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Saudi Arabia declares all atheists are terrorists in new law


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You hurt me again.

Let me get this straight - you are saying you are far better than everyone else right? Wow. You should try a cup of humility for a change.

Wrong. Your facts are wrong. Which means they are not FACTS at all.

Some religious people have caused a lot of pain and suffering and some religious people just don't get it.

Just as some non religious people have caused a lot of pain and suffering and some none religious people just don't get it.

Heretic you replied to a post that was a reply to another member , in that post he pointed out that all groups of people,and in particular athiests, agnostics and religious people are made up of good, bad and indifferent people.

I pointed out while that is true it is religious people that have brought so much pain and suffering into the world in the name of their god and their beliefs and it continues to this day.

This is not the case with agnostics , we have not gone into other cultures and forced our beliefs on them , we have not started religious wars like the crusades , we do not hi-jack planes and fly them into buildings , we have not had pogroms like the Inquistion.

You have tried to trivialise what i have said , you claimed i hurt you by stating simple facts in a non offensive way , do you think the pain you are feeling now equates to the pain i felt when i found out that people driven by their religious beliefs drugged my biological mother and forced her to sign adoption papers farming me out to a devout catholic couple ?

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Heretic you replied to a post that was a reply to another member , in that post he pointed out that all groups of people,and in particular athiests, agnostics and religious people are made up of good, bad and indifferent people.

I pointed out while that is true it is religious people that have brought so much pain and suffering into the world in the name of their god and their beliefs and it continues to this day.

This is not the case with agnostics , we have not gone into other cultures and forced our beliefs on them , we have not started religious wars like the crusades , we do not hi-jack planes and fly them into buildings , we have not had pogroms like the Inquistion.

You have tried to trivialise what i have said , you claimed i hurt you by stating simple facts in a non offensive way , do you think the pain you are feeling now equates to the pain i felt when i found out that people driven by their religious beliefs drugged my biological mother and forced her to sign adoption papers farming me out to a devout catholic couple ?

No - but you tell me that religion is tolerated yet you want all references of it removed so that children don't get to choose on their own.

You want the the National Anthem changed and money changed so that the word God isn't there.

It's okay for you to "advertise" your belief but not okay for me.

I didn't try to trivialize anything - I was making a point that regardless of your beliefs, we are all humankind, unfortunately, the "kind" is forgotten by all lot of people.

Oh - flying planes into buildings wasn't done in "the name of religion" - that's just what non religious people want to say - blame all wars and all violence on religion. Also, most of the "in the name of religion" wasn't the cause of the war - there was underlying reasons - religion was used as a tool - not the cause.

If you actually looked for the facts you would see that non religion has caused more pain and suffering than all the religious groups combined.

Not that, that is any consolation nor a plus for religion. Like I said - all of mankind has forgotten that the word "kind" is part of us. People are the problem - all of us.

Yes, I know(remember) your story of what happened to you and your family and it was disgusting and unfortunate and I wish it had never happened.

But that is not me nor many like me.

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No - but you tell me that religion is tolerated yet you want all references of it removed so that children don't get to choose on their own.

You want the the National Anthem changed and money changed so that the word God isn't there.

It's okay for you to "advertise" your belief but not okay for me.

I didn't try to trivialize anything - I was making a point that regardless of your beliefs, we are all humankind, unfortunately, the "kind" is forgotten by all lot of people.

Oh - flying planes into buildings wasn't done in "the name of religion" - that's just what non religious people want to say - blame all wars and all violence on religion. Also, most of the "in the name of religion" wasn't the cause of the war - there was underlying reasons - religion was used as a tool - not the cause.

If you actually looked for the facts you would see that non religion has caused more pain and suffering than all the religious groups combined.

Not that, that is any consolation nor a plus for religion. Like I said - all of mankind has forgotten that the word "kind" is part of us. People are the problem - all of us.

Yes, I know(remember) your story of what happened to you and your family and it was disgusting and unfortunate and I wish it had never happened.

But that is not me nor many like me.

Where have i said that i want all traces of religion removed ? I have stated in other threads that i believe at a congregational level religion can sometimes be acceptable ,it is the men who use other people belief in a god to manipulate and control them that I despise.

I have had a son late in life , I will try my best not to let the what has happened to me affect the way i teach him to have an open mind and aquire as much information as he can to formulate his own ideas and come to his own conclusions.

I could not give a rats arse about the australian national anthem , i am one of the least nationalistic posters on this board, i believe nationalism is detrimental to our species, your claim that i want god removed from our anthem and money is ridiculous , i have never stated this, you really should get your facts right.

Yeah i know we are all human , some groups of humans cause more pain and suffering than others the amount of crimes against humanity perpetrated by religious people in the name of their god and beliefs is an affront to humanity, and it continues to this day.

Those planes were flown by men who believed the were acting in their gods name , they were religiously motivated if you think otherwise you are wrong.

You refuse to admit that religious people have caused a tremendous amount of pain and suffering in this world in the name of their beliefs and god , you have not provided any evidence to refute my claim that agnostics have not brought pain and suffering into this world in the name of their beliefs, all you have done is make absurd claims.

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Where have i said that i want all traces of religion removed ? I have stated in other threads that i believe at a congregational level religion can sometimes be acceptable ,it is the men who use other people belief in a god to manipulate and control them that I despise.

I have had a son late in life , I will try my best not to let the what has happened to me affect the way i teach him to have an open mind and aquire as much information as he can to formulate his own ideas and come to his own conclusions.

I could not give a rats arse about the australian national anthem , i am one of the least nationalistic posters on this board, i believe nationalism is detrimental to our species, your claim that i want god removed from our anthem and money is ridiculous , i have never stated this, you really should get your facts right.

Yeah i know we are all human , some groups of humans cause more pain and suffering than others the amount of crimes against humanity perpetrated by religious people in the name of their god and beliefs is an affront to humanity, and it continues to this day.

Those planes were flown by men who believed the were acting in their gods name , they were religiously motivated if you think otherwise you are wrong.

You refuse to admit that religious people have caused a tremendous amount of pain and suffering in this world in the name of their beliefs and god , you have not provided any evidence to refute my claim that agnostics have not brought pain and suffering into this world in the name of their beliefs, all you have done is make absurd claims.

Source? Proof? Hearsay? Absurd claim?

I did not say religious people have not caused pain and suffering. I said everyone has. Big difference.

Sorry my "you" was a generalization you, not you specific, sorry I didn't make it clear.

Here's some "facts" for you about your "claim" that religious people have caused more harm:


All I'm asking is that you stop blaming religion and start blaming man.

Edit: I plus'ed you as I didn't word my comments the right way - but I never said I was perfect nor that I have never caused anyone pain and suffering.

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It is best not to argue,

But if you do at all,

Never do so with a fool.

A fool can defeat all.

He does not care for the facts.

He does not know debate.

He’s a stranger to reason.

Logic he can negate.

In the end the fool will win,

His logic is so strong!

Decides what he does not like

And then it must be wrong!

It’s better to keep quiet

When challenged by a fool.

Else, to prove his own wisdom,

He will make you a tool.

It is hence my policy

To not respond to those

Who ask questions not to learn

But to be bellicose.

M C Gupta

25 October 2008

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Source? Proof? Hearsay? Absurd claim?

I did not say religious people have not caused pain and suffering. I said everyone has. Big difference.

Sorry my "you" was a generalization you, not you specific, sorry I didn't make it clear.

Here's some "facts" for you about your "claim" that religious people have caused more harm:


All I'm asking is that you stop blaming religion and start blaming man.

Edit: I plus'ed you as I didn't word my comments the right way - but I never said I was perfect nor that I have never caused anyone pain and suffering.

I am a humanist , as i have stated many times on this forum i believe we are all linked that what effects one of us effects all , i try to live my life by the first indigenous principle which is a part of this quote from a Steve Newcomb article ," They are also spiritually significant steps toward creating a way of life that is no longer based on greed and subjugation. Perhaps then we will be able to use our newfound solidarity to begin to create a lifestyle based on the first indigenous principle: "Respect the Earth and have a Sacred Regard for All Living Things."

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