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Mustard Tiger

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Everything posted by Mustard Tiger

  1. Retaining the same guys who lead us to no man's land isn't the play. We need to stop paying premiums for 1 way players. BO is the only guy they actually admitted to potentially trading. He's not the leader he wants. Same with Bruce and Co. And I agree is all
  2. Both teams on the tail end of B2B. And it looks like we won't get to see the bust of a 1st overall as he has a hearing! Dang
  3. Set your standards higher. Stop accepting being in no man's land because we let everyone walk or sign them to retirement deals lol
  4. All that does is keep us in no man's land. 1 guy left who would bring multiple young pieces for the future and everyone wants to do what we always do haha. Lucky for us JR thinks different in this situation
  5. Bad news for your side regardless. The more he scores, The more likely he is traded lol
  6. You're trying to say adding context to my opinion is going off about something and moving the goalposts? That's a 2mins for reaching Today's game shows exactly what I said. Doesn't matter what he does.. The needle does not move
  7. I'm convinced the hockey gods are punishing us for not making the Black/White skate full time
  8. Using the scroll up feature would show I've been saying that the whole time lol As I said to the other fella, Time to move on from the opinion based debate. JR already explained the two paths that will happen. It's not like management is scrolling through the forum and giving a crap about our opinions anyways
  9. You tell me what our team results have been in that timeframe? We arnt the Leafs. We don't need to be paying premiums for individual statistics. This is all piss in the wind honestly.. I'm kinda over debating it lol. He's either signing team friendly or being traded.. Nothing we all can do about it!
  10. Lol you got nothing. Nothing at all will justify massive overpayment. Pure emotional decision to want to keep him
  11. Everyone whining about the prospect of him leaving is essentially using that as a defense. He scores on the PP and wins faceoffs. That's it. That does not warrant 7x8 here
  12. And the yearly results remain the same. Bottom of the league while setting NHL records in the way we are losing. But that's not bos fault! He's only a perfect player
  13. China and Russia right now while we have to reduce plastic while being charged fees to do so. Fun times
  14. I want to see a bear-bones pairing and sit the OEL-Myers pairing. Follow through with accountability. Hughes-schenn Bear-Bones Don't care - Burroughs Doing the same thing over and over and rewarding the guys who do so isn't a good standard to set. Bruce there he goes if he doesn't learn this soon
  15. All Bo does is take faceoffs. EP is superior in every single way. Offensively and defensively. That does not warrant something around 7x8. It's wasting money like this that keeps us a bottom feeder. All but 4 guys are 1 way players on this roster. That includes bo
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