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Posts posted by Russ

  1. 3 hours ago, stawns said:

    they're giving 600 inmates the vaccine, only the most acute.  I have zero issue with that

    Not my problem.  They aren't tax payers, they actually cost tax payers money.  They should be bottom of the list.  Shouldn't have done a crime to end up in jail. Rather see 600 more seniors or health care workers or any other tax paying citizen get it first. 

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  2. 4 hours ago, BoKnows said:

    Yeah I don't understand why inmates get priority over my 80+ year old grandparents.  Especially my papa who has a lung disease.

    Or every other tax payer thats actually benefiting the economy..... How inmates who have done crimes, are now a drain on the economy and not a benefit, are getting it over everyone else is a bunch of horse crap.

  3. 2 hours ago, debluvscanucks said:

    I have to admit I'm rather terrified to go back to work in a school on Monday.  Have learned some of the teaching staff spent the holidays in Ontario and visited with family, etc.  Some also in the UK.  Not comfortable at all about this deal.

    If they went to Ontario shouldn't they have to quarantine or is that just international?

  4. On 1/6/2021 at 5:15 PM, Monty said:

    The Terror


    Currently in season 1, just finishing episode 6. Man, are we ever in the golden age of television. When shows like this and The Americans go largely unnoticed and they are quite possibly possibly best shows to be released in the last decade, you know we're spoiled.



    Looks like its not on a streaming service in Canada yet? I just googled and didn't find any of the main players popping up with it :S


    Nevermind found it on Prime

  5. 5 hours ago, debluvscanucks said:


    Be reminded that testing is likely also way down too....so this may not be the most accurate picture of things.

    Also for the most part with more restrrictions theres less and less contact and chance of anything happen.  I don't know about you Deb but for me its home-work-grocery store are the only 3 places.  Work I feel really safe, as safe as my own home so really the only chance I would have to get tested would be suddenly if the grocery store someone got back to me and told me I needed to be tested from there and for the most part I think grocery stores are pretty well sanitized and cleaned at this point.  So the chances of anyone I know in my situation, we aren't likely to be tested since we can't visit other people, etc. now.

  6. 9 hours ago, Sean Monahan said:

    But unless it's rapid test, which is unreliable, how can you be sure the person hasn't contracted COVID in the time between taking the test and boarding the plane?

    I think we can play the what if game all day.  I think the idea is 3 days before boarding, you atleast aren't positive at that time.  Theres nothing saying in those 3 more days plus plane ride you can't catch it, but being clean just prior gives a better chance of landing safely and not bringing something back.

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  7. 9 hours ago, Duodenum said:

    STPK got slammed today, o well, more for me. 


    Added NGA like Arigold did as well, they have an amazon contract. 


    Otherwise, just holding. 

    Yea I looked at STPK at lunch and It was down like 15% at the time, I was like "ouch thats hurting" then I grabbed some NGA like I was waiting for time all day to do it. 


  8. 6 hours ago, Warhippy said:

    LOL you know you're in trouble when you're on the right in Alberta and Ezra Levant is pissed at you


    She really REALLY screwed up





    I think theres a point now where doesn't matter what side you're on of the political spectrum, when you pull crap like that you'll get called out by everyone.  Buggering off when everyone else is told to stay home, doesn't matter who you are, what party you're from, I am gonna stand my ground and say fire them and remove their pension. 

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  9. 19 hours ago, UnkNuk said:

    From the article:


    According to Radio-Canada, which first reported the news, Arcand was spotted by a witness in the Glitter Bay district of the country.


    Arcand says in his statement he “regrets this decision given the current situation in Quebec and the respect we owe to health-care workers.”




    Translation:  he regrets being spotted.


    Just once I'd like one of these people to say they screwed up BEFORE being outed by the press.


    Feds should change the law where they get fired and lose their pension too. Might make them smarten up.

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  10. On 12/25/2020 at 10:53 PM, 6of1_halfdozenofother said:

    Why not just call the cops on them?  If you don't want them knowing it was you, then call in a "shots fired" to get the cops in the area, and then "accidentally on-purpose" draw attention to the mass gathering next door.


    I know it's a dick move, but they started it first with their provincially-banned social gathering.

    If you called in shots fired and got the cops possibly pulled off other stuff that they may be doing because of a gathering then I sure the hell hope you get caught and charged for wasting the cops time and tax payers dollars with fake calls.  If you want to report the neighbors, report them but don't fake something as serious as shots fired because that becomes a massive incident. 

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  11. On 12/2/2020 at 3:19 PM, canucklehead44 said:

    Eriksson lacks offensive skill and doesn't show up on the score sheet for other box stats like hits, blocked shots etc. There is a reason why however Green, Horvat etc says he does the "little things well", sparking his nickname little things or little thinger. 

    First - Pearson and Horvat performed much better with Eriksson on their line - this has been talked about and reported on several times. He is also a good penalty killer. This article from the hockey writers goes into great detail into his game: https://thehockeywriters.com/canucks-loui-eriksson-black-ace/

    From an entertainment value he is terrible to watch and is a dead fish with the puck on his stick. That said he is a very useful defensive player and penalty killer. Pearson and Horvat are fantastic offensively but are awful defensively. Eriksson can take some of that defensive heavy lifting off their plate and allow Pearson & Horvat to drive offence. 


    Jay Beagle is well loved on these boards because he is a hardworking vet who wins faceoffs and kills penalties but unfortunately he terrible. If Sutter moved into the 4C role I would much rather have Eriksson in the lineup over Beagle. 


    If they could keep Beagle off the ice 5v5 and only use him for PK and PK faceoffs and if he only cost a mill it would be good.  To bad it was a 3x4 contract we got him for.

  12. 10 minutes ago, MoneypuckOverlord said:

    hfboards.com neutral members are livid that Tampa is doing this.  this injury is suspicious as hell, and the NHL should look into this bull $&!#.  Khucherov as I remember looked as healthy as hell, and for him to suddenly not be part of the season is absolute horse $&!#. 

    Going to be impossible for them to force him to USA from Russia with covid going on.  NHL will probably just bend over and let it happen as usual for the sunbelt teams.

  13. 1 hour ago, Lancaster said:

    They should.  

    I used to use RBC DI and I was able to purchase warrants.  


    Just enter the ticker symbol yourself.  Unless there were some additional forms that were required before you can buy warrants.  

    Finally chatted with them apparently its an issue on their end they are trying to fix, had to change the ending of it, hopefully they get it fixed next time I want to look into possible warrants but good to know it wasn't me.

  14. 13 minutes ago, AriGold2.0 said:

    Perfect explanation... I have zero concerns with the team involved. They don’t need to find a company, the company will find them. Combined these guys have handled around 1T in funds in the energy field.


    it’s not if it’s a when question with this SPAC.

    Ah fuuuuu RBC doesnt do warrants unless I call in.... Its impossible to not be on hold for 2+ hours :(

  15. 3 minutes ago, Sp3nny said:

    Not to speak for Ari, but the warrants usually track the commons minus the strike price, plus some insulation priced in. So if the commons go to $15 let's say, its a 50% bump from the current $10 price, which is great! But if the warrants track it, and go to $5, its close to 200%. Thats the benefit of warrants. Its not that they grow more, but the lower buy in = greater % gain. However, in regards to SPAC's, the commons have some safety built in the initial investment if it never merges, whereas the warrants are worthless. Risk/reward...


    I have been doing strictly warrants for the past bit and it has worked out great! Just wanted to share my experience. I'm still pretty new at this lol.

    Thanks!  I am still learning and figuring them out myself and seen a few people I watch talk about grabbing them quite often so just trying to figure out the risk/reward over them.

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