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Everything posted by DS-Kev

  1. I work in the auto industry. Lease German makes only. If you plan to own out of warranty, set up a monthly savings amount for unexpected items. Kev
  2. Getting ready to fire up the Flames/Stars game. May lady luck join us on stage tonight instead of that singing fat lady. Kev
  3. Tough one but I thought we were due for a letdown here. Playing at the intensity level we have been is tough to do game after game. I’m still happy we gutted out a point here. We will need some luck but our trajectory has been better than the teams we are chasing. And for whatever reason we show up against good teams. So a tougher schedule for us may work in our favour coming into this home stretch. The team has come too far for you guys to throw the towel in based on tonight. Stay with them folks until the fat lady sings. Kev
  4. Nice to see Brock and Highmore back in practice to boost morale after losing Horvat. This will require a major gut check for the team to keep the momentum they have going. Objectively it's still an uphill battle, but it's still nice to have something to be hopeful for. Kev
  5. Tough blow. With that being said, I won't underestimate Boudreau's ability as a motivator. Just have to take it game by game. Kev
  6. I think tonight is the closest thing to a playoff game we have had in quite some time. I am on the fence about attending the game. Been to some really disappointing ones this year like the Islanders 5-0 lead. Given the stakes I am nervous. It is a longshot to get in and I should just enjoy watching them play and develop - but that fraction of hope remains. Kev
  7. Doughty confirmed out for the season. Not sure if he is still as big a factor as he was before but still a loss for the Kings. Biggest concern is Vegas has got hot again winning 6 of their last 7 with Pacioretty back now too. Kev
  8. Looking at the math and the matchups - I still feel like we have only a 5% chance to get in. We have had virtually nothing go our way this season. Where the Eastern Conference is already settled with 8 runaway teams owning playoff spots - the Canucks have had no luck with teams they are chasing fall from grace. Ownership was quite frankly, too slow to change anything when it was glaringly obvious this team was in a tailspin early on. With that being said, I won't give up on this team. Until we are eliminated I will still look at the standings. I will watch our competitors games and wish them the worst. Never say die. Kev
  9. You're spot on. But, never under-estimate a spoiler. When a team has nothing to play for, they surprise people. Kev
  10. Oilers Win. Kings 9 Games Remaining with 86 points Canucks 10 Games Remaining with 78 points 1 Head to Head game remaining. Don't give up!! Kev
  11. The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. If you hate something, you still care.
  12. Hard not to disagree. The hole we dug was too deep. Ownership failed us this season by a lack of timely action.
  13. Overtime continues to foil this team. A lot of low hockey-IQ moments in 3-on-3 action. Very hard to watch as a fan see a team repeat the same mistakes over and over again.
  14. Where there is smoke, there is fire. This story doesn't leak about every player that leaves. Rather than persecuting the messenger, maybe stop and think about the toxic effect this person likely had on a team. I've managed throughout my career, and all it takes is one bad apple to upset the cart. Tonight's effort is an inkling of a team looking to move forward and prove something. Let's keep rolling. Kev
  15. Tough start. Maybe a good time to give Demko a break. And who knows, maybe it sparks the team.
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