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Telus Enforces Internet Overage Limits Starting Mar 30


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I've been a DSL Telus user since I could first get it.

Hated the cable internet - great if you're in a low usage neighbourhood - otherwise it sucked. Lag spikes all the time and usually at the worst time.

Just think of the model.

1000 homes connected to a switch - they share the bandwidth of that switch until it gets to the POP, then the Internet.

With DSL, no shared bandwidth to the POP, then the Internet.

I don't care if you can get a 20 ping in a game to a server with cable - what I care about is consistency. Sure, I may be at 35 ping - but it stays there - not the cable crap spikes because your neighbour starts up a torrent and downloads Lord Of The Rings...

My beef against Telus though is that their offerings aren't available to everyone.

I have the equivalent to Telus Internet 15 (150 GB download).

Telus Internet 30 is $5 more a month (250 GB dl) - but not available to me - I've using about 150-180GB as month.

I don't think it's fair that I'm going to be charged more for usage because they can NOT provide me with the next tier.

Oh, the cable companies are too cheap - they don't provide to my area at all.

Don't act as if one is is infinitely better than the other. Both have their pros and cons based on massive amounts of variables.

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My Telus story from awhile back. My wireless internet connection was awful after having been fine...would constantly sign me out and, during poker tournaments, was a huge pain. After following up with Telus, they told me the Airport on my iMac was dead and that was creating the problems. So I believed them to be the experts, ditched my computer and got another...guess what? Same issues persisted and then no internet at all.

Booked an appt. to have someone come out - no show. But they said they did come/check and things were fine from the outside so it was a problem from the inside. I didn't think they had shown up, because I was here all day waiting/watching.

They sent some stoner two days later in follow up, but "confirmed" the problem was my computer or something inside causing problems.

Long story short, they were liars. I called someone else to come out and they found that wires had been disconnected and not properly reconnected (outside). It took him 2 minutes to get things back to good. I called Telus, told them to cancel my service and have gone with Shaw ever since (for everything...more than happy with them).

And Telus....haha, tried to pursue me for an outstanding amount owing for $40.00 after I cancelled my service. They actually sent it to collections...I owned the guy when he said "are YOU really fighting this over such a small amount?...how ridiculous". To which I said "think about this....so are you". They eventually backed off when I sent them the bill for the guy who did come out and told them I wasn't paying a penny for service I hadn't received. They went away.

On topic...more and more, we're being gouged for services that are monopolized by a few...pushes people away. I don't mind paying for stuff, but don't sign people on only to continue to find ways to increase their bill afterward.

Dear God, have my children :bigblush:

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Don't act as if one is is infinitely better than the other. Both have their pros and cons based on massive amounts of variables.


Who's acting? My answer is based on experience. I got stuck with Shaw in Calgary for 2 years - it was a nightmare.

DSL is better for my needs.

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Who's acting? My answer is based on experience. I got stuck with Shaw in Calgary for 2 years - it was a nightmare.

DSL is better for my needs.

Based on my experience I've seen both work exceptionally well and exceptionally poorly. There's literally a ton of variables. Just because you had a certain experience doesn't mean it's the same for everybody everywhere. Typically you're going to see better service through a hybrid fiber coaxial isp compared to adsl. But if there system is $&!# and the nodes are all saturated, well - you're going to have some issues. Also, if the telco is running fiber to the premise it's going to be leaps and bounds better than adsl over pots.

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