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Everything posted by kingofsurrey

  1. Whole sector is. booming. NIO was down a bit today though.
  2. Are women less valued as humans / workers than men ? Is that why women as less protected.....? Dave Harper @southgateharper · 45m Of course it is because teachers are 75 % women. All the trades are better protected than teachers with a @WorkSafeBC mandate backing them up. Teachers get schmarmy platitudes. twitter.com/MovingParadigm…
  3. Dr. B cracks me up.... Virus's don't differentiate between a mall and a school....... W Masks are not recommended for children under the age of two, but should be encouraged for children aged two to 12 in public settings. Children over 12 must wear a mask in a public indoor space, unless they are exempt.
  4. I decided 2 months ago to do exactly that... started out borrowing for mutual funds... Did not earn much... then moved to TSX and NYE and doing better.
  5. Yah, i have a bridge to sell you...... You really think kids don't get colds, flu either.... wow... you wanna buy a bridge.. ?
  6. Alberta had mask mandates in Calgary and Edmonton months before BC had any... Have you ever even been out of BC..... You need to get out more and learn more about Canada... maybe wait till after covid though.. LOL. PS - I used to live in Edmonton... great city. great people.
  7. Both of us. Me for not following current science and not protecting my parent. The government for not promoting mask use the last 6 months... Hope this clears things up for you. PS - I am 100% pro mask and have been since covid started. I acknowledge that covid was airborn probably 4 months before Dr. B finally admitted it.
  8. Think with our current numbers... we are well past the time of trying to just follow a few basic covid guidelines.... The only option now is a reset / pause. That is bad news for some businesses.... but unfortunately is the best way forward.
  9. Not if we do a circuit break now like Alberta schools are doing... It is the only way to get covid back under control. Dr. B's. half measures will not work. We need a pause.
  10. hmmmm.. people in BC are starting to clue in.... and get smart... BC Parents for Safer Schools. @BCParentsVoices. 2m If AB can do a circuit break for schools, why can’t we in BC? Oh right. #BecauseBonnie @jjhorgan@Rob_Fleming @adriandix @DrBonnieHenry #bced #bcpoli #covid19bc #MaskUp. @matpV. · 1h Breaking: Alberta doing a school circuit break: Nov. 30 all Gr 7-12 to remote learning from home, not returning until after Jan. 18th #ABpoli #BCpoli #BCed
  11. Yes, we can debate this and by civil to each other. Dr. B's. nonsensical covid restrictions make people scratch their heads.... and then give up. Her recomnended restrictios all DO NOT WORK as you tell by BC's increasing infection numbers. When people see zero logic in government decisions... then people just tune out and don't listen. I am with you. My ice hockey teams are both full on now and guys will be having beers in the small dressing room after each game.... yet my dad can't come over and social distance in my basement with me... BC's covid rules make no sense ... so they will not be followed. BTW - i am extremely covid worried and i take every precaution. I get groceries delivered to my house and i use SKIP to bring me booze as well.... Unfortunately we have too many others that do not follow CURRENT science... including our PHO and Horgan.
  12. Maybe and the other CDC posters are long lost brothers.... ? wow, i read that can happen.... CDC brought you 2 back together... what a story....
  13. Does this apply for schools... ? Or do BC schools. chalk smells or auditory lunch bells somehow kill Covid virus..... ? Just curious ?
  14. Dr B lost the plot 3- 4 months ago,.... Of the record setting 678 new #covid19 cases in the Fraser region, 87 were in children age 10-19 and 31 were in children under age 10. 118 children in one day or 17.4% of new cases. Holy s. ]
  15. Sadly care aids are frequently paid very poorly with minimal benefits / sick days. Many were kept part time to ensure no benefits. These part timers then took on a second job at another home..... so exposures were increased. Really shows we need to pay people that care our elderly better.... give them better working conditions and benefits. Make their work sites safer. That will keep our loved ones safer. Are they paid poorly because so many of them are women.... ? Are jobs women do worth less than typical jobs men do ? Seems so...... We need to change this.
  16. If BC government would have supported masks earlier on such as in May/June... our province would be in a dramatically better position today. Wasted our BC advantage due to lax goverment policies.....
  17. When the BC gov is now alllowing both my rec ice hockey teams to restart...... we all know how this story goes.... and its not pretty. Just a crazy non-sensical set of covid rules in BC.... pointless when the covid rules are done like this. I would have prefered a 2 week reset now. A pause. Get covid here really in control. Option 2 would be the pauce preceding xmas break of the schools. So schools off for 4 weeks. Right now we are going to see an explosion of covid in the schools..... that is my prediction. KId transmit covid just like adults. So many untruths have been spread by our government about covid. It is really discouraging for those of us that take this virus very seriously and are really trying to limit our behaviours / take all the precautions.
  18. TFSA is a great option. I made a recent decision to start taking advantage of this opportunity.
  19. Yup.. BC - the province where you are only allowed to gather in large groups at school / the PUB / a hockey dressing room / or at a crowed Cactus club restaurant. Heh, its the way we do science in BC.....
  20. Now this is interesting discussion.... Why is Fraser and Van Coast regions the highest covid... ? Some possible reasons.... Highest density living in BC Smaller housing / apartment living Ethnic backgrounds with larger family - often sharing homes. Older poorly ventilated schools and frequent poorly ventilated portable classrooms Higher class sizes in schools of BC. Higher number of restaurants / bars. Higher number of work sites / factories with close working conditions. Many workers struggling financially / high housing costs. and have ZERO sick days to use when ill. So they work sick. Just a few off my head. I do enjoy discussing things with you. You seem to be open to considered all kinds of opinions. That is a very valuable skilll set.
  21. Fraser Health has over a 10% pos test rate. New York just closed schools again with 3 % pos test rate.... We don't even have mandatory masks in schools and we don't even have mandatory social distancing either..... Well maybe we have some soap.... but thats about it. Our classrooms typically don't even have sinks...... You think we are doing that well ?
  22. As the global number of confirmed Covid-19 cases surpasses 30 million, residents of Taipei seem relaxed in the knowledge there has been only one suspected case linked to local transmission in the city since mid-April. And in Taiwan as a whole, an island with a population of approximately 23 million people, there have been around 500 confirmed cases and just 7 deaths since the beginning of the pandemic
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