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Posts posted by PetterssonOrPeterson

  1. Just now, 1-d said:

    Right, as if we have a so much better chance to win the Bedard lottery with 6% than with 3.5%. Since when the lottery odd matters to us, or has it ever done anything for us? Over the past 50 years?


    We're the Vancouver Canucks, probably the most cursed pro sports franchise in north America. Winning a draft lottery still won't happen even if we had the worst record in the league. If it ever does happen, the top pick for that year is most likely a bust.


    If anyone still thinks falling to 3.5% chance from 6% totally ruined our chance at Bedard, I have a news for you: We lost our best chance long ago when Bruce got fired and not long after the team went on a 5-game winning streak, plus winning a bunch more games in March. 


    Where we are in the standings right now is the direct result of doing the exact opposite of what CHI, ANA, CBJ and a few other teams have been doing all season long. We were almost as bad as them for a while at one point, but had too much talent on the roster and the management refused to empty the tank to gamble for winning the lottery.



    There is no real chance for us winning the lottery whether it's 6% or 3.5%, so don't even bother getting angry or arguing over why the team is still winning. That ship has sailed.


    with our luck, we could finish dead last and probably wouldn't end up with the pick. 


    cold but true.

    still only a 25.5 (?) percent chance? 


    I've given up on this stupid lottery since we missed out in 2016 and failed again in two more consecutive years. not worth the stress.


    whatever happens, happens.

    • There it is 1
  2. let's all just move on now guys.


    i was upset at first too but bo said what he said.

    he was asked about it today and said it was not meant to offend this fanbase. whether he meant or not is something only he knows.


    i for one am not gonna waste my energy any more on a guy that no longer has anything to do with our team. 

    and i'm certainly not going to play psychologist and try to determine whether his clarification/apology was "genuine" or not, as a lot of ppl here seem to be arguing about now.


    i'm happy moving forward with EP40, Huggy and our core. 

    on to a better and bright future for our team (hopefully).

    • Cheers 1
  3. 1 minute ago, canuck73_3 said:

    He was hands down our best player against the Blues. Like Demko was hands down our best player against Vegas. 



    bo was literally known for being a clutch playoff performer since junior with london. 

    he did well in 2015 as a rookie for us in that first round against the flames.

    and he majorly showed up in the 2020 bubble.


    it's funny that people have such short memories. 

    • Cheers 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Elias Pettersson said:

    Bowie can never be put in the same sentence as the Sedins and Linden.  He’s not even on the same planet as them…

    Well obviously I agree with that.. but I didn't compare him to them.


    I was pointing out that respectable legends like the Sedins and Linden recommended him as captain so it's pretty disappointing he turned out to be a moronic tool.

    • Huggy Bear 1
  5. 3 hours ago, -Vintage Canuck- said:


    I'm ngl this actually hurt to hear. 


    He was my favorite player when he was here and I thought he would be our clutch captain after the 2020 bubble run. 


    Idk why he even felt the need to say this. Really uncalled for and quite surprising. 

    I thought Bo was a more classy guy considering the sedins, linden..etc. all sort of recommended him as the captain. 

    • Thanks 1
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  6. 22 hours ago, DefCon1 said:

    The skate jersey represents the fact that we are a hockey team and as Canadians or Canucks we love hockey and it has the Canucks name incorporated. What does an Orca have anything to do with being a Canadian??

    please learn some comprehension.

    i literally explained the orca's relevance to the pacific northwest, specifically our region. 


    i also think i lost brain cells reading your comment.

  7. 6 hours ago, RU SERIOUS said:

    This loss against L.A. is yet another perfect example why we need/ed a REBUILD.   For all the "dreamers" that say "we're close", after Tock-It took over, the facts are; that since the All-Star break, the Canucks have only managed to win against 4 teams (a total of 6 games) that are in a playoff position out of 27 Games.  Sad but True! 


     The reality is we've been playing bottom-feeder teams for the last two months who are dedicated to tanking - unlike our "smart" team that appears great against those basement dwellers.  When it comes to playing good teams - we still can't compete with this same core group of players we've had for years.  We have a lonnnnnng way to go............

    i was on team rebuild before too... but, first off, i've realized this owner will NEVER rebuild. Period. 

    if by the smallest chance he decided to do so, i have very large doubts it would even be conducted properly and be more like a half-a*sed rebuild than anything.



    you mention issues about compete level.. but what's the guarantee that the new rebuilt core will be able to compete better than this current group?

    what if they also prove to have faults that we will find frustrating? what if they can't even win and have a "weak mentality"? 

    then what? another rebuild again? 

    i'm not so sure rebuild, rebuild, rebuild is the answer to everything.


    Sure, when your core star players become 37,38 years old like the sedins did in 2017 then it's an obvious time for a (proper) rebuild as you literally are forced to do so because your core is retiring. 

    Aquilini didn't properly do it when it was seriously needed then either. 

    I didn't appreciate the fact that management (really ownership) was saying a rebuild "wouldn't be fair to the sedins" even leading up to their eventual retirement months later. Even then, they refused.


    But we actually did kind of rebuild if you think about it in some ways too though.

    We didn't do it voluntarily or properly ofc (not under Aquilini's watch) but we just s*cked a*s. 

    We picked 5OA in 2016 (fail). Any re-draft would probably have Petey (5OA) at 1st/2nd Overall in 2017 if it wasn't for Makar, and Hughes (7OA) is arguably a top 3, 3OA calibre pick from his own 2018 class. Demko is in his prime age and obviously up and down this year but I'm optimistic he can bounce back next season. 

    So to me, that's a 2nd overall pick and a 3rd overall pick, 24/23 year olds now, and (what should be) a young elite goaltender. 

    I don't think you should just give up on players not in their prime yet with one being a 100pt player and another 80pt defenceman. 


    IMO, it's a matter of restocking the supporting cast (DE-FENCE) and this management is trying to do that by signing young players, near ready/ready to play (ex. hirose). 

    It will take time because of the absolute chaos benning and weisbrod committed, but I think we will eventually get there. 

    I believe in this core. 

    But if you don't... honesty you don't really have a choice now with this ownership lol.





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  8. 21 minutes ago, shiznak said:

    Kuzmenko stated it was family reasons, not religious beliefs. So I guess that’s okay. (/s)

    Well why not hold everyone to the same standard? 

    Family is obviously very important of course, but religious beliefs might be crucial to some others too.

    I'm not one to judge. Who am I to do so, permitting certain reasons and restricting others?


    There's lots of different reasoning for opting out but the outcomes are the same.

    The player is refusing to wear the jersey. 


    If anything why not sit him out for the game then?

  9. Why not everyone boo kuzmenko then since people here have been in uproar about players around the league skipping out on these themed nights. 

    If you're going to criticize others, then criticize your own too.

    I saw a bunch of people riled up about provorov when he opted out. Same with reimer. 


    What, it's ok because Kuz is one of your own? 


    The pure hypocrisy makes me laugh.



    • Vintage 1
    • There it is 1
  10. 36 minutes ago, NUCKER67 said:

    I've had blind faith in the past, believing in Benning like he would save the team, because he was, apparently, an expert scout of sorts. And then there were also the Willie years, and the Green years and Torts pounding his finger into Hansen's shoulder on the bench. Bleak. There's many more years of suffering before that, but... 


    I feel like the Canucks have a bit of a dream team in management, player development and coaching. This staff have won Cups, they know what it takes and they're all here for one reason. To bring Vancouver a championship. I believe in this group to get it done.

    dream team is quite a stretch. 


    accolades are one thing but that's their trophy case. doesn't necessarily mean it translates to another team. \

    Benning had a cup ring too and was "renowned" for his scouting. 


    The first half of their arrival i would argue was one of the most dismal since the keenan years. 

    but after the bo trade, signing young free agents, acquiring hronek...etc. now they seem to have gotten their feet rolling. They'd finally put action into some of their words. 

    I am also willing to believe in this group. We'll see what happens.



  11. 6 hours ago, PhillipBlunt said:

    Exactly. Canada's justice system constantly fails its citizenry by allowing human scum like the detritus that murdered an innocent man to live freely when they should rot in a cell. Frankly, I'd be all for the death sentence, but realize how useless and dangerous the government is and don't think it should be under their jurisdiction. 

    I can't tell if they're lazy, negligent or both. 

    It infuriates me that our taxpayer money is going to these clowns who can't even do their jobs properly. 


    What a joke.

    • Cheers 1
    • Vintage 1
  12. 1 hour ago, AngryElf said:

    I was there with my girlfriend who works just around the corner. I missed the event by a minute or so while walking the block, and after we ended up stopping by to see what was going on while Mr. Schmidt was being loaded on the stretcher and Gosal was being handcuffed. I regret it, she saw way too much and takes that stuff to heart. If you watch the video circulating online (please don't, I highly recommend against it), you'll see it was an absolutely disturbed scene, especially since NOBODY stepped in to help the guy as he bled out on the ground, and nobody called 911. I seriously wish I was there when it happened, I feel like I could've stepped in and applied pressure to the wound at the very least, I have that much first-aid training. I understand Fight, Flight or Freeze but everyone standing around to pull their phones out only to film... shows a complete lack of respect to the victim. I'm horrified. 


    F**k you Inderdeep Singh Gosal. I hope you rot in hell and feel every ounce of pain you caused to this family. 


    There's a GoFundMe and a memorial at the site set up for his family, although I'm sure that's not much solace. 



    Edit: Mods, can we pin this? I don't want the GoFundMe to be lost in the thread. 

    This is riveting. 


    It makes me shake with anger.

    how pathetic and cowardly are people in society.


    Just wow.


    RIP to Mr. Schmidt. 

    • Cheers 1
  13. I hope it also highlights the good citizens who tried to stop the fights and the vandalism and help clean up during the aftermath. 


    the vancouver riots are a shame but it happened. not only once but twice.

    people can complain about it being made,

    but it's honestly not surprising especially with the hooliganism that happened that day it was embarrassing degenerate behaviour. ESPN certainly loves those storylines.



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