whiffed and led to a easy goal

feel like he deserves a chance to play on a different team since he's such a team guy and to get his career back on track.

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