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Tre Mac

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Tre Mac last won the day on January 25 2016

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About Tre Mac

  • Birthday 11/07/1979

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Evil Streets of White Rock, Thug Central
  • Interests
    Peep Gaming, Getting Whick Whacked off of Honey B's, and overall getting ill-faded.

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Canucks Franchise Player

Canucks Franchise Player (12/14)



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  1. I think Baumgartner needs to go, been thinking that for almost two years now.  I think with a better system you could get more out of guys like Hutton, Stecher and especially Guddy who seemed to be a totally different player in Florida.

    1. luckylager


      I'm with ya, tre. In the pgt I posted "if I wanted to be an electrician, I'd hope my teacher wasn't a plumber" in reference to Baumer. 



    2. NewbieCanuckFan


      Guddy hasn't ever had a defensive partner like he had in Florida.  Hughes might be that guy (but it'll take time obviously even for a guy at his talent level).

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