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Posts posted by Russ

  1. On 2/1/2021 at 9:37 PM, stawns said:

    If you get caught with one of those, you should be subject to the strictest punishment possible under the law

    Thats Funny GIF by MOODMAN


    We all know Canada has no strict laws for criminals!  You would get a worse punishment by screwing up your taxes this April than selling fake covid tests.


    But yea something like this would be nice to actually see some punishments really handed down.

  2. On 2/2/2021 at 10:30 AM, thedestroyerofworlds said:

    Reading this, I have ZERO patience for any anti-vaxxer bull%$^.  NONE.  This article shows that no matter what you do to demonstrate that the anti-vaxxer is incorrect, they will continue to push their bull@#$*.




    Nurse who fainted during Covid vaccine harassed by anti-vaxxers wrongly convinced she’s dead


    Tiffany Dover explained fainting is quite common for her after the incident

    She fainted and they tried to claim she was dead? You would think as she awoke it would make it pretty clear she had been turned into a flesh eating zombie of course...

    • Haha 2
    • Vintage 1
  3. 1 hour ago, AriGold2.0 said:

    So what you're saying is I shouldn't have sold SAVA at $18.00 a week ago ? :picard:

    Ari!  So you're the one who sold me my shares?!  Thanks bro!


    To bad I sold half at my stop loss at $62 yesterday :( Oh well no FOMO after that 2 week run. 


    Probably set my stop loss for my last half at like $70 just to lock in those other profits and if it takes off that will be even more awesome.

  4. 3 hours ago, Lancaster said:

    I've lost money in GME... but I just used "play money". 


    It would really suck if someone really put their life savings.... but then again there are lots of people who also spend all their money at the casino too.  

    At least for GME.... they can use the loss for future tax credits, lol.  

    Reminds me of the time I was playing $5 blackjack hands with only $40 and the person beside me went to the ATM 4 times during the span I was there and withdrew $800 each time and kept loosing it. 

    • Upvote 1
  5. 8 hours ago, nuckin_futz said:

    RIP Wall Street Bets.


    Can't recall any other day I have seen that had the Dow +500 and so many stocks -30-60%

    All the kids that were smart and got out started investing normal again, my stocks that all dropped last week are all getting back close to par again from a week and a half ago.  Hopefully it will continue being a nice steady climb from here on out.  


    Got my homerun stock today so that was nice change :)

  6. On 1/31/2021 at 2:35 PM, Silent Man said:

    Thank you for the link

    This is a very upsetting information, really.

    “UK vaccinate 200 people a minute” We can only dream about this.

    “UK started pandemic with 0 production capacity to produce vaccine. We built everything during last 8-9 months. We took that decision last spring to actually have this capability” What our government was doing last spring?

    This interview just confirmed my thoughts that our government failed miserably to response to this pandemic

    Hard to compare.  Major Pizer plant is in Belgium so it is easier to transport there, plus England was the first I can remember that started buying up as many doses as possible, it was a couple weeks later when Canada was like "oh yea so maybe we should buy some"


    Also 200 people a minute, when it takes 8 hours to drive from bottom to top of the country essentially, its really easy to get people in for vaccines.  Heck we can't even get to calgary in 11 hours or prince george or any of the very other remote areas so distriubuting and having people file in is going to be far faster and easier.  Not giving government a lifeline here but logistically its going to be way harder and slower in a giant country. 

  7. 8 hours ago, KoreanHockeyFan said:

    How are you guys keeping up with your 9-5 jobs while trading? I find that I can barely keep up with 1 or 2 of my positions while working, and that's only because I'm working from home. 


    I don't think I'd have time to watch the markets at all if it wasn't for COVID forcing everyone to work from home.

    Usually set buy orders before market opens (not a good idea but what can I do), maybe check it once during the day or so, then when I get off work see how it does. My work starts right at market open. For the most part I don't do days/pennies, most of my stuff are looking like month+ generally so even on changes during the day don't bother me much especially since I probably won't be playing with them anyways.  


    IE.  I got stuff like PDAC, STPK, TSLA, SE, IPWR taking up 80% of my portfolio so I have no need to really look constantly as they are all long growers hopefully.  Then I have some other smaller positions in ones that will jump around a little more than I trim off of every so often.

  8. 3 hours ago, I.Am.Ironman said:

    While this is true (GM's hummer as well), Tesla is miles ahead of them in tech (pun intended) and market share. There is also the self driving race. The growth in China alone is expected to be dozens of percent. The margin did decrease this quarter but they are also finishing up the factories in Berlin and Texas, they also stopped selling the S and X because of the release of S and X Plaid. Elon also noted that there were supply chain challenges due to covid which negatively affected margin and a semiconductor shortage. Which is fair imo.


    Overall, their growth is still at the very least impressive. What gets me is a lot of these Tesla bears, like the one in the video, make their calculations without the government subsidies included.. why? "Without government subsidies or incentives the stock would be overvalued".. blah blah blah. They act as if those subsidies and incentives are going to go away. Does anyone think the subsidies are decreasing under Biden/Harris? No. Further to that, Tesla's PE ratio is a common topic of bears, which is understandable - it's crazy high. But these same people probably wished they bought Amazon when their PE ratio was over 3000 in 2012, or 1000 in 2013, or 700 in 2014. I'm not saying Tesla will be Amazon but PE ratios in rapidly growing companies can be misleading.


    All this is still only addressing their vehicles. Tesla has utility revenue streams as well that are never addressed. They are an innovative company. The world will be a better place if they succeed imo. Tesla's share price has moved down along with the rest of the market, though I am watching it closely. If this move down was going against the market trend I think it would be more alarming imo. Apple just recorded the best quarter in history and their share price dropped.

    This is what a lot of these analysts always do, they base everything off the cars, not the rest of the revenue streams which are going to keep expanding.  Going to be really interesting to see which company decides to pay a royalty to Tesla to use their supercharger network or their FSD program instead of using lidar.


    If whole market hadnt tanked and only tesla I would be much more worried.

    • Cheers 1
  9. 6 hours ago, nuckin_futz said:

    Certainly no shortage of stuff to do this week. Coming back to equity trading after such a long absence has been a bit of an eye opener. I couldn't believe how fast the market was. Though most of that is due to the short busting plays which I traded a lot. I also could not believe how slow I was in the beginning. Thankfully the rust has shaken off and I am up to speed again.


    Still waiting on a second account to get opened. Gonna take about another week or so but that will make a big difference. Pleased with how the week went, 13 large today and 44 for the week.


    Have a good weekend guys.

    *Watches Nuckin posts intensely so I can learn what he likes and why*


    Definitely opposite of me, I probably averaged 3k drop each day this week, it was a bad red week....

  10. 6 hours ago, CanuckGAME said:

    Where do you guys do your trading?


    Is there an app that is best for Canadians?

    I have RBC but its trash.  People like IBKR because it has longest pre and after hours but their app is such hot trash, seriously it looks like it was built by AOL in the 90s.  Might sign up and give Questrade an attempt

  11. 1 minute ago, Warhippy said:

    As a heads up for the EV fans.  Biden just announced he intends to replace the ENTIRE US postal service fleet with EV options.


    Keep your ears to the ground, there's really only 4-6 companies capable fo this and it's all an in USA build option only



    Yea WKHS and Rivian should be massive players in it. Still hoping Lion Electric with them opening a main plant in the USA for manufacturing can get a lot of the bus contracts for schools/cities and help me out with my NGA stock.

  12. 1 minute ago, kingofsurrey said:

    Sold my Tesla about a month ago...  the valuation just made no sense to me... I bought into Arkk to keep a more managed / comfortable level of exposure to Tesla ..


    Kept all my Apple.....  I will stay long with it i think. The company seems to so well managed.


    I regret not buying MicroSoft earlier in the year..... I think it would be another great long .


    Today just was a beating that really did not make sense.  Even the green energy ETFs were down up to 7%.... after Biden raves about increasing solar energy.....


    Really hoping not 2 more days like today this week. 

    I got lots of time for Tesla, even with these big drops this week its still up 18% in January.  If it stuck there and I ended up with an 18% return for the year thats still a heck of a lot better than my mutual fund company has ever gotten me.


    Yea I thought greens would be still doing well post Biden but.......................... Definitely didn't happen today haha.  Oh well try again tomorrow and the next day and the next.... 

    • Cheers 1
  13. 3 minutes ago, kingofsurrey said:

    Me today...


    Even Apple sets earnings record.... and way higher than predicted ....  EVEN Apple drops 4 %.

    What a f....ed up day...  I Know baked in already... but when you beat predicted levels of earning and you drop anyways.....



    Tesla missed and dropped then I heard Apple was higher and dropped the same.  Nothing made bloody sense today. Or probably tomorrow or Friday.  Hoping Monday things will start getting back to normal.

    • Cheers 1
  14. 1 hour ago, themcdeal said:

    For anyone saying that WSB is the one doing the manipulation - A bunch of posters who brag about how much money they routinely lose lol


    It was the hedge funds which were taking infinite risk for finite profits taking MASSIVE naked short positions. Several brokers stopped trading of AME and GME today. CNBC falsely reporting that Melvin closed their short position (Complete Liie). Coordinated attaks to drive the price down and cause market halts. Analysts on CNBC saying they're gonna short GME (With one making a purchase on air) - How is that not manipulation. 


    Now the SEC wants to investigate reddit? LMAO

    Why dont you investigate the emails and phone calls of Melvin & Citron and let us know if any manipulation happened there? 


    Anyone who is possibly against reddit and siding with these rich hedge fund douchebags and have been serious manipulated over the years... 


    Last point on the matter. It took them MONTHS to get a freakin stimulus bill passed in States which would be giving Americans much needed money for Covid relief. Let's see how fast some bull$&!# regulation gets passed now that a couple of hedge funds got there dicks kicked in. 

    WSB should just start a hedge fund then I guess?

  15. 2 hours ago, The Lock said:

    If the Liberals were in charge, we'd likely be more like Alberta with more casualties. You can complain all you want about the NDP in this (and they definitely have had their questionable moments and decisions), but we only have the 2 other options. One of them would be absolutely horrible during this time and the other doesn't have the traction to get the votes.


    At least we're not like the states where Walgreens and CVS have been tasked with this in most state... yay, capitalism during a pandemic. :wacko:

    We can play the what if game all we want, we really don't know how it would have turned out with the Liberals, probably worse but who knows maybe somehow better, we will never know.  My point was this was piss poor planning of this roll out.  Without having extra vaccines in hand ready to go they should have never used up their supply for the second dose and risk missing that second deadline.  They had already pushed the 21/28 days to 32 or whatever and now they are pushing it to the CDC max 42 days that apparently they can be eligible for the shot.  Talk about calling it close if you ask me, not something that should have been done in my opinion.

  16. 14 hours ago, debluvscanucks said:


    Thats Funny GIF by MOODMAN


    Government being government.... Lets never plan proper, lets push everything to the damn limits.  The fact they didn't administer one dose, hold a second for EVERY first dose given and now we already had it up past 30 days, now they are pushing it to the 42 days because the CDC says it can be done, thats garbage.  These manufacturers put 21 and 28 days on their doses, need to follow what they post not keep going with other government agencies are pushing.  Rather see less people done right now but with 2 doses than more people on single doses and now there is no guarantee they will get it by the 42 day limit. Every dose should have a pair to be administered 3 weeks later.


    I was ok with the NDP, I keep giving them chances as I still think they have done overall ok since we aren't in Ontario or Quebec stages but if they bumble the hell out of this, they are dead to me next election and it'll be between Liberals and Greens and I won't even consider the NDP after such stupidity. 

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