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Biff Tannen

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Posts posted by Biff Tannen

  1. 11 minutes ago, DSVII said:

    This isn't on the talent or chemistry of the roster. It's on a coaching staff that is playing a grinding 'not to lose' style incompatible with the personnel, despite being given the most talented team since the start of the GMs 8 year tenure.





    TBH I think this is the OP's real opinion and they only made this thread because they can't make endless one's about Green any more.


    I guess this is marginally more inventive but, like our PP, just as boring and predictable.

    • Thanks 1
    • Cheers 1
  2. 20 minutes ago, Rabid Rooster said:

    Yes. If he has had 1 shot, or none, what effect does he have on fully vaxxed people?

    Do these protocols have any basis in fact?

    Yes, I was going to try explaining it but @mildid it better and quicker.


    Probably better being over-cautious than under. It's not like there's 0 cases in the NHL.

    • Cheers 1
  3. 6 minutes ago, philtbc829 said:

    I honestly don't know which Canucks team will show up tonight....I would love a win here....but there is no consistenecy or solid structure ....PP mediocre to below average...PK....sigh...the coaching definitely sucks....I wouldn't be surprised if they lost tonight and by a large amount either...the Flyers are coming off a big win against the Oilers..and for some reason the Nucks have just not found their mojo....I would love to be proven wrong here if for nothing else the sake of the paying fans going to the game tonight...

    Should be the Vancouver ones. :ph34r:

  4. 5 minutes ago, Honky Cat said:

    Apparently not.


    Seems they're cherry picking stats from a small sample to make a case, even then I don't think they actually say Canucks are the worst team 5v5.

    • Thanks 1
  5. 5 minutes ago, BC_Hawk said:

    I think we are on the crux of becoming a very good team; just need a couple of guys back, and Peterrson to get back in a groove.


    When Motte and Hamonic are back, our potential lines are pretty stellar:













    LD (not named Hunt please)


    Only gets better IF Sutter comes back, and Lammiko becomes depth. Having said that, he is excellent in Face Offs; a nice suprise.

    Assuming Poolman plays, Burroughs should be on the left tonight. Hopefully we'll see how it goes and he's not called Hunt so that's something.

    • Cheers 1
  6. Well we're paying £3 mil for Luongo this year so he could come play a couple of games in Abbotsford to back up Cory. Be good to win at least one cup this year.


    Ya I realise this isn't going to happen for a long list of reasons (including having to waive Cory to get him there) and DiPietro needs to play. Would still be good to see if only so I could pretend it was 2011 and I have a full head of hair.

  7. 4 minutes ago, SID.IS.SID.ME.IS.ME said:

    I notice a lot of things with our Dmen.


    Then I check myself (as much as I can) for confirmation bias.


    This definitely goes for Myers.


    (And pretty much every Canucks Dman.)


    If you go into games thinking Myers tends to make bad pinches, be a little too permissive in the neutral zone, vulnerable to getting walked when defending against quicker, more evasive players, a bit on the lumbering and lazy side in some of his one-on-ones, often overcommits and loses position, and is very likely to take too many bad penalties, you’ll probably get what you’re expecting.


    But if you go into games thinking Myers skates very well for a big man, moves the puck really well, has a heavy shot, has good offensive instincts, is very strong and physical and able to overpower most opponents, positions himself well inside his zone, and uses his size and strength effectively to move/freeze players and control space, then you’ll probably also get what you’re expecting.


    It’s a fun exercise. Try starting a game and listing in your head the strengths/weaknesses of our Dmen and how you’d definite their overall profiles. Then watch a period of hockey and see how well things line up with your expectations.

    Then (and this is the hard part but also the fun part), over the intermission, really try to think about those same players in the opposite manner to your expectations. Then watch the next period. And see how much their play “changes.”


    It’s pretty interesting.


    I’d actually recommend this mental exercise to some of the people saying Rathbone is a complete defensive liability and should be sent to the AHL. 

    And I also recommend it for people who say Myers is a trash player.


    He’s not trash. Myers is a solid NHL Dman. Albeit one with flaws and one whose results, especially on the stats side, suggest he’s probably not nearly as good as some of his stronger backers say he is. But he’s also not anywhere close as bad as his haters claim.

    I’d say most of the really strong opinions expressed on these boards (especially in the GDTs), either pro or anti, are largely based on biases in those individual viewers’ “eye tests” rather than any kind of objective reality, when it comes to evaluating player performance.


    (Not sure if this will be a popular post. :ph34r:)

    At first I thought "oh here we go, this is gonna be dumb". By the end of the post I found myself agreeing with you. Which means you've contradicted my bias. So now I don't agree with you any more. :frantic:

    • Haha 3
  8. 17 hours ago, Me_ said:

    This thread is still useless.

    Obviously it started out pretty badly and it's movement is a tad predictable but if it fills out and find it's stride it could turn a few heads. I'm expecting fairly sporadic production but if it can average out at 0.5 posts per day over it's career I can see this thread eventually getting hauled into the rafters alongside Burrows? Do We Really Need Him?


    I'm probably overrating our prospects and shouldn't be drawing such comparisons so early in it's career. I guess I'm just a massive homer.


    Go Thread Go!

    • Haha 1
  9. On 10/20/2021 at 5:09 PM, b3nnyb said:

    Hello everyone 


    Do you feel Pettersson is not the same player that we expect him to be?


    Looking back at the comparisons made to Gretzky and McDavid looks absurd


    There is a reason why many scouts had ranked him lower than where he was picked but we’re treating him like a 1st overall pick


    Has the time come to stop these silly comparisons to the legends and accept that he’s at best a 1B/2A C?

    I  guess the short answer is no, but the double negative is confusing me a bit.


    He's a very talented, bordering on mercurial, two-way centre with a few glaring deficiencies in his game that make him both exciting and frustrating to watch at times. Maybe some people's expectations were raised too much by his rookie season, but (without actually bothering to check the stats) it's very rare for a player to score at around a ppg in their first season and then improve at the same rate as the rest of their cohort.


    If you thought he'd be close to Gretzky then yeah I suppose he's not the play you expect. Unless it was Brent Gretzky, if so I'm gonna go out on a limb and say EP is better.

    • Haha 1
  10. 7 hours ago, Sharpshooter said:

    Disagree. He needs NHL minutes, not AHL minutes. He’s already got a pro game. He’s a leader and more than talented to be in the bigs. The fact that he wasn’t in the lineup tonight is coaching malfeasance

    Contrafibularities on using a clever sounding word, regardless of it's definition. I'm not a massive Green fan, but leaving a rookie out for one game (which they won 4-1 btw) is hardly the biggest black mark.


    No harm in claiming ABB, worse case scenario he's shipped out again and might eventually get back to Tampa.

    • Vintage 1
  11. 57 minutes ago, Bo fan said:

    Either start pulling some wins or pack your  bags and take up sking.  Too late for golf.  But seriously - I thought we would be a much improved team this year -  and maybe the players are still learning each others tendencies  but we are now 4 games in and  as many practices  - plus pre season -   i would have thought.  It was so disheartening to lose like we did in Buffalo after coming out with a 2 goal lead.

    Enough whining - let's hope they are ready to give 100% tonight from all the players

    Go Canucks Go

    My memory's not what it was, but has there been a two goal lead this season? I thought the Buffalo game was the first time they've been ahead at all and it didn't last for long. I might be wrong, I think I mentioned my bad memory.


    Now, why did I come in here?

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