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CDC STHS Hockey League (Season 3)


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GM's I know of that aren't filling there farms.


Russian Rocket

Majical ( he gets a break for now )



I hope the penalty is extremely harsh.

The only "reasonable" excuse for not dressing a full roster would be that you just made a trade and don't have enough AHLers to fill out a roster; even then. That can be rectified so fast that there isn't much of an excuse for going more than a game or two without doing your lines.

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STHS as a whole is a big game, NHL, AHL, filling positions etc. I think the AHL team is as important as the NHL team therefor this is my thought.

If you have more then 1 Unknown player for an extended period of time then your top NHL player will be suspended until your team is filled and you start paying attention too all aspects of this game.

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STHS as a whole is a big game, NHL, AHL, filling positions etc. I think the AHL team is as important as the NHL team therefor this is my thought.

If you have more then 1 Unknown player for an extended period of time then your NHL all-star player will be suspended until your team is filled and you start paying attention too all aspects of this game.

I agree that the AHL is as important as the NHL; however -

What good is this now though?

The warnings were dished out at the beginning of the season.

Time to pay up for being lazy.

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I agree that the AHL is as important as the NHL; however -

What good is this now though?

The warnings were dished out at the beginning of the season.

Time to pay up for being lazy.

Doubt it will happen, hell even VC has 4 unknown players for a whole bunch of games recently.

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I've been trying to claim as many players as I can so that I can send down all the AHL caliber players. Unfortunately Kris Russel, who had no business being claimed, was claimed. I can only do so much as agm.

Here is your list of uncreated players..

Taylor Leier


Atte Makinen


Marcel Noebels


Petr Placek


Matt Ford


Haydn Fleury


Michael Parks


Jerret Smith


Shane Harper


Ryan Kujawinski


Derek Mathers


Spencer Martin


Luke Pither


Tyler Hostetter


Valeri Vasiliev


Jakub Kovar


Colin Suellentrop


Nick Luukko


Ricard Blidstrand



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Well it's obviously too late to do anything about it now, but next season this does need to be addressed. I will even volunteer my services to make sure people have full AHL rosters.

Too late?

Playoffs are coming up, everyone has had far more than ample opportunity.

TBH, I'd say any AHL teams that are in the playoffs with Unknown players should be automatically kicked to the bottom of their division/conference.

This way they lose out on some valuable AHL prospect development time.

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Too late?

Playoffs are coming up, everyone has had far more than ample opportunity.

TBH, I'd say any AHL teams that are in the playoffs with Unknown players should be automatically kicked to the bottom of their division/conference.

This way they lose out on some valuable AHL prospect development time.

I mean it's too late if you don't have the players to fill a roster, unless VC and SOB allow people to sign AHL free agents.

If you have the players, but just choose not to dress them, then yes they have no excuse.

Also haven't been paying attention too much to this, but have the goalies been getting off nights for some teams?

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I mean it's too late if you don't have the players to fill a roster, unless VC and SOB allow people to sign AHL free agents.

If you have the players, but just choose not to dress them, then yes they have no excuse.

Also haven't been paying attention too much to this, but have the goalies been getting off nights for some teams?

Some have, some haven't

I'm thinking of spiking down EN & DU of goalies with the next rerates that get played too much to force GM's to run 2 goalies for balance.

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Some have, some haven't

I'm thinking of spiking down EN & DU of goalies with the next rerates that get played too much to force GM's to run 2 goalies for balance.

Sounds good are you going to make Hugh Jessimen a 50 goal scorer as well? :P

Just bugging you Insom :bigblush:

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I wanted to ask everybody's opinion on something regarding re-rates

if a player is firing the way he "should be" Should he just be left alone?

Risking a "re-rate" and having a player that you relied upon this season suddenly become a walking turd doesn't sound too good.

What I was thinking was being much MUCH more subtle with re-rates this time; with some exceptions to try and get players playing somewhat like their real life counter-parts(Try to get Stamkos back up to 40+ Goals, Cory Perry not being god of PIMs, etc.)

I just don't see the point in touching players like Kronwall, Kane & Crosby when they're already dominating the league in the ways that they should be.


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Why not just enforce the proposed goalie rule that was discussed this past off-season? Teams still have a chance to play their back-up before the playoffs.

Took a look at what teams could probably play their backups.







Should be a rule where a team can't play a goalie 68 of 70 games and then all of a sudden play there backup a bunch of games at the end.

A team like Pittsburgh can play his backup, because he will probably win the presidents trophy and it won't matter

A team like Philly can use there backup now, because they are out of the playoffs, so it won't matter there either. You could almost accuse them of tanking if this was the case.

However a team like Carolina who is in a battle for a playoff spot can't really afford to play his backup right now, so forcing him to play his backup might hurt his chances.

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Took a look at what teams could probably play their backups.







Should be a rule where a team can't play a goalie 68 of 70 games and then all of a sudden play there backup a bunch of games at the end.

A team like Pittsburgh can play his backup, because he will probably win the presidents trophy and it won't matter

A team like Philly can use there backup now, because they are out of the playoffs, so it won't matter there either. You could almost accuse them of tanking if this was the case.

However a team like Carolina who is in a battle for a playoff spot can't really afford to play his backup right now, so forcing him to play his backup might hurt his chances.

Budaj has 7 GP brah

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I think the rule was in place, and it was up to gm's when to play them. Some want to push the guy till he's out of gas, others will try to match vs a poorly playing team. Its the gm's fault if the games limit is coming up at the wrong time

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