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Everything posted by GLASSJAW

  1. went looking for it, or a super thorough criticism of it last night. but every video i watched just seemed like some toothy asshole who was given a free ticket in exchange for a dumb, positive review
  2. star wars: uhh idk 7.5?/10 lots of good scenes. lots of really silly/bad ones. definitely had some tingly moments of nostalgia and all that - but ultimately i still feel completely and totally disconnected from the good guys. think luke's situation was handled very poorly. some SW fans are totally raging about it, and I get their complaints. but i still was able to enjoy it overall. kylo ren stole the show imo. in fact, i'll just go ahead and say he is by far the best character in the series at this point
  3. bitcoin hits 9k USD. so many hoped for 10k before new years. wonder if 15k is possible?
  4. ^^ bitfinex sounds mega shady lately, but do what you gotta do if you're willing to learn a bit and want to trade eth-based ICOs, then EtherDelta is the best. a lot of room for errors that you can't go back on, though also quadriga is the best canadian site for cashing out, as far as i know anyway, ETH hits new all-time high today. feels good. remember when I mentioned it in the stock thread when it was like $35 or something. someone said it looks like a bad investment. hmm!
  5. there's no secret code or handshake to get in. just google it. you just have to read and learn a lot of stuff really quickly. watch andreas antonopolous' videos on youtube, read reddit discussion boards (r/cryptocurrency, r/bitcoin -- ignore the shilling and read critically). considering most speculators think bitcoin is going to continue rising for years to come -- with a few potential massive hiccups along the way -- it's sorta silly to say you've "missed the boat" on bitcoin. most traders out there now are only trading to increase their bitcoin stack, not increase their USD/CAD amount. Like, you buy 100 coins of some sh-tcoin. Instead of holding onto those and waiting/hoping for it to become worth $500 each, you simply wait for it to increase its value in BTC, then trade it for BTC. take some profit and invest it in another coin, etc.
  6. Weird way to conclude the article: "Interestingly enough, the price of Ether has not deviated much since the hack. Which may show that there is more confidence in the network than ever." Weird because the writer says earlier: "To be clear, the vulnerability was a mistake by Parity, and not a vulnerability of the Ethereum protocol itself." Why would the price of Ether deviate because poorly coded third party junk like Parity loses money? Parity is not Ethereum, Ethereum is not Parity. Anyway, stuff like this is just an extremely expensive growing pain imo. Ethereum/blockchain tech is still in its infancy despite the insane amounts of money floating around -- like the internet in its first few months. Things will be far easier, more streamlined soon enough. Not saying Ethereum will lead the way necessarily, but in the meantime, I'm not going to sell any ETH just because a third party drops the ball. Stocks, to me, are the old world--this is the new.
  7. it (2017): 5.5/10 i guess. the original is awful, imo. this is way better, but still lame. i really loved some scenes, thought some bits were extremely well done. pennywise was the best part, even though it goes too far with him occasionally. but that's the source material for ya. almost every movie i've ever seen based on a stephen king book just goes way over the top into the realm of pure stupidity anyway, this, my friends, is what i would call a masterclass in over production. the music is HORRIBLE and so sharp. the visual effects are often HORRIBLE (from the CGI to the simple blood/makeup). the movie is over two hours long for some reason. the sets were often pretty dumb too. the home life sequences made me feel uncomfortable, and were not at all a pleasurable discomfort (like Texas Chainsaw). these were just like, pure cringe sh-t. especially the dad and daughter, it was so unnecessary and gross. anyway, I did find some scenes creepy, and that's pretty much all you can ask for. but overall this was pretty much as good as i could expect, and thankfully a significant improvement over the terrible original
  8. don't think coinbase ever allowed canadians to take money out. they probably will eventually you can use quadrigacx though. i think you're more likely to get spyware or some virus on your computer and lose your bitcoin through that than you are to have coinbase hacked and someone lift your $250, imo. but if you're looking for a wallet, you could place an order for a Ledger Nano S and store it 'on' that
  9. Suburbicon is getting really poor-to-mediocre reviews. sorta bummed as i thought it looks like a fair Coen bros-lite movie. i thought Clooney's two directorial attempts at drama were solid if not really good (Ides of March, Goodnight and Good Luck). but didn't enjoy Monuments Men at all. I watched the new Spider Man movie. i liked the comics as a kid, so my morbid curiosity will always bring me to movies. it actually wasn't as bad as i was expecting. don't get me wrong, it was still a total dud, but i didn't actively hate all of it like i did Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy. so like 5.5 i guess. saw Bladerunner 2049 for second time. Really loved it again. re-watched Texas Chainsaw Massacre which is an easy 10/10 for me. utterly disturbing and impossible to enjoy, yet totally enjoyable at the same time.
  10. havent bought any LTC for a while, doubt i will any time soon. i do have some VTC though (curious about the atomic swap stuff, and i admit i'm sorta hoping it feeds off their LTC connection) looks like ETH is testing a serious run right now. i shorted my BTC last night and i have serious anxiety over it - tempted to put the money in ETH and hope it goes up with the Metropolis release -- but if it goes down, then i stand to lose an awful lot. think i'll just wait for BTC to cool down more and re-buy in hopefully at a significant gain
  11. bitcoin hits all-time high. currently sitting at $6300-ish CAD
  12. blade runner 2049: 9?/10 the things that irritate me about the first are here for the second, but most of that stuff is just preference (i get zero enjoyment out of watching replicants do their kung fu stuff). but overall this thing is pretty much fantastic. great music, amazing visuals, complex plot that doesn't completely go over your head. the price of admission is worth it just for the 2 seconds of the naked, giant pink woman with blue hair. i hope in the future all women look like that. edit: the more I think about it, I think this might make me appreciate the original more--and i mean that in a totally positive way for both. can't say i have that feeling about many sequels, especially ones this far apart
  13. banking on bitcoin: 7/10. bitcoin doc on netflix. if you aren't aware of what's happening with blockchain tech, it's probably a must watch. a few smart investments today could pay off massively later. unfortunately doesn't really go very deep, and gets distracted by some pretty irrelevant stuff (satoshi's identity) neo yokio: 6.5/10 ezra koenig (vampy weekend) wrote this "anime" -- so naturally, it's layer upon layer of irony delivered by unlikeable characters. some episodes are better than others, and somehow even only being 6 20 min episodes made it feel long. woulda worked better if it was a 90 min movie. dunkirk: 7.5-8.5/10. liked it, not sure how much i liked it. better than most war movies, but since most war movies aren't my cup of tea maybe that isn't saying much curb your enthusiasm s09e01: 8/10. pritty prittay prittay gud curb your enthusiasm s09e02: 6/10. not very good. blade runner (dir cut): 8.5: don't care much for sci fi, but i enjoyed it more than i did last time i watched it. excited for new one.
  14. https://www.salon.com/2014/05/28/wsjs_shameful_climate_denial_the_scientific_consensus_is_not_a_myth/
  15. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/climate-consensus-97-per-cent/2014/oct/21/global-warming-contrarian-paper-unrealistic-inaccurate furthermore https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roy_Spencer_(scientist) as for the video itself, he says it's a "relatively small minority" of scientists who believe in global warming. does he actually believe this? do YOU? when he discusses his 'published paper' he admits that it was met with "relative silence" -- now, you can take this two ways. the implication I think these two dummies are trying to go with is that UH OH, THEY SILENCED THEM! HE DID IT! but in reality, it's probably much more related to how the scientific community doesn't respect this guy, doesn't see a point in engaging with this retarded beliefs. but do occasionally (see Guardian article, see https://thinkprogress.org/climate-scientists-debunk-latest-bunk-by-denier-roy-spencer-8519f36faf77/). he does say though that the few responses he did get were all "attempts" at discrediting him, but he doesn't buy it because they're fallacious. give me a break.
  16. Martin McDonagh just took home 3 "big" awards at TIFF for his new movie Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri. he's the dude who wrote/directed Seven Psychopaths and In Bruges. it stars Frances McDormand, Sam Rockwell, Peter Dinklage, Woody Harrelson. I am not a Rockwell fan at all tbh, and I found Seven Psychpaths to be disappointing in the wake of how much I enjoyed In Bruges, but I still have high hopes for this one
  17. Last week: JP Morgan: BITCOIN IS A FRAUD! DON'T BUY A BITCOIN! This week:
  18. baby driver: 5.5/10? started off strong but quickly became exhausting. last 30 minutes are not good at all. anyway, don't have any issue with 'style over substance' as a rule, but something about this just feels so sterile, and its idea of 'cool' is totally antithetical to mine
  19. Here's a pretty good article highlighting some issues about China and Bitcoin and how easily they could shut down the entire thing, but simply don't: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-06-15/peoples-bank-china-manipulating-bitcoin-price i also think this highlights one of the fundamental values of Ethereum: proof of stake will allow anyone to "mine" for a profit (1-12%) without using expensive equipment and government-aided dominance like we see with china and bitmain, etc.
  20. it has happened many, many, many times. and it always shakes off and scares new investors. that's the entire point, unfortunately the Chinese government does not care about rich people using bitcoin. i just don't understand how it could, since Bitcoin is not anonymous in China, and the big players in Bitcoin, like Jihan Wu and his mega-capitalist company Bitman, are EXTREMELY public figures. I'm pretty sure purchasing Bitcoin requires a People's Bank of China account too (i may be mistaken). of course laundering is entirely possible and people are gaming the system, but for the most part, this entire news cycle just reeks of price manipulation
  21. with that said, I hope both bitcoin and ethereum absolutely plummet so i can buy more
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