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Everything posted by skategal

  1. Jeesh, I feel for everyone in this situation of what/how to reopen schools. Kids want to see their friends, suffering from isolation. Kids also needing help with getting engaged with online learning. Parents need help with daycare if they are going back to work, also want their kids to not lose too much in terms of expected learning at the age/grade they are at. Teachers concerned for their safety and potential exposure to virus. I don't know if there is any "right" answer. I talked to one teacher who was totally frustrated with online learning, he was high school, felt like most of the kids he was teaching really weren't engaged, weren't doing the work, didn't really care. Survey I saw recently indicated that kids are bored, not engaged with online learning so perhaps this restart is an attempt to find that middle ground that will work in the fall? Online learning seems to be the way forward at all levels from K to Uni. Heard that some grade 12's are considering a gap year rather than starting Uni next fall in an online format.
  2. Given the parameters around what is required prior to a gym being allowed to open, I think a lot of the risk will be mitigated. Whether it will be financially feasible for the business to remain open is another story. Some people can't work out alone either through lack of knowledge or motivation. Working out in a class is a social activity, and it does assist people to remain healthy...much like taking vitamin D. Or hey, just eating healthy. Sorry, I couldn't resist.
  3. Can't believe the car was only impounded for 7 days. Should have been minimum of a month.
  4. I was on a Zoom meeting this morning with mostly US fitness people, for the most part they are saying that the fitness facilities they are working at are opening next week. Couple of exceptions, Ireland not til mid August. One big box gym will have one hour appts, have to book ahead and only allowed 3 appts per week. Another is measuring out 8 foot spaces for classes, met at the door, hands sprayed, have to walk onto a disinfectant cloth, then go straight to your square. All equipment for the class is in the square, leave right after. No changeroom/shower facilities. Classes booked with an hour between to allow for cleaning/sanitizing. General consensus was that no one was comfortable and felt the fitness facilities were opening too soon. Vancouver did some interesting polling that was released yesterday. Asked how many people would be willing to return to a gym. About 60ish percent if there was adequate cleaning would return. Heavily weighted to men, women not so comfortable. Many won't return until there is a vaccine. At least that was the thought at the point in time the survey was done. That may change down the road as people see a continued slow spread of the virus (fingers crossed).
  5. There are cloth masks for sale online or if you are lucky a friend that sews has taken up the cause and is making them for all their friends. A golf buddy said she bought a box of masks at London Drugs, so probably like disinfectant wipes, it's all in the timing!
  6. I think I can handle missing out LOL!
  7. I can't imagine nightclubs opening in BC before there is a vaccine. What a recipe for virus spread! Begs the question whether that will push people into "underground or illegal" clubs? Don't we have off the board rave parties now that spring up in warehouses? At least pubs can better control social distancing a bit. Every time I think about how our world is changing my head and heart both hurt.
  8. I think in BC in most instances in order for a business to resume operations, they have to have clear policies around sanitation and how they are going to keep employees and customers safe, in at least some instances that has to be posted. WorkSafe BC requirements.
  9. Hey, you make 1975 seem like that is old! Careful! Just kidding of course, that sentence gives me flashbacks to all the struggles I had with math back in the day!
  10. LOL! I agree completely! In terms of COVID-19 being in a public pool is probably pretty safe given the chlorine content and the relationship to killing virus's with bleach. The danger I think is from the pre and post pool activity, plus the risk to lifeguards of having to rescue anyone in trouble. I personally am disgusted though by pools and the uncleanliness of people. And...I don't like being in water. And...I can't swim much, it's more a thrashing version of a dog paddle.
  11. I think in terms of providing updates and guidelines, we all want definition and that's hard to do. The messaging as I understand it is that Phase 2 begins on Tuesday. However, there is freedom within that for business' to choose when they actually reopen. Not every business will be ready to open on Tuesday. It may not make economic sense for an individual business to reopen. People are being asked not to travel outside their home area this weekend, however recognizing that some people see their personal circumstance as being necessary to travel, these are the recommendations regarding reducing the impact on the community one is traveling to. As Dr. Henry said today, (might be paraphrasing a bit) she understands that people want black and white answers, but that is hard to provide. I think our provincial and federal leadership has done a tremendous job throughout this pandemic of keeping a steady hand on the wheel. No one has a crystal ball to see what life will be like at any point in the future. Get out in the sun/rain/wind/snow/hail but please avoid being out in the thunderstorms. Stay safe everyone!
  12. I think we're all having to do what works best for our individual circumstances to maintain our and our family safety. That's likely going to be different for different people. For myself, I live alone and I don't have any family so I've been willing to take more risks and have shopped for other people who were quarantined or not able to go out for themselves.
  13. I'm sorry that she's losing you as I remember you were a big fan. My perspective - I believe in general terms people react much more positively to being drawn into the battle vs. being told something. I think people would tune her out if it was a constant barrage of "don't don't don't". By appealing to compassion and kindness, more people will give some thought to their actions and the potential impacts. I think that has been the consistent approach of both Dr. Henry and Minister Dix. Asking rather than telling. No matter what, there would never be 100% compliance.
  14. I wonder if the 3 McDonald's employees that were shot by a patron who disliked the fact that the seating area was closed would agree? Shootout at the OK Corral - would save a lot on court costs!
  15. https://www.erinbromage.com/post/the-risks-know-them-avoid-them Partial quote: The Risks - Know Them - Avoid Them Updated: an hour ago Please read this link to learn about the author and background to these posts. It seems many people are breathing some relief, and I’m not sure why. An epidemic curve has a relatively predictable upslope and once the peak is reached, the back slope can also be predicted. We have robust data from the outbreaks in China and Italy, that shows the backside of the mortality curve declines slowly, with deaths persisting for months. Assuming we have just crested in deaths at 70k, it is possible that we lose another 70,000 people over the next 6 weeks as we come off that peak. That's what's going to happen with a lockdown. As states reopen, and we give the virus more fuel, all bets are off. I understand the reasons for reopening the economy, but I've said before, if you don't solve the biology, the economy won't recover. I encourage you to read the entire article, it's enlightening regarding the risks of infection in various scenarios.
  16. I can see why you had to fight people off with the keyboard!
  17. Not sure it concerns many other than being an irritant. I suspect most of us take our guidance from experts rather than keyboard warriors who don't have epidemiological training. I personally will follow recommendations from the trained medical community.
  18. I was golfing at Golden Eagle in Pitt Meadows today. Lots of traffic driving out this morning, and even more when I drove home. The only thing that looked slightly less than what a pre COVID Friday afternoon looked like was Highway 1, traffic was still moving but almost bumper to bumper going out of the city. I've seen a steady increase over the last couple of weeks which scares me. Certainly lots of people at the golf course, parking lot was full as there are two courses there. Plenty of signage and everyone respectful of the social distancing requirements except for some yahoos in the parking lot that were all clustered around one vehicle drinking adult pops and talking within a couple feet of each other. It'll be on them if the bylaw officer comes by and shuts the whole operation down.
  19. Congratulations!  That is so exciting for your family!  I'm glad that everyone is healthy!  

  20. Thought this story was interesting, young MMA athlete here in the LML got COVID, pretty serious case. He is a Type 2 Diabetic, not sure if that had an impact. Wasn't clear for quite some time whether he was going to survive. His description of his current fitness status is pretty telling. https://www.citynews1130.com/2020/05/07/mixed-martial-artist-covid-19
  21. Wow, glad he's not a Canuck any longer. I've always thought that how I behave when no one is watching is a true testament to my character. That includes what I say and do within my close circle of family and good friends. I understand the deliberate choices of trying to antagonize someone during a sports contest ala Burrows and Kesler, but when it's a part of everyday conversation I think that speaks of the actual character. I don't think it's ever ok to make fun of other people for any reason, looks, intelligence, religion, sexual orientation. Ok, I'll admit, I have made fun of friends over their golf shots. Always to their face though.
  22. I'm guilty as well, I'm better educated now though, I skulk around and search out signage and arrows before I commence my assault. Challenge is that not every store has arrows, one Save On I go to has them, another doesn't. Some stores have much better markings than others. Walmart is pretty good, SaveOn you have to have your eyes on the floor to notice anything, usually I'm walking around staring up at the overhead signs to figure out what aisles I need to get to for what I'm looking for. I've been known to scramble backwards with my cart as I realize I'm going the wrong way, apologizing profusely to whomever is in the aisle. It does make shopping a longer event, but what else do I have to do? I'd like to think most of us are trying to do the right thing, there will always be some yahoo's who don't follow the rules but for the most part people try to behave in a civilized manner.
  23. I don't believe there was a media presentation today, just a statement released.
  24. So if you were the premier of AB what would you do? You are seeing reducing levels of infection, fewer deaths, fewer hospitalizations, and on the flip side your population is getting restless. You are seeing people actively protesting, you are seeing fewer people staying home, more people out and about. Do you continue to insist that people stay home and business remain closed, or do you start to plan for a reasonably safe reopening of business. Create plans that will allow a staged reopen so that gradually we start the economy up again? If you decide to keep everything closed, for how long? What triggers do you want to see before you believe it's safe to start to reopen?
  25. Anyone know what happens to players who would normally be free agents as of July if the season restarts mid summer? Is there some clause that says free agency starts on July 1 unless you are still playing hockey, in which case the free agency starts 24 hours after the Stanley Cup is awarded? Is that something that would need to be negotiated with the NHLPA as an exception? I suppose the same could happen if the season restarts in Sept and plays out before the 2020/21 season starts? It would seem odd to have free agents move to different teams before the end of a season?
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