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milk and honey

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Everything posted by milk and honey

  1. What's mafia how do I play? Do I want to be tripled killed? How do I become a legend
  2. About sound dudes and reporters. I doubt the hosts will be laid off.
  3. What happens to a city bankrupt? Was just thinking today to what would happen if Canada went bankrupt or couldn't borrow anymore money
  4. When your co worker thinks she is the 4th Jonas brother. 


    Also she sung dance monkey. Life is rough at the moment to say the least. Help me cdc family 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. milk and honey

      milk and honey

      Update. She thinks she is Adele 

    3. Phil_314


      Moral victories, my friend.  Sometimes we gotta take those

    4. Phil_314


      Rather have Adele than Jonas imo lol.  

  5. Anyone else super scared to sneeze or cough in public now. Sneeze while shopping and felt like all the universe was staring and angry. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. -AJ-


      My allergies have been acting up, but I feel you. I work very hard to keep sniffles to a minimum while out shopping.

    3. Roberts


      i felt that exact way while walking outside today, my seasonal allergies have been acting up the last few days, I managed to delay sneezing until no one was around :lol:

    4. Phil_314


      The cough thing is likely a reasonable but mildly overdone worry.

      I'm more scared that people don't cover up their face or avoid crowded areas.  Trout Lake was packed today esp. in the dog section.  I get it gets boring at home but do things that don't require you being close to others, and don't gather in numbers reminiscent of pre-Covid days, because that's what got the States and Europe.  

  6. Time, resources and patience will be important after this goes away. So many illnesses in the world and every year there are brand new ones. Extremely hard to find reliable intelligent system that is manageable and doesn't anger the passagers who been flying 12hours already if not a whole day. Unrealistic to do a 10min test for 200 people on a plane imo. Something will have to give after this. New economic measures will be established to protect our economy and new regulations for a lot of things I reckon.
  7. Well I don't think JT is the best in the world but I love Canada. So happy my dad immigranted here and I'm living on the west coast. We are doing good just gotta take it day by day.
  8. Canada acting to slowly???????? They shut down the boarder iirc around 1500 cases but since 1000 cases started warning people. This is out of over 35 million people. A decent amount of whom were abroad. Sometimes this board expectations for politicians is crazy.
  9. Honestly Myers will be the scapegoat very very soon. Good name on paper buy not the best for stats or on the eye. Not overly physical for his size either. I was the fan of the signing but I understand now why most jets fan were ready to let him without much of a fight thank goodness he signed for less then 6m
  10. Proof? My friend who is a nurse been testing people 50 hours this past week alone
  11. Ya exactly that's the main point I was trying to make. Be cautious and responsible. Stay home for a couple days if you can but seeing friends for a hour with safe distancing is ok imo
  12. Canada isn't bad yet. 1100 cases. Say 2k people have it since some aren't getting tested. I get the panic and seriousness of keeping numbers low but people are acting like Canada has 30million cases. I'm still hanging with friends who haven't traveled, careful with who they are surrounded by. I am careful but people saying just do nothing till this ends is not realistic. People need community and contact. 90% of young people don't come in contact with older people regularly either. I am scare and all but people want Canada to be shut down which is crazy.
  13. I don't watch TPB tbh but I do get the reference now lol
  14. Saw a tweet saying pollution is down, Venice water is clean and there are dolphins. Wildfires are down in Australia to. This whole thing might be a blessing in surprise if true. Still incredibly sad and shocking what happened nevertheless
  15. My friends were saying to that numbers aren't true since Chinese officials aren't likely to be telling the true number and don't know how many are actually affected. Not to mention younger people in Europe and North America aren't getting tested if sick knowing it's not likely to kill them. Obviously no way to prove their thinking but their thinking is probably right imo.
  16. Buddy I am gonna die and you want me to play mafia. Is it soap vs virus or what
  17. Shopper drug mart have done it. I don't know if there is another store just yet.
  18. Athlean x on YouTube just released a video a day or 2 ago. Some YouTubers and friends have done it and really recommend it. No special equipment needed. Give it a shot
  19. At most banks. HSBC probably the biggest one who haven't announced the option to do yet
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