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Mustard Tiger

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Everything posted by Mustard Tiger

  1. Hopefully AZ and CLB stay right near the bottom. Two teams Bedard would leave asap to come home. 3 ways we can win
  2. Idk what it is with sports and thinking PR just isn't a thing. Sure goes to show the entitled attitude everyone in power has
  3. At least the players don't seem on board. Better to see these responses than the habs praising and saying don't worry we will fix mallioux on our own terms!
  4. Meh. I'd rather just 50% retain Miller for this year and get the most value that way instead of taking money back. I really don't see Miller as this OEL like negative asset lol. Guys producing ppg still while being at his on ice lowest we have seen imo. This is the year to try and get tons of young assets in the system for either roster or future trade purposes. We have alot of good pieces we need to be willing to sell for a bright and long term future. Would we really be any worse by selling off that entire "top" line miller-horvat-garland? I don't think so as long as the cap savings / talent they bring back can fix the defensive side of our team. Moving both Miller and horvat would need to include us finishing bottom 5 and taking a C or getting a blue chipper back that can play next year however..
  5. As John would say, they should go full desperado and aquire Miller. NYI, Pens and Nashville are teams I still believe would easily take him on. Half their contracts are all like his lol
  6. He's almost a goal per game in the last 26 games or so lol. Faceoff king, Probably looks real good to anyone who doesn't watch the Canucks much.. Especially when you stat surf. Tons of TDL value. 23 1st + Blue chipper + another higher pick or roster player easy We cannot just keep doing the same thing over and over while finishing out of the playoff and out of the top pick range forever. We are the kings of no man's land
  7. I'm saying while all the other pieces on the roster currently is only good enough for bottom 5, Having a true 3C won't move the needle at all
  8. A 3c doesn't move the needle. EP and horvat are your 1 and 2 Cs and we are bottom 5 team. Pointing your finger in the wrong direction
  9. I remember back when he signed people were saying kuz could only sign a 5 year max term deal next. Is that true or is he able to bet a max term?
  10. KB3 speech reminded EP he's the best player on the team and he showed it
  11. It's a shame he doesn't qualify for the Calder but kuz is technically leading all rookies in goals and points
  12. One doesn't cost 10.5m for 8 years starting next year either hehe. Fla sucks too. Most overhyped trade that tanked both franchises Would be funny anyways lol
  13. Yeah he would need to get much better in the dot. Play wise is pretty good though
  14. I really like this sedin looking version of EP. He's honestly our best defensive fwd. Does he start climbing the selke rankings? Won't win because bad team but still
  15. Does Bedard start on the wing? Kuz-EP-Bedard Just imagine oh my gaaaadddd. Make it our mission
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