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6th Pick: 2014 NHL Entry Draft


6th Pick   

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It's all subjective by nature.

The question is always in the ability of the viewer to make a suitable evaluation.

The ratings provided don't speak well to me. Very different than my own so, subjectively, I will completely disregard it.

I dunno, I haven't seen much battle level from Nylander either. Have you?
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Lol, no. I mean battle level. Like actual battling for pucks.

Thinking no. It's okay. He's not that kind of player and never will be.

That's your subjective opinion.

I disagree. I've seen quite a bit of that. His game against Russia a couple of weeks ago was phenomenal. His game against Canada was also very good.

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That's your subjective opinion.

I disagree. I've seen quite a bit of that. His game against Russia a couple of weeks ago was phenomenal. His game against Canada was also very good.

Subjectively, I noticed that he did nothing against Canada, but Virtanen wasn't invisble against Nylander's team. Subjectively, of course.
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Subjectively, I noticed that he did nothing against Canada, but Virtanen wasn't invisble against Nylander's team. Subjectively, of course.

Regardless.... objectively his rankings were atrocious especially in the comparison of Virtanen and Ritchie.

It's quite obvious, to me at least, that he constructed his evaluation to display a desired result as opposed to an honest description if what can be seen by comparative gameplay.

It's fine that you, or he, don't like Nylander as a prospect. I've never tried to convince you otherwise. I do find disingenuous statements to slag a draft eligible player, at the top of his draft class, to be shameful.

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Nobody's doing that though. It just needs to be noted on what type of player he's going to be. Skill. Buttery skill. This is fairly obvious to anyone who's watched him.

Again, it will come down to what type of player the Canucks want. Unless one of the top-5 fall, there's softish skill or bigger, tougher guys available. I'm thinking Virtanen's quite skilled too though, so that's where I'm at. Subjectively.

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Nobody's doing that though. It just needs to be noted on what type of player he's going to be. Skill. Buttery skill. This is fairly obvious to anyone who's watched him.

Again, it will come down to what type of player the Canucks want. Unless one of the top-5 fall, there's softish skill or bigger, tougher guys available. I'm thinking Virtanen's quite skilled too though, so that's where I'm at. Subjectively.

He has most certainly been doing that to many players. Consistently.

It's no more true than saying Virtanen is one trick pony.

Both are blatantly incorrect and subjectively biased. Repeating it over and over again doesn't make it more true, it makes a person look incapable of objective evaluation.

It's pointless to ceiling any player with that amount of skill, especially those at the top of their draft class, long before they reach their maturity as players.

But that's fine. I'm confident my evaluation is better than yours or BanTSN's. I'm sure you feel the opposite. You don't put stock in mine and I don't put stock in yours. I'll save my regard for people I think can make a balanced appraisal. No one is changing anyone's mind here.

We have to let the players speak for themselves with their play. Over time.

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He has most certainly been doing that to many players. Consistently.

It's no more true than saying Virtanen is one trick pony.

Both are blatantly incorrect and subjectively biased. Repeating it over and over again doesn't make it more true, it makes a person look incapable of objective evaluation.

It's pointless to ceiling any player with that amount of skill, especially those at the top of their draft class, long before they reach their maturity as players.

But that's fine. I'm confident my evaluation is better than yours or BanTSN's. I'm sure you feel the opposite. You don't put stock in mine and I don't put stock in yours. I'll save my regard for people I think can make a balanced appraisal. No one is changing anyone's mind here.

We have to let the players speak for themselves with their play. Over time.

You'll have to pardon me if i'm skeptical on soft skill appraisal these days.

Hmm, I wonder if Jordan Schroeder received similar high praise at the time. I believe he did. He was close to top of his class based on all that skill as well. He was even supposed to be somehow better than soft skill Hodgson, making Hodgson a redundant commodity. And then there's Shinkaruk, also near the top of his class based on skill, who went on to be significantly hurt right out the gate, like Coho, and Schroeder.

At what time do you just open your eyes and consider NHL transferability with prospects?

I don't think Canucks fans are this blind. They can see the soft skill failing and are wanting legit prospects in the fold now. This is what they're hoping, no, praying the Linden era will bring.

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I'm not sure if its been mentioned, but why has it come to a conclusion that the Islanders will "NOT" give up their 5th overall to the Sabres? I think they will be better than that next year and in a stronger draft albeit not getting a top5 pick.

The Sabres will get the 5th and will likely go off the board to suit a team need, since they're already getting the 2nd. If Florida picks Ekblad, I can see the Sabres possibly selecting Fleury. That's the only two defensemen worth mentioning off the board in 5 picks. In this totally made-up scenario one of Bennett or Dal Colle will fall to us at 6th.
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He has most certainly been doing that to many players. Consistently.

It's no more true than saying Virtanen is one trick pony.

Both are blatantly incorrect and subjectively biased. Repeating it over and over again doesn't make it more true, it makes a person look incapable of objective evaluation.

It's pointless to ceiling any player with that amount of skill, especially those at the top of their draft class, long before they reach their maturity as players.

But that's fine. I'm confident my evaluation is better than yours or BanTSN's. I'm sure you feel the opposite. You don't put stock in mine and I don't put stock in yours. I'll save my regard for people I think can make a balanced appraisal. No one is changing anyone's mind here.

We have to let the players speak for themselves with their play. Over time.

Well Minister ... you know what ought to be done? About 3 days away from the draft we need to create a thread where everybody has one post and one post only (their first one - can be edited up until one hour before the draft) to name their top 10/ top 20/ top 30 and then it will be on perminent record. Then the thread creator can go back after the draft, tally all the results and then we can tell who are the real geniuses out there, or in here. I would find that entertaining because in this case I know enough to know that I don't know enough to know, but I'd give it a shot.

I'm not sure if its been mentioned, but why has it come to a conclusion that the Islanders will "NOT" give up their 5th overall to the Sabres? I think they will be better than that next year and in a stronger draft albeit not getting a top5 pick.

Really I think it's youngsters that don't fully understand math or life at this point but run a computer phone like the dickens, or those that don't understand hockey fully.

They are somehow confusing a draft pick in the lottery range as a pretty sure bet to land McDavid when in reality the Isles 12-17 overall will only garner them a 1% chance of first pick. Trading a 5th pick for a 14th pick because you get a 1% at 1st is pretty stupid.

For those that don't get it. 5 >>>>> 14, even with the stronger draft year.

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I'm not sure if its been mentioned, but why has it come to a conclusion that the Islanders will "NOT" give up their 5th overall to the Sabres? I think they will be better than that next year and in a stronger draft albeit not getting a top5 pick.

Giving up their pick this year would just be telling the fans to get ready for another garbage year

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Well Minister ... you know what ought to be done? About 3 days away from the draft we need to create a thread where everybody has one post and one post only (their first one - can be edited up until one hour before the draft) to name their top 10/ top 20/ top 30 and then it will be on perminent record. Then the thread creator can go back after the draft, tally all the results and then we can tell who are the real geniuses out there, or in here. I would find that entertaining because in this case I know enough to know that I don't know enough to know, but I'd give it a shot.

You know, man, I was probably going to do that anyway as I have for most years. In fact, most of the info is stored in the draft day thread. It's a shame we'd have to go into the archives to find past years.

I think it's important to note how you think the draft will go versus how you think it should go. The latter is only provable many years on.

I always need to hold my picks back until after my CDCGML draft as I don't want to tip my hat at players I have my eye on. As far as that track record goes, my entire draft history is stored on my About Me page if you click the link in my sig. In that case though there are some organizational choices I made early on, that were pool influenced, that I wouldn't do again. But as far as that goes, I at least have a provable draft record.

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What's the point of tabelling predictions when if a player fails, 'draft hindsight' is an automatic easy out?

Even Canucks scouts themselves.

"Sorry, can't blame us. Hindsight. (Even though we saw major flaws and chose to ignore them.)"

-Throw hands in air.

-Walk away.

I thought Gillis was going to be some relief in this regard. And while he's improved things definitely, there are still the WTF total misses that draw a lot of attention. Holy Jesus I hope Linden and the new GM changes things for the better around here. Please? Pleeeeeease Jesus?

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People dont need to freak out its not like T.L is a bonehead. he out of Nonis/Gillis knows what to look for Burke is a fruitcake. T.L played the game is a true fan of the canucks. is a former first rnd#2 pick overall pick. i think he stay away from euros. he'll prolly wait and see if the top 5 are still available if not go with Virtanen.

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BanTSN needs to watch Ehlers more. His compete level is excellent, his mobility is excellent, his defensive game is underrated. It is definitely better than Nylanders. Ehlers also has an excellent scoring touch and drive to score. He'll take a hit to make a play and he isn't afraid of throwing his, albeit thin, body.

Nylander's release is actually very good, he has a way of smoothly rolling the puck off of his blade during wrist shots that is very fluid and very quick.

I would also state that Virtanen's anticipation is pretty horrid. The times I've watched him play, he has been at the wrong place at the wrong time consistently and it has disrupted the cycle. He needs to either hit the books/footage and learn his role/position perfectly to the point where it is just instinct to go to the right place or have a coach drill it into his head.

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very single one of the left over big 4 has a glaring weakness that could make or break their NHL careers. It's up to the Canucks scouting staff to basically guess which prospect is most likely to overcome this weakness.

Virtanen - all the tools but does he have the tool box for the next level?

Ritchie - is he just another big guy that dominates juniors?

Ehlers - so small and not much room to fill in

Nylander - Is he just another soft skilled perimeter playing Euro?

I wouldn't want to be the guy making the choice, all have the skills and potential to be elite yet all have the potential to be almost complete busts.

I guess you consider this post as proof that you are ..........one of the most thought out posters on here :rolleyes:

Nice analysis. The only one you said anything good about was Virtanen.

Virtanen = He is Mr Wonderfull but we dont know if he can translate it yet.

All the others= They are too small, to euro, too big and lumbering. :rolleyes:

How objective can you get. And to think I was convinced your posts were nonsense.

I guess your Guru 'the minister' taught you everything you know right? You should get yourself a new master.

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BanTSN needs to watch Ehlers more. His compete level is excellent, his mobility is excellent, his defensive game is underrated. It is definitely better than Nylanders. Ehlers also has an excellent scoring touch and drive to score. He'll take a hit to make a play and he isn't afraid of throwing his, albeit thin, body.

Nylander's release is actually very good, he has a way of smoothly rolling the puck off of his blade during wrist shots that is very fluid and very quick.

I would also state that Virtanen's anticipation is pretty horrid. The times I've watched him play, he has been at the wrong place at the wrong time consistently and it has disrupted the cycle. He needs to either hit the books/footage and learn his role/position perfectly to the point where it is just instinct to go to the right place or have a coach drill it into his head.

What I have seen of Virtanen is he whails around the ice in a north south motion much like a bowling ball. I came to the conclusion he was Raffi Torres redux , who was drafted 5th overall.

Torres also has little hockey sense and only knows how to play the game one way. However, I instead choose to believe the kid is only 17 so he will improve on these qualities. He will never be cerebral nor dynamic but he could end up a solid pro nonetheless. I dont take him at #6. Ehlers and Nylander are elite talents.

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