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Marijuana dispensary regulations approved in Vancouver

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I also dont understand why edibles arent allowed for medicinal consumption. It makes more sense than smoking it. Maybe because children could mistake it for sweets. But that could easily be solved with warning labels on the packaging.

I believe the supreme Court just ruled that edibles are now legal for medical consumption

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The anti-legalization position is basically willful, head in the sand ignorance. They know nothing about the issue, dont care enough to know more or know anyone who benefits from the medicinal use. Control freaks. Anti progress. Modern day puritans.

The pro-legalization side is just as ignorant. There should be a balanced debate about marijuana. The pros and cons, not just the one sided view that pot is harmless.

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I believe the supreme Court just ruled that edibles are now legal for medical consumption

Problem is the legal regulations for medical consumption. Have not yet been amended by Health Canada. If medical patients are obtaining their cannabis legally under the law... they have to get it from a government licensed producer..who have to follow the MMPR regulations that only allow for whole buds..until health Canada gets off their asses and changes the law.

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The pro-legalization side is just as ignorant. There should be a balanced debate about marijuana. The pros and cons, not just the one sided view that pot is harmless.

That's garbage and you know it. Outside of teens and hippies, nobody is making the argument that pot is completely harmless and should be sold next to candy and soda at 7/11. There should be a balanced debate, but it won't happen until the government of the day says so. There's a reason Canada doesn't have many studies on pot, and it's not due to lack of willing participants.

Blame for the marijuana situation falls squarely in the government's lap, not stoners'.

And I'd like to see you try to make an anti-legalization argument that doesn't rely on emotions and ignorance of your audience. I would bet my forum rep that you couldn't get more than an opening sentence down. That in contrast to the pro-legalization side that touches on everything, from effective regulation to increased tax revenues to general freedoms.

Lol, "pro-legalization side just as ignorant". That's a funny one.

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Problem is the legal regulations for medical consumption. Have not yet been amended by Health Canada. If medical patients are obtaining their cannabis legally under the law... they have to get it from a government licensed producer..who have to follow the MMPR regulations that only allow for whole buds..until health Canada gets off their asses and changes the law.

I believe the Supreme Court ruling was less than 2 weeks ago, so I would give them chance as regulations don't just write themselves instantly.

More related to the thread, dispensaries (from what I've seen) are a joke. Pretty much anyone can BS their way into getting a membership card. Not that I'm against it, but if the goal is to keep weed out of the hands of people who don't need it, then it's not really effective. I still think you should be able to buy it recreationally, but that's a different story.

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The regulation is actually a good thing in my opinion...and the opinion of my local dispensary. It gives a measure of legitimacy as well as stops the market from growing to quickly.

There are too many dispensaries as it is now.


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The pro-legalization side is just as ignorant. There should be a balanced debate about marijuana. The pros and cons, not just the one sided view that pot is harmless.

I haven't heard many people argue that weed is harmless. Sure you might see the odd stoner kid posting something to that effect on his FB page, but you can't judge an enitre movement by what some 17 year old says to his buddies. The people actually participating in the debate (as well as much of the general public) recognize the risks and are in favour of proper regulation.

I have heard the argument many times that weed is less harmful than alcohol and tobacco, which can be easily backed up. I haven't heard many people say it's harmless.

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Also this:

The strongest and most profound piece of evidence was established in 1936 by Sula Benet, a Polish etymologist from the Institute of Anthropological Sciences in Warsaw. Benet later stated that: "In the original Hebrew text of the Old Testament there are references to hemp, both as incense, which was an integral part of religious celebration, and as an intoxicant". Through comparative etymological study, Bennett documented that in the Old Testament and in its Aramaic translation, the Targum Onculos, hemp is referred to as q'neh bosm which (variously translated as kaneh bosem, keneh bosem, kaniebosm ) . . .

Benet's etymological research regarding the Hebrew terms q'eneh bosem' and q'eneh' was based upon tracing the modern word 'cannabis' back through history to show the similarities between the cognitive pronunciation of cannabis and q'eneh bosem' and as well as compared the term to the names used for cannabis by contemporary kingdoms, such as the Assyrian and Babylonians terms for the plant 'qunubu'. . . .

This use of an Indo-European word in the Semitic language shows that the ritual use of cannabis came to the Hebrews from foreign sources and as an item of trade, it retained the core aspects of its original name. . . . "Chrismation was ...a mode of administering healing balms . . . Cannabis sativa (kaneh bosm, usually translated "aromatic cane") is combined with perfuming spices (cinnamon, cassia, and myrrh) in oil.

KNowledge bomb has been deployed.... christian minds are being blown .

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KNowledge bomb has been deployed.... christian minds are being blown .

Mine isn't. I'm okay with it being used in medicines like that. It's just, people shouldn't abuse it or let it take away from their relationships.

Be the master over ___________, don't let it master you.

(any thing)

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Did you not hear what Rona said: "THEY'VE BEEN CAUGHT SELLING TO KIDS!!!"

If true then those retailers need to be shut down and thrown in jail. Pot and a developing mind just do not mix. It is proven that use before the brain has fully developed can severely stunt or retard certain cognitive functions.

It is no where near as deadly as say alcohol but would you give alcohol to a child ? Common sense needs to prevail here. It is a plant that has been cultivated for it's massive array of uses including getting high.

The industrial and commercial applications that can be derived from every ounce of the plant is staggering. Society really needs to get our priorities straight.

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