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Biff Tannen

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Posts posted by Biff Tannen

  1. 7 minutes ago, Hairy Kneel said:

    4 come off the books, Chiasson Lammikko Highmore Sutter Hunt (4M) get rid of Dick (2.6)

    3M recap come off the books Luongo


    Deal Pearson 3.3


    Yes 7.5 QO Boeser, although he doesn't deserve a raise the way he's been playing. 


    Add 2 ELCs Lockwood and DiGuseppe 

    to the 4th line, add one of our extra Dman to the 4th line. Rathbone? 


    Basically, we are searching for cap anywhere and everywhere.

    And I am a fan of 7/11 with a defenseman in case of injury. 



    Sure Boeser doesn't deserve a raise atm but his contract structure means you either give him one or let him walk. He'd get more than 6 as a FA.


    Highmore and Sutter are LTIR so don't count against the cap.


    Surely you'd need 8/11 or 7/12 to cover for an injury?


    Whichever way you slice it you're not getting anywhere near the money you'd need to sign FA players to fix the issues.

  2. 5 hours ago, Hairy Kneel said:

    Creating cap for next year, lose these:


    800  Hunt            
    750  Chiasson    
    750   Lammikko 
    2.65  Dickenson      
    750   High             
    3M    Luo          

    1.1M Sutter       


    4 goals between this lot, 3 of those goals gifted pp time to Chiasson. 


    That makes 9.7M for upgrades

    Add DiGuseppe and Lockwood would make 11 forwards. (To our top forwards.) If we're stuck put either Burroughs/Booker/Schenn on the 4th line,for 12th forward.

    Brock about the same 5.875 at 6M x3. 


    Maybe keep Sutter? 

    Maybe trade Ferland to someone who could use cap relief.Is that a thing? 

    With 9.7 add a 3rd line centre and a RHD.


    I admire your optimism but I don't think you can take a bunch of league minimum/IR contracts add Dickenson then have 9.7m to spend. We'd still have to fill a roster. Ferland and Dickenson have negative value, paying to get rid of them would leave you 2.65M to sign a 3rd line centre and a RHD. Almost forgot Luongo, yes his cap penalty is over but the cost of our buyouts goes up by about 2m. So you've got just over 3.5m left for two good FA signings...


    Bon chance mon ami!




    edit: oh and isn't Boeser's QO 7.5m? can't see you getting him to sign for 6

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  3. 4 hours ago, Teemu Selänne said:

    Am I just too much of a homer to see it or are "the armada of boat anchor contracts on their books for years to come" actually BS? The only contracts with more than 2 seasons (after this one) are Demko, Hughes, OEL, Garland and Poolman. Of those possibly OEL and Poolman have negative trade value, and even then it's pretty marginal.


    If anything I think that's one of the few problems Canucks don't have since 'he who shall not be named' disappeared into the sunset.

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  4. 12 hours ago, Drink Walrus Milk said:

    That’s completely false. There’s a good reason that vaccines normally have to go through years of testing. It’s not just to inconvenience the vaccine companies. 

    It's not. Vaccines don't "have to go through years of testing" before being administered (especially during a pandemic) though obviously adverse reactions are continually tracked and recorded. Outside of a small increase in GBS linked to the 1976 swine flu vaccine I can't find much of anything caused by vaccines in the past 70 years. Given that, and the amount of attention, scrutiny and doses of Covid vaccines, I'm confident the long term risks of the disease vastly outweigh those of the vaccine. Not to mention the benefit of reduced spread and mutation.


    12 hours ago, Drink Walrus Milk said:

    Why do you think they are pushing boosters at 6 months so hard? For fun?

    Out of an abundance of caution. Personally I don't think anyone should be getting 3rd or 4th doses until the whole world has been offered at least one, but for some reason I'm not in charge.


    I know it's a waste of time trying to convince you as you've already made up your mind based on half truths and misconceptions but I worry someone might think you know what you're talking about.

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  5. 33 minutes ago, Ghostsof1915 said:

    Wow....he's paid what $1 million more than Hunt.

    Pretty sure if you stack him against Poolman he's a better defenceman, and Poolman makes almost twice as much.

    He's made some poor decisions off the ice. How many right handed D-men were out there this summer that were cheap?

    Wait what? Isn't his contract $3m? When in the Abbotsford his cap hit is only $1.8m but that's not much use to Vancouver.

  6. 12 minutes ago, GB5 said:

    You do know that I could outnumber these ani-vaccine links by at least 10,000:1 with credible sites that can be validated through approved scientific methodilogy that point ot the benefits of the vaccines right?

    As fun as that sounds I'm not sure you understood what I wrote. I'm not anti-vaccine.


    Two of the links are to the websites of the quack who is the source of the misinformation referred to earlier, two are to criticisms of the abstract he published and the other is an expression of concern from the journal that published the abstract. It's kinda too late though since the shoddy 'evidence' is already doing the rounds and any criticism of it will just be viewed (by the tinfoil hat brigade) as censorship. It's almost like publishing abstracts without any form of peer review might be a bad idea...

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  7. 1 minute ago, Amebushi said:

    I have never been asked once at a hospital if I have had the flu shot. Definitely never needed to prove it in order to drink a beer or watch a game. If you haven’t figured out the limits of the protection I’m curious what rock you are under. Why do you need a booster shot if it “offers great protection”. It wanes after taking it. You will never be “fully vaccinated” as it doesn’t stop you from getting it, transmitting it or dying from it. Keep watching the news and getting jabbed I’ll continue living my life thanks. 

    done over it GIF by Wheel of Fortune

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  8. 8 minutes ago, khay said:

    2 years is a big risk? I respectfully disagree sir.


    Not hating on Poolman but Edler at 36 years old brings more than Poolman now.


    Eddie only got 1 year so even less of a risk. Despite that I'm still not that bothered they let him go and I think Poolman's done okay. LA's defence isn't looking that solid right now

  9. 7 minutes ago, higgyfan said:

    Toffi, Marks, Edler and Tanev...


    Seems to me, a good many fans were very happy to see Eddie walk.  In the end, JB was working towards bringing in OEL and Garland, so really Edler and Toffi are a wash.  Actually, OEL and Garland are younger and better.


    Keeping Demko and letting Marks go is a wash.  Demko is younger and is playing on a defensively disabled team. He will likely develop into an equal or superior goalie to Marks.


    Tanev.  Why Jim?  Myers, Tanev, Shenn and Burroughs is better than Myers, Hamonic, Poolman, Burroughs and -$



    I broadly agree with you and was disappointed there wasn't more effort made to keep Tanev, but 4.5m until 2024 is a risk that will hopefully backfire for Calgary.


    I'm not convinced JB should get a pass for letting Toffoli walk either. It was a whole year before - did he really know he'd get Garland back then?


    Since this is my second post on this thread at some point I should mention Hamonic. Hopefully this yo-yoing stops soon and we can have a slightly more settled back line. Been pleased with Schenn's recent play which I guess makes Burroughs the odd man out, but he's not done much wrong either.

  10. 20 hours ago, Drink Walrus Milk said:

    Not at all. We know what the side effects of the flu shot will be in 2 years, 5 years, etc..

    Pretty close to 100% sure there won't be any. I'm less confident about the long term effects of Covid


    18 hours ago, DanielCloutier said:

    I admire you for making that choice which was yours alone to make. I believe you did so with the best intentions for your own health and the health of those around you.

    an objective look at the 11% -> 25% heart condition risk i mentioned

    a case for aspirating the shots

    confirmed need for aspiration

    and for what it's worth, the guy doing those breakdowns started doing these videos at the onset on covid (he was covering more general health topics previously) to counter ANTI-vaccine misinfo. he does a good job of being objective and evidence-based. he's a retired nurse teacher and accident and emergency nurse with a PhD. and if you dont want to take his word for it, links to the research he references are provided.

    on top of these things i find it extremely fishy how pfizer/the FDA is responding to a freedom of info request for their trial data by claiming it will take them 55 years to release the info, hiding behind the guise of bureaucracy

    especially when whistleblowers have come forward saying corners were cut and data was falsified in the vaccine trials

    there are other things but those are the ones with the most reliable evidence off the top of my head. too many red flags for me. and I'm not going to put a brand new medical technology in my body when I feel like the gov and the pharma industry are trying to pull wool over my eyes.

    I feel like were co-opting this hockey thread with un-hockey related discussion, so this is probably going to be the last time i reply out of respect for the forum rules.

    glad to see hammer is back, unfortunate he got sick recently. hope he recovers fast and fully.

    Wasn't familiar with this John Campbell before but seems he was attempting an honest appraisal of a badly written abstract. As far as I'm aware the full study isn't available, the author is a not entirely trustworthy health supplement hawker and he's not responding to requests for comment. Until there's much better evidence I wouldn't worry too much.








    As for aspiration, I don't know enough to have an opinion but seems there's debate around whether it's necessary.

  11. 9 hours ago, qwijibo said:

    You clearly misunderstand.  Tryamkin’s rights are worthless because he’s signed for 2 years in the KHL but his rights expire this coming summer. 
    Debrusk is an upcoming RFA. Not UFA. So no. He can’t just walk and sign with whatever team he chooses (unless they don’t qualify him) 



    8 hours ago, N4ZZY said:

    Ah, my bad. I see. 


    Then DeBrusk is going to get a decent return then from another team. 


    Tryamkin I still think we could get something for the guy. It seems clear to me that he's not wanting to come to Vancouver. 



    Michael J Fox Hello GIF by Back to the Future Trilogy

  12. 16 minutes ago, hockeygod77 said:


    Scary Movie Horror GIF by Best Part Productions

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