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milk and honey

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Everything posted by milk and honey

  1. To much money involved, billionaires aren't gonna lose millions without a fight and it will give people jobs. Legit question. How do you sell tickets for playoffs if people just starting working, economy is recovering but slowly, ect... Not like people will go back to spending money on tickets, team wear, ect... Immediately that is.
  2. I hear what you are saying but how are we doing in those aspects? I find most people here are heavy drinkers, still a decent amount of smokers, and bad diets to. Idk overall statistics but surely we aren't that healthy.
  3. This. Give everyone 72hours to buy food and get friends together or what not. Then boom total lock down. I know it's a very foreign idea in our sovereign free nation but this isn't a joke. Imo the quicker we eliminate this the quicker we can fix our economy and what not. Idk if delaying mortgages, bills ect.. For a month for the country is possible but that would solve a lot of personal issues and make people more ready to stay in. This could have lasting impacts if not careful and could be worst then 2008.
  4. Everyone please this is no joke. Basically all my dad's family is from central Europe. Italy, Spain and Netherlands are the worst hit but it happened so fast. They continued normal life a couple weeks to long. It is extremely contagious and will care our older population unfortunately. Do protect yourself and take caution. Especially if you have traveled or felt sick. Google symptoms if you haven't. There aren't enough hospital beds in Italy and they are choosing every day who is getting certain treatments since in some hospitals they are over packed and under prepared. It's crazy times. Reminds me kinda like the Netflix series Rain.
  5. But we don't know if they are safe or not that's the main thing. Even in Europe where they aren't boarders crossing like here if you travel you are expected to be home 2weeks. Best thing is for everyone to stay in their native counties. Our hospitals and systems are busy enough with Canadians. If they are international people ofc we help them but we should do our part to protect that. Saw an video today giving reasons as to why staying home is crucial and using Italy as an example of a high tourism country that will takes months to recover. What will happen supermarkets if we go full on stay at home mode? What does state of emergency mean for us in BC? More funding federally? Also saw an article sating we are on pace for 300m cases by September. Not sure if true or not and didn't show the map but if true that is crazy.
  6. Except there are more people in our country where we don't know who they were around and if they are sick or not unless we test them at boarders and airport. It makes sense that we shut the boarder. Not like we are the first country to do so either. Basically the whole world is on shut down mode. I'm not following the politics of this but why on earth would anyone want the boarders open? I totally get closing the boarders.
  7. I am Making American great again so great we haven't seen a time as this. I think we are doing extremely well. Better yet, the people of America think we are doing really well. Something about China and Mexico and then I think we are doing a phenomenal job thank you very much. That's it have a good day everyone
  8. What about restaurants and cafes? I think a full on shut down will happen. Just a matter of weeks.
  9. Logically if no playoffs even if we were 1st we keep the pick. A few other teams iirc have conditional trades so we wouldn't be the only ones upset
  10. Best of 3 and the final best of 5 or 7? Unless players keep in shape which I imagine will be harder to do. Would player safety be an issue? Would the world hockey fans want hockey past Canada day? Imo I really think the nhl should take a hit in money this year and go again next year. No one makes playsoffs. Draft will be done over the phone or via Skype or something. Then go from there. This thing is bigger then hockey and even if it slows down in 2months the risk of events, tourists, ect.... Is still there and likely will come back to be a big deal like Sars was. I almost think we shouldn't have sports till we have a vaccine or basically full control of this thing. 150k cases in 3months. I read in another 3months we are on pace for 500k cases. I think media is over hyping it. Doctors are not super worried. People are either freaking out with buying toliet paper for a year of severe poops or don't think they will be affected. Especially us younger people. We most likely won't die but older people are at a much higher risk. Losing parents, uncles, aunts, in laws, and grandparents is not what we want at all. Better be safe then sorry. It's just money and pleasure at the end of day. I am probably 6/10 on the freaking out scale. Feel like cdc is roughly a 3/10 from what I read. Sorry for being the crazy one lol
  11. Fair point but this one is the first one in the technology and global age we are living in. Edit I guess h1n1, ebola to but this one is slowly shutting down the whole world. Y'all understand
  12. I am really wondering what will happen in 3months from now. We are living in a historic period of time
  13. Honestly what is Tsn like atm? I imagine it's just talk about all the league shutting down and some insider explaining possible outcomes while he knows nothing himself. Then possibly some Twitter takes of athletes and then a top10 of plays that happened of the year or from sick players or another top.
  14. What did our beloved good looking, and lovely PM have to say?
  15. If no playoffs everyone should be eligible for the draft and Canucks should keep their pick What happened in 2004/5?
  16. Also support your local bakery. I would recommend not going to cobs and some other non franchise place but it's a great industry with some of the hardest working people I know. Waking up between 2-4am and depending on the bakery producing a high quality product day in and out at the volume some places do is insane. Bakers don't get paid that much either compared to other jobs that is
  17. I would suggest learning how to make bread. Sourdough especially. Bread is true love and is time consuming. Super addicting
  18. I saw a verse saying don't eat bats going around social media which from what I know is how this thing all started. Matter of time till we are shut down for a while.
  19. Only issue is that is a bunch of ifs. Experts are saying another 12 months before a cure and some are saying it will get worst. I don't think we are understanding how serious this thing is if the stock market is dropping at a unprecedented rate, entertainment is canceled resulting in millions if not billions lost world wide. Not just NA sports affected. Most of Europe top soccer leagues are canceling games, including the champions league. Olympics, and euros might not happen this year they are meeting to discuss options next week. POTUS was in the same room as someone with the disease. Italy is on shut down and usa is almost the same. Israel is close as well. Asia from what I know is just a disaster. Even as I'm typing I am thinking this is way overhype by the media and famous people but we are 12months away from a cure and in like 3months it's this big already. Really difficult to say what will happen with the playoffs, draft, ect... Time will tell but safety, health and just overall life is the most important thing. Money, profit, need to take a back seat across the world for the time being
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