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Mustard Tiger

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Everything posted by Mustard Tiger

  1. Score a PPG. Make the game interesting. I'm not okay with losing by blowout and no effort. This third is better but the effort needs to be more than 20mins for once
  2. We need to understand the value in development and stop pretending the vets are what Bruce and Co seem to think they are haha
  3. Put a damn smile on your faces and storm back. It's the habs with a young goalie. Shouldn't be hard to believe in yourselves!
  4. That goes for most players obvs but total ghost after being on fire to start. Fans should also factor in he probably just wants a fresh start himself
  5. We dont have enough in the farm to swap out for all the underwhelming talent with the big club lol
  6. I get they are trying to drive guys point totals but its getting embarrassing
  7. Took the habs half a season to figure this out. We still to this day refuse to believe what the reality of our team is
  8. Our poor team. Watching someone else who went from cup final to rebuild with TONS of youth in a year walk all over us while we continue out path to nowhere
  9. It's very concerning. He's starting like Marky use too, But shots are simply going threw him all game as well... I'm with you
  10. What you're doing is scapegoating haha. Everyone is terrible, Goalie included. Like year two of record setting bad
  11. Whatever the outcome is I just hope it all results in prolonged success! We deserve it
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