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Mafia: Pandemic [Game Over: Mafia wins]

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2 minutes ago, Master Radishes said:

I literally brought up another possibility (one infection every two rounds) in that same post. It is not even controversial to suggest the mafia get an infection every round.


You're as bad at Ceres as making facts fit a narrative.

I haven't laid out any narrative. 


Bit touchy aren't we?

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1 hour ago, Ceres said:


This is such a slip. That idea would not cross his mind of he's a villager here.

Of course it would. I often err on the side of TP vs TP on counterclaims until logic suggests otherwise. And I even mentioned (later) your tendency to fake claim, which is what crossed my mind immediately.


This is what I mean about you constructing a narrative. I urge everyone to actually read my posts that Ceres thinks are slips and think for themselves here.

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4 minutes ago, Master Radishes said:

Again, constructing a narrative. I very much have not. I've probably discussed mechanics less than you.

Again, constructing a narrative. I very much have not. I've probably discussed narratives less than you.

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58 minutes ago, Ceres said:



Lucky's early posts have him targeting MR. I don't really see this happening if they've started as wolves together. Especially with how vindicated he sounded when I revealed my result.

You're trying to clear Lucky just because he said 'MR is sus' and then feeling vindicated when you revealed your claim?


Ceres and Lucky are probably scummates. If I'm town!Ceres, I see Lucky's early weak read on scum!MR as trying to low-key bus a partner for later cred.

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29 minutes ago, Blue Jay 22 said:

If you are TP, besides your death, what advantage would !scum Ceres gain by lying about this situation for his team? He subsequently gets lynched if you are lynched and flipped TP...why would he sacrifice himself just to take you out in that scenario?

Time. I'm actually thinking they probably get an infection every two rounds (too OP otherwise), and if it's a really small team (2-3) this buys them time to get another infection in, especially if only one of them (PZ) can do it. Ceres is probably not PZ in this scenario.

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5 minutes ago, Master Radishes said:

You're trying to clear Lucky just because he said 'MR is sus' and then feeling vindicated when you revealed your claim?


Ceres and Lucky are probably scummates. If I'm town!Ceres, I see Lucky's early weak read on scum!MR as trying to low-key bus a partner for later cred.

There are more reasons than that. Something something narrative.



I can totally tell you're annoyed and think that the logic behind my reads is bad, even though I'm probably coming to the right conclusions. 

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1 minute ago, Master Radishes said:

This is just becoming so obvious and it's so annoying - Ceres never gets to properly outwit me and he's going to be so pleased with himself over this. :lol:


I'm going to supatown this for you guys and find Ceres' probable teammates for you, since you're going to lose the Sheriff tonight.

Yup, there is it. I know you truly don't like me dominating you right now but this isn't a question of wit. I have a red check. Cest la vie!

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1 minute ago, Ceres said:

There are more reasons than that. Something something narrative.



I can totally tell you're annoyed and think that the logic behind my reads is bad, even though I'm probably coming to the right conclusions. 

I'm annoyed, yeah. You don't usually Big Play me out, I Big Play you out. You're going to be so smug afterwards. <_<


Also, this is going to be the third game in a row I get mislynched early and I'm not used to it. I was feeling good about my R1 scumhunting and was excited to get to play again since it's been months.

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2 minutes ago, Ceres said:

Yup, there is it. I know you truly don't like me dominating you right now but this isn't a question of wit. I have a red check. Cest la vie!

If you're actually somehow town, I'm going to enjoy this, and I am not going to let you forget about it.


You're not, though.

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4 minutes ago, Master Radishes said:

If you're actually somehow town, I'm going to enjoy this, and I am not going to let you forget about it.


You're not, though.

In no world would town-MR have this mindset. "iM gOiNg tO eNjOy tHiS". 

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