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Silky mitts

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Everything posted by Silky mitts

  1. Agreed just very frustrating to see , Russia is pure politics .
  2. I’ve seen the story he got benched and played in the third . Great . Can’t wait to get him out of there soon as possible , before they ruin the kid .
  3. There has been nothing ideal of how his coach has deployed him this year .. kids need to play and play a lot
  4. I’ve said it numerous times , they are not developing him properly. We need him under our control before they ruin him.
  5. I would pull the trigger considering the WR you have.
  6. Yeah not liking it, seems like a step down from modern warfare
  7. Edler is definitely not better than Schmidt
  8. Honestly so depressing being a chargers fan at times. Herbert is going to be a stud though what a beauty!
  9. You don’t trade a second and a prospect for a ufa you can’t guarntee to resign especially where this team currently is. Terrible move from a terrible gm .
  10. Like this clown wasted a second and Tyler madden , and then couldn’t retain a top six player at a bargain price because of his terrible signings . How are there people defending him still lmao!
  11. When you see bums like beagle,sutter, myers getting paid up the A$$. You are going to want to get paid as well .
  12. Dude beagle sucks and is constantly getting burried on the ice when he plays.
  13. Pretty sure Barrie game plan is to play pp1 with mcdavid and leon rack up points then cash out somewhere. Hughes is the main guy here , wouldn't be the same benefactor here.
  14. bad call , we couldn't match that? What is jimbo doing.
  15. Actually calgary probably needs an overhaul already, their top end talent simply is not good enough. Now that they have marky he is too good to let them tank. Mediocrity seasons ahead for them.
  16. Not surprised that tanev had a relatively healthy year btw playing with Hughes . Tanev benefited more from that pairing for sure .
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