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Mafia: The Shadows of Beasts GAME ON~!

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2 hours ago, falcon45ca said:

Why did you leave my wagon & jump on LL? Why not BK?




If BK flips red, Al has excellent partner equity 

How am I linked to BK in any way? I changed my vote from you to LL because he was literally only posting gifs. 

Like my vote on LL changed anything at all. Where were you at nf with all this wisdom? If you somehow had the foresight that LL was town, you never said $&!# and second only scum  would know he was just being an ass of a townie at the point I voted for him. 

you are for sure scum.


unvote; vote falcon

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2 minutes ago, Aladeen said:

How am I linked to BK in any way? I changed my vote from you to LL because he was literally only posting gifs. 

Like my vote on LL changed anything at all. Where were you at nf with all this wisdom? If you somehow had the foresight that LL was town, you never said $&!# and second only scum  would know he was just being an ass of a townie at the point I voted for him. 

you are for sure scum.


unvote; vote falcon

What are you talking about? I didn't have forseight into LL being town, nor did I claim to, so that's just straight up lie.




You voted LL cuz he's used gifs near NF? While BK does nothing?  You avoiding BK is how you're linked, you're not even considering his slot and just chasing BS excuse reasons for votes. 



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6 minutes ago, Aladeen said:

In fact at the point I voted for LL no scum would have. He was almost for sure the lynch anyways so scum would have avoided that mislynch at all costs then.

Which is something Al as scum is incapable of orchestrating to appear towny...."scum would never in that position"











Oh, and if Al voted BK over LL it would've been tied wagons, but he'd like us to believe there's no way he's connected to BK. Lynches LL over gifs. OK, sure.




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4 minutes ago, falcon45ca said:

What are you talking about? I didn't have forseight into LL being town, nor did I claim to, so that's just straight up lie.




You voted LL cuz he's used gifs near NF? While BK does nothing?  You avoiding BK is how you're linked, you're not even considering his slot and just chasing BS excuse reasons for votes. 



Literally all he posted was gifs did you even read nf? As if LL hasn’t acted like that as caught scum in the past, you are literally being obtuse if you are saying that his behaviour wasn’t that of caught scum near nf which he deliberately did for whatever &^@#ed up reason he had to do so. 

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2 minutes ago, falcon45ca said:

Which is something Al as scum is incapable of orchestrating to appear towny...."scum would never in that position"











Oh, and if Al voted BK over LL it would've been tied wagons, but he'd like us to believe there's no way he's connected to BK. Lynches LL over gifs. OK, sure.




OMGUS!! Lol great vote there.

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3 minutes ago, Aladeen said:

Literally all he posted was gifs did you even read nf? As if LL hasn’t acted like that as caught scum in the past, you are literally being obtuse if you are saying that his behaviour wasn’t that of caught scum near nf which he deliberately did for whatever &^@#ed up reason he had to do so. 

Can you point to a game where LL gif posted at NF when he was top wagon as scum?

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Just now, falcon45ca said:

Can you point to a game where LL gif posted at NF when he was top wagon as scum?

Yah no I don’t even remotely care that much but if you’re saying that is townie behaviour you are so full of $&!# it’s ridiculous. 

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Just now, Aladeen said:

Yah no I don’t even remotely care that much but if you’re saying that is townie behaviour you are so full of $&!# it’s ridiculous. 

Perfect. So LL has a history of doing this as Maf at NF when he's caught, but also no I can't remember a single time he's done it, and it's just not towny, so ya gotta lynch em', right?




I'm not saying it is towny, you're the one claiming that he's got a history of doing it as scum.





All the while doing your best to ignore BK's sus play last RD, and this RD too it would appear

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Just now, falcon45ca said:

Perfect. So LL has a history of doing this as Maf at NF when he's caught, but also no I can't remember a single time he's done it, and it's just not towny, so ya gotta lynch em', right?




I'm not saying it is towny, you're the one claiming that he's got a history of doing it as scum.





All the while doing your best to ignore BK's sus play last RD, and this RD too it would appear

His history of caught scum is to not give a &^@# about the game anymore… which is exactly what only posting gifs is.

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2 minutes ago, Aladeen said:

I’ll wait cause apparently that’s what townies do

I'm not the one who built a read off it





BK had a garbage vote on LL, and his vote wasn't a self pres. He was the main CW to a dead town, and you don't seem to even want to look at him

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1 minute ago, falcon45ca said:

I'm not the one who built a read off it





BK had a garbage vote on LL, and his vote wasn't a self pres. He was the main CW to a dead town, and you don't seem to even want to look at him

BK - could be scum but your whole point here is that he is for sure scum and that me voting for LL instead of you was me trying to save him?


When I changed my vote from you to LL BK wasn’t posting anything. LL the leading wagon was only posting gifs. BKs scum level at that point would have been equivalent to all other slankers at that point. Voting BK for not posting near nf would have been no different than me voting for MR or Leaf or Qwags. With nothing much being posted by any of them voting BK at that point would have just been a random shot at scum.


Its not like you were actively laying out a case against BK near to nf. Get real if you are so sure BK is scum you should have been laying out your case right up until nf to get everyone to vote for him. And since you didn’t that’s on you not me.

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Just now, Aladeen said:

BK - could be scum but your whole point here is that he is for sure scum and that me voting for LL instead of you was me trying to save him?


When I changed my vote from you to LL BK wasn’t posting anything. LL the leading wagon was only posting gifs. BKs scum level at that point would have been equivalent to all other slankers at that point. Voting BK for not posting near nf would have been no different than me voting for MR or Leaf or Qwags. With nothing much being posted by any of them voting BK at that point would have just been a random shot at scum.


Its not like you were actively laying out a case against BK near to nf. Get real if you are so sure BK is scum you should have been laying out your case right up until nf to get everyone to vote for him. And since you didn’t that’s on you not me.

That's not my whole point at all, I don't know what BK's flip will be. I do think he's likelier to be Maf than Town based off his play, and as a main CW to a dead town, he's got even more scum equity.



I did lay out my sus of BK...it's disingenuous to pretend I didn't. 

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3 minutes ago, falcon45ca said:

Watch Al actually be town, and Maf are just content to sit back and laugh at us fighting 

I am town. And if either you or NIK are you need to stop pointing fingers at me like I alone am somehow responding for all that transpired round 1. 

Obviously my vote for LL was wrong but his mislynch is on him. He could have at any point dropped the gif posting and posted something or anything. I guarantee that 9 out of 10 a player leading the VC and only posting gifs at that point of the round flips red.

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1 minute ago, Aladeen said:

I am town. And if either you or NIK are you need to stop pointing fingers at me like I alone am somehow responding for all that transpired round 1. 

Obviously my vote for LL was wrong but his mislynch is on him. He could have at any point dropped the gif posting and posted something or anything. I guarantee that 9 out of 10 a player leading the VC and only posting gifs at that point of the round flips red.

I don't feel I'm doing this, I've said pretty clearly I think BK's vote on LL was garbage and I want his flip.




MR's gotta start playing as well. I know he said he...would, but the less he engages the more I'm wary of his slot





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