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Everything posted by NucksCup2015

  1. See...this is where Kassian needs to develop his confidence and where being on the 4th line is hurting him He had a GREAT rush up the ice with speed, and while he didnt have the edge on the defenseman, he should have protected the puck with his size and driven to the net because of his speed... but instead he turns away and made a nice pass but he needs to use his size to get to the net and even if he doesn't score he'll create havoc (Like Bert used to do, Lucic does now). this is confidence...they are really mucking him up
  2. who cares if the chef was swedish ...they sound the same...
  3. Jannick Hansen - little known fact from 1981-1989 he was the voice behind the chef in the muppets
  4. all i hear is chippo chippo chippo ideeee chippo chippo ideee I know that's not what is being said but its what i hear and its incredibly annoying and the commercial is on like every break lol and sure enough, as i'm writing this it comes on fml
  5. anyone else find the music in that toyota commercial incredibly annoying?
  6. i just found the block feature not to worry i wont even see his crap anymore...guy is a 48 yr old troll lol
  7. woohoo! yay we canucks fans get to critisize! yaaa! this is what you live for right? wow
  8. dude you're bitching at me for barking at people saying burrows should be moved by implication that means you agree in addition i have highlighted your insults yet you are suggesting i am an adolescent lol i think you proved me right... and by the way, i'm no cheerleader but i don't act like I am 4 and someone just stole my soother when the canucks lose if you are as knowledgable as you say, you would have known what to expect this year without mg making serious moves, inconsistency and if you are a 'paying' fan and you're sooo upset every game don't pay, don't go...simple
  9. wow...i don't think there are even words for trolls like you
  10. yes so lets trade burrows lets trade bieksa lets trade everyone! weren't people yelling about trading hammer a while back? now booth is a superstar? there are alot of 15 yr old bipolar adolescents on here who troll, get angry after losses and bitch, yet they act like we'll win the cup after we beat ottawa 5-2 the night before. seriously go read the pgt from the ottawa game and read todays and you'll see the bipolar fans i am talking about same people saying great things then bitching the next day sports teams dont WIN EVERY GAME MAN..and sometimes they have bad losses did we have a stinker? yes are we inconsistent this year? yes did we know going into this year it was likely a transition year because mg fails to make good moves? to knowledgable hockey fans - yes does this mean we should trade one of the most consistent players on our team because of a bad start? No thats called panicking, stupidity and short sightedness. does a few good games by Booth all of a sudden mean he's a 30 goal man, yet he's done jack shyte for 3 years and can't stay healthy? lol..no see buddy - ya burr is struggling, but if you know anything about hockey you'd know he's clearly not 'done' - why? his wheels are there, he's getting a TON of chances (and this is always the sign, chances. if a player isn't getting them, then he's not doing the small things right, if he is, he's fine its just time), he's playing well defensively and still a key part of the leadership of this team the 'reactionary' flaming of vancouver fans is sickening, shows a lack of hockey knowledge and is plain embarassing. Are there players than need to be moved, of course but the piling on a player who has done nothing but work his ass off for this team for 8 years and who's simply having a tough season is pure stupidity.
  11. I know he's in a SLUMP...that's all but people like you saying booth has more value? wow...that says enough
  12. yes and that means what? you know something because you spend your life on the internet? lol again great logic
  13. Exactly...these people are seriously the least knowledgeable hockey fans i have ever seen...unbelievable
  14. Umm if you think David Booth has contributed more to the Vancouver Canucks in his three years vs Burrows in his last three years you are clearly related / buddy's with Rob Ford and share his habits. Its amazing that 8 years of effort are just 'gone' because of a rough start. You think all players have perfect years buddy? wow... Burrow 100x > Booth use your brain
  15. hyperbole a bit? lol Booth was crap 2 games ago and now he's a superstar, yet he's done zero for three years. Burrows plays lights out for 8 years and has a bad stretch and he's garbage...lol = canuck fan logic
  16. I actually think Lou's game has improved and I wanted us to keep Schnieds. He's not letting in really bad goals very often (can only think of one bad one the goal the other night between the legs - vs Chicago) He's controlling his rebounds really well (an area of concern in the past) Not having to make many desperation saves (means he's in better position) The only weakness he hasn't improved is post to post from right to left (faceplants) Other than that I actually see improvement, our problems are yet again not Lou. Does he need to start bailing us out a bit ya, but the SOURCE of our problems are not Lou, can he be a partial solution yes but it will simply hide the real issues...much as it has in the past..
  17. Bieksa, Booth, Lack, Higgins, Hansen, Weise, decent games No shows Sedins Lou Kesler Edler Can't win like that!
  18. Atta boy Bieksa...he owned a guy much bigger...at least Juice has responded this year..he's been a nice surprise this year in his all around play and edge...
  19. no actually im alot older than you given your constant whining lol i think honey boo boo is more mature than you are child
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