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Roma refugees victims of systemic discrimination in Canada, new report finds

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Gypsies here in Sweden have started to appeal for refugee status even though they're from other European Union countries and there is no basis for claim. Guess what? This f---tard government is letting them anyways.

They're flowing into Sweden, not taking any jobs, just sitting on every corner on the street begging for money, which is all an organized racket by some higher up gypsy. Guess what else these lib-tards are doing for them? Giving their children free daycare while mommy and daddy are begging all day. Really this is what my taxes are going to?

These people aren't persecuted. What a load of horsecrap.

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Maybe I'm missing a few things but....

Most of the Roma claiming refugee status are from the EU and with EU passports, right? Wouldn't that be like the equivalent of someone from the poor Appalachians claiming to be a refugee too? Kinda awkward in my position.

Are those Roma people in Canada living the typical Canadian-immigrant life (eg. LINC classes, getting career skills, getting a job, etc) or living the stereotypical "Gypsie life" (eg. begging, fencing, peddling, etc)? If it's the latter, then boot them out.

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