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Everything posted by GLASSJAW

  1. Anyone have any guesses what Everton will do with their attack going forward? Would or could they actually rely on Rooney week in, week out? Or will they use their Lukaku money to bring in a new striker -- and if so, what Lukaku-tier talent would go to Everton? So many outlets linking Giroud, but is anyone convinced by him? (edit: I wonder if Arsenal would be willing to part with Welbeck at this point?) Also, the Chelsea subreddit right now is a bit tense. Some supporters extremely frustrated with management. Can't really blame them with how the Costa/Lukaku thing went down, but I can just as easily see them splashing out a big fee on Belotti
  2. i don't use quadriga to buy, i just used to used it as an online 'wallet'; while i waited for my hard wallet (ledger) i've heard it takes a very long time for some of these sites now--like a month, maybe more. majorly backed up.
  3. http://www.goldmansachs.com/our-thinking/pages/blockchain/ goldman sachs recognizes the future no idea if the great FUD/dip of summer 17 has ended yet, but ETH is still relatively cheap and Bitcoin hasn't bounced up yet. good time to buy
  4. i've heard a lot of mixed things about kraken i just use quadriga, coinbase (small purchases of ether), quickbt (small purchases of bitcoin). and then i use the admittedly terrible poloniex for small market trades (no CAD)
  5. i went from total panic yesterday and two days ago to having a big smile on my face. just put a few hundred into a few sh-tcoins that i think will make some serious moves in the next month or two. now that they're at, or near, all time lows it's pretty difficult to lose money on them. once the money comes back into crypto, AS IT ALWAYS DOES, and FOMO idiots start putting their money into these coins as announcements, betas, etc. are announced, i will cash out and buy more btc/eth for as volatile as crypto is, PEOPLE are predictable unless i'm wrong, in which case i probably just lost $600
  6. panic selling jelly hands will be crying FOMO again soon. http://www.investopedia.com/news/imf-blockchain-banks-invest-cryptocurrency-blockchain/
  7. lol, the entire sport is loaded with doped up rednecks
  8. can't believe the level of panic selling and FUD bullsh-t going on the last few days. i wish i had more money to spend, because i would be buying up eth and a few sh-tcoins like absolute mad right now. even bitcoin itself is taking a hit anyone who thinks the jig is up for cyrpto is a total moron. NOTHING has changed in the foundation for these coins. eth has had a few problems over the last couple of weeks (clogged orders, gas limits), but all of this stuff is, or will be, worked on asap. all of the foundations are still there. all the news and corporate and global interest is GROWING but nope. weak handed normies hand all their money to garbage ICOs, lose profit, and start spreading panic. unbelievable. i bet if new ETH buyers didn't give the weak ICOs all their millions of tokens then ETH would be sitting at $600 right now
  9. never heard of it! will give it a watch
  10. in response to my previous post about Disney firing the two directors of the Han Solo movie: they just hired Ron Howard. what a colossal step up from the directors of 21 Jump Street wonder if they will re-shoot the scenes they already completed, or if they're just paying him to put his name on the project or something
  11. blake griffin opts out (as expected) think he'll go to boston? cp3 done in LAC too
  12. I agree, but Lonzo's demeanour is remarkable through it all. I wonder how much he'll care about this sort of thing. Even when he played TOTALLY AVERAGE basketball towards the end of the NCAA tournament, he shouldered the blame with what seemed like total indifference the other day he said he doesn't get nervous. I actually believe it. dude is ice cold. I'm just not sure that's a good thing, sometimes
  13. Wilbon cranky as hell tonight
  14. I was on the Lakers bandwagon so hard back in the Kobe days, so I sorta have a soft spot for them and want them to be competitive again... but I sure as hell don't want them to get LeBron I'm kinda happy about all the free agency money, and I hope you're right about PG... but James? ugh, he's a circus
  15. exciting times for T-Wolves fans, young team with lots of talent
  16. Woj saying "serious talks" about George going to Celtics now
  17. wow. great novel The Sisters Brothers (gritty, funny western) is about to start filming. It'll star Jake Gyllenhaal and Joaquin Phoenix as the brothers director is a bit of a surprise. some french art house type dude named Jacques Audiard super excited for this. the book is moving, hilarious, violent
  18. http://www.vulture.com/2017/06/star-wars-han-solo-movie-loses-directors-near-end-of-filming.html Bad omen for Star Wars fans. Have to laugh at the bolded part, though. The directors were STUNNED by the lack of creative control in a Kennedy production funded by DISNEY and the Lucas Arts/Star Wars brand? Really, guys? As if the Disney Corp is going to hand its cash cow franchise over to the director(s) of 21 JUMP STREET(!?!?!) with creative control?
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