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CDC Haxball League


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Really sucks we lost, but it was a really fun season and on behalf of Bangkok I would like to thank Toews for doing a great job running this league and to Huntsville for a job well done. Good luck in the finals!

It was hard for me to come into the playoffs after a week away from haxball at camp and just returning yesterday, then being out all day and coming home 5 minutes before we started game 2. Not my best performance but there really wasn't anything I could do about it.

Really excited about next season if there is one and watch for me to breakout as a goalie! :P

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ggs bangkok. probably wasn't the best start, but game 2 was great imo. thx for staying around to play out the series

shoutouts to scorekeepers team n otis for scorekeepin

shoutouts to commissioner intoews for commissionin

shoutouts to spectators ryp for spectating

shoutouts to players spoder, kate, gmen, 112, umb, je, shink, burr, fed (even if it was only less than half a game) for playing

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Despite all the drama that followed our team, from insom rage quitting to Fed getting frustrated with rookie haxballers, I must say I enjoyed this season. Kaz was a great captain and kept a level head the whole time.

I look forward to what next season can bring and hopefully things will go better then this year. And one final note


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ggs bangkok. probably wasn't the best start, but game 2 was great imo. thx for staying around to play out the series

shoutouts to scorekeepers team n otis for scorekeepin

shoutouts to commissioner intoews for commissionin

shoutouts to spectators ryp for spectating

shoutouts to players spoder, kate, gmen, 112, umb, je, shink, burr, fed (even if it was only less than half a game) for playing

Otis getting lots of love i love u too CL

Despite all the drama that followed our team, from insom rage quitting to Fed getting frustrated with rookie haxballers, I must say I enjoyed this season. Kaz was a great captain and kept a level head the whole time.

I look forward to what next season can bring and hopefully things will go better then this year. And one final note


This post was great until the last part, then it just became the best post of the thread.

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