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Sultan of Sarcasm

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Everything posted by Sultan of Sarcasm

  1. Just caught one of my assitants updating her FB. Apparently she hates me, and hates her job. I don't get it, I didn't even call her an HPOA. I mean, I might have, but she isn't, so I didn't.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shift-4


      yesterday is a long time ago



      Just wait for the email. Enjoy Farmville! :)

    4. Sultan of Sarcasm

      Sultan of Sarcasm

      *re-arranges "CDC TOP TEN" list hanging on office wall. Yep, down to #7 Shift. Keep it up princess, and you'll be licking the dirt off my shoe in no time.

  2. Should mind her own damn business and try concerning herself with HER calender.
  3. Is about to call me some horrific name in German, knowing that I can take a joke.
  4. Has no sense of humor. Damn, another person that doesn't get me.
  5. When you see Bill's Puddle, you'll realize that wherever this place your instructor is taking you is a marked improvement. Of course you can do it. What's the big deal? You'll probably find it refreshing.
  6. Clearly failed, judging by the red x where there should be an avatar.
  7. Is going to teach this internet moron how to make something out of that gem.
  8. Sounds like the kind of work where I used to live (the town that inspired my name.) People would be gone for a few weeks at a time with no access to anything. Then they'd turn bat**** insane. Go figure.
  9. Well let's be honest. There really aren't a lot of lakes worth visiting in that province of yours, are there? I would NOT have gone, if it were me. Green slime is fairly far down on my "to consume" list.
  10. Is that not standard fare for Calgary's "lakes"?
  11. You got lucky though. I always love getting to sit back and watch someone be totally confused and make an idiot out of themselves.

  12. Is supposed to be working on a Bob and Doug Mackenzie avatar but instead is pissing away the time in here.
  13. GET ON IT! EDIT: I know it's been said, but is >me. And this time I mean it.
  14. Did you end up using the same people your neighbour did? EDIT: PS - Better than a SuperSave Port-a-Potty though, right?
  15. Glad I got the invite. I was scared about what y'all were gonna make me do.
  16. I don't think I can say that. EDIT: Can I say that? *puts down bottle of wine*
  17. I've never posted in here. Am I like...just...invited? Or do I have to preform some illegal or horrific and mortifying action to be granted access?
  18. Does he need translation? Could I have made it any more obvious I was being sarcastic?

  19. Is being paid off by a good friend of mine to entertain me for the evening. I'm sure of it. Guys, come on, the joke's not funny anymore, mmmmkay? Pay the man and let him be on his way.
  20. Enjoys fueling the fires of the internet's lost and confused.
  21. Has completely lost his crap. EDIT: That was fast. Sorry BB, had to do it.
  22. I'm deferring to someone else for this one. Ovie? Someone help me out here. I can't stop laughing.
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