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Posts posted by Russ

  1. 8 hours ago, Lancaster said:

    That would be the most stupidest idea ever.  

    If you're even thinking of holding non-distributing assets long-term, you'll constantly have to liquidate part of your portfolio just to pay taxes.  

    Imagine you put $50000 on Tesla stocks 1 year ago.... and now that it went up 10x, you are now a taxable liability of $250,000 x (whatever tax rate). 


    I also get the feeling that they won't be implementing a Unrealized Tax Loss Credit.  

    And how would they do unrealized losses or gains?  Some stocks can fluxuate 10% a day easy so when would it be done.  And of course losses wouldn't count lol.  And how would that work for all the mutual funds/ETFs?

    This is basically some BS to try and make supporters feel that they would be sticking it to the rich man on wallstreet when it would affect every person in the country.

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  2. 14 hours ago, Wolfgang Durst said:

    this might come to an end.

    What do you think is the rationale behind Cathie Wood cutting the stock in Tesla?

    Is the timing just a coincidence?

    Over the last couple of weeks we heard that Lucid Motors will go public and that they are going to launch EV  in spring in the U.S. and in Europe before year end.


    I ll give you a short summary of Tesla's competitors:

    - XPENG, Nio, BYD and the German Car manufacturers (VW, BMW, Daimler, Porsche) in China & Europe

    - Lucid Motors. Lucid was founded back in 2007 and developed batteries for E-.buses originally. That's the reason why their battery for EV's has a higher reach than Tesla's.

      CEO of Lucid, Rawlinson was a former head of engineering at Tesla, head of production at Lucid is Hochholdinger , a former head of production at Tesla.

    - Rivian is up and coming. Their battery technology is as good as Tesla's.

    Both, Rivian and Lucid are going to attack Tesla on the norh american market. And believe me both EV manufactures are going to launch damn good cars, super design and high end battery technology.


    Mentioned in one of my previous posts that Tesla is can sell only a portion of its Shanghai produced EV in China. They are going to run in production - overcapacities, because their short and mid - term sales forecast is ambitous / overly optimistic.

    Tesla's lowered their selling prices for the German Market to match the cheaper selling price of Daimler's EV resulting in a lower gross margin. Of course I do know that US- analysts don't pay attention to profits and gross margin. They only look at the top-line (revenue) and growth. Both of them will be under intense pressure beginning in 2021.


    This party will come to an end. That's for sure.

    Have to remember Tesla is venturing into a lot of other revenue streams from solar, renewables, battery storage, their supercharge network is a good revenue stream too, etc. To just look at them as an EV company is silly and short sighted.  


    Also ETFs (and mutual funds by law I believe to protect investors) can't hold more than 10% of a stock in any of their portfolios.  They litterally buy/sell Tesla daily to maintain 10% portfolio balance depending on how everything else does.  


    Yes there is competition, but NIO and Xpeng currently are M3 competitors, they don't have a true competitor for the Y/S/X.  Lucid should provide some good competition but still biggest issue in North American with EVs is the lack of charging cross country which Tesla currently dominates specificially for their vehicles, I know I have an Ioiniq and the reliablity of chargers and amount of fast ones aren't always great and reliable.  Rivian will have competition for the CyberTruck but lets be honest, the last number I saw in August had Rivian at 30k preorders while the CyberTruck had 650k allegedly.  Now pre-orders don't mean a ton, its all a non-refundable deposit but I know I am waiting on my preorder of the CT. Plus all the FSD have not been factored into their finances yet as its still in beta and won't show on the books until its fully released. 


    Have to remember Tesla developed their own FSD unlike all these other car companies who are using Lidar, NVIDIA, MobileEye, etc. where they are going to pay a fee for every car that will hold it, thats a fee Tesla no longer has to pay someone else.  


    I don't know what party you're talking about.  Tesla or ARK?  Because ARK keeps changing things up to try and make the best investments possible and not laying to waste.  While Tesla is just scratching the surface, they have the 1000km Semi, CT, and a 25k EV coming to China/Europe so theres no shortage or massive amounts of vehicles coming out on their end let alone all the other stuff they are doing. 


    I guess we will see, I am still banking on both to be some of the most succesful companies of our lives for the forseeable future. 

  3. 8 hours ago, Lancaster said:

    To be fair, lots of crazies on both sides.  

    In some countries, left-of-centre are out committing insurgencies, etc.  

    In some countries, right-of-centre are out committing insurgencies, etc. 


    Is the rioting at the Capitol Hill more egregious because of it's location?  Were those violent rioting by BLM/Antifa more accepting because "they mean well"?

    Idiots and morons will always find justification to try to rationalize their violence.  


    Those arguing left vs right is akin to claim that the smell of their own feces is more tolerable that the other person's..... kinda missing the bigger issue.  


    Both have lots of idiots.  People who said the rioting and destruction of buisnesses, looting, destorying statues, etc. that the BLM protests producted were justified are morons.  People who said the rioting of the capitol were justified are morons. 


    We can have differenting views but both sides just want to provoke and one up each other, its bloody embarrassing for first world countries to act like this.


    I can't stand it, when someone tells me to pick a side I pick the middle, I will stand up for my beliefs and how I feel things should be done but no way am I ever going to stoop to the low levels these 2 moronic groups on both sides stoop down to, just down right embarrassing. 

    • Cheers 2
  4. 39 minutes ago, NucksPatsFan said:

    She’s keeping the weight of the portfolio to ensure Tesla stays at 10%. She’ll add back if Tesla drops enough to bring Arkk’s weighted position below 10%

    I love some of my ARK/Tesla/ETF groups every time they see this they go "omg shes cutting the stock and getting out, whys she doing this".... Always wish people used the search to see the daily/weekly adds and gains of tesla lol

    • Upvote 2
  5. 14 minutes ago, CBH1926 said:

    Oh ok, I was like we have some ballers on here!

    Yea only in my dreams I will get there. Give me about 15 years and we will see if I get anywhere near that. I'm just a low volume guy trying to make a few extra bucks at the end of the day.  Also 2500 of the shares are only 30k not 300k ;)


    13 minutes ago, NucksPatsFan said:

    With ya @Russ

    Nice I think I tried to get in at that point. Broker didn't have the ticker as the same so I finally got through to them a week later on the phone and got them at 1.90 so sucks but oh well. I remember looking at the crew running it after Ari mentioned it and basically said I can't pass up their crew especially with a former biden worker. See how it goes long term but green is green at the end of the day for me. 

  6. 1 hour ago, AriGold2.0 said:

    Bro.. Do not sell those, it's like having a key to the holy grail..


    They just announced a board member had to leave his position to be on the Biden Administration..


    This company, whoever they choose will be a GOLD star..


    Do Not Sell At Any Price: The Wild, Obsessive Hunt for the World's Rarest  78rpm Records | Pitchfork


    Hope that was loud and clear. PAY-tients and you will smash it..

    I am just sitting and chilling on my 2500 shares and seeing where they will go, I had no rush to even think about selling them anytime soon but hearing one of the guys had to leave for the Biden admin is pretty nice to hear. Hadn't really followed whats going on with them since I was just going to ride them for quite a while and see where it goes. 

  7. 20 hours ago, goalie13 said:

    You may also want to Google yourself, check your digital footprint.  Make sure there is nothing that can come back to haunt you or disqualify you from the job.

    I just did that.  Found a Linkdin profile I made 11 years ago and haven't used since and then my twitter account which is just a bunch of sports tweets.  Didn't know what i would find


    • Upvote 1
  8. 3 hours ago, Violator said:

    $140,0000 pension for the rest of her life to.

    Yea.... If I could quit my job and still get a 140k/year pension I probably would.  Heck I could even work part time to kill the retirement boredom. 


    Salary: CA$288,900 annually


    Another bloody overpaid freaking government job to "represent canada, encourage excellence, bring canadians together, act on behalf of the queen and commander in chief (aka flying around and giving out awards and medals to the war vets)"

  9. 9 hours ago, thedestroyerofworlds said:

    The only way we can get back to "normal" is if the overwhelming majority get vaccinated.  If this plan plays out, we should be back to "normal" right around the start of the 2021/22 season.   PLEASE, lets get there.  :canucks:

    Well with all the anti-maskers maybe we will get bumped up from that august-september time frame ;)

  10. 8 hours ago, AriGold2.0 said:

    I snagged 5000 warrants of HZAC. They just released a new SPAC so I'm thinking this one is gonna wrap up shortly. 


    500M spac targeting financial, big team.. The CEO is 46 and owns the Dodgers..

    I am still holding the PDAC warrants you mentioned a while back, they have slowly started pick up steam after sitting in idle for a while there.  Might look into HZAC on Monday or go and shoot for another warrant maybe.

  11. 5 hours ago, Lancaster said:

    It depends on what your goal is.  

    Most of the posts here are short-medium term trades for the most parts, not really the best for someone starting out.  


    I am mostly on Reddit, Stocktwits and also on CDC for ideas.  Still gotta do your own research of course, but if someone is interested in a specific stock, you might want to figure out the rationale behind it and whether it's legit or not.  I think I took a few stock tips from Arigold, NucksPatFan, Sp3nny, and Warhippy (probably a couple of other posters too)... and have done well overall, albeit a dud here and there too.  

    Lets just say I trust regular posters on CDC more than Reddit or Stocktwits.  CDC isn't really a pump & dump kind of place anyways.  

    I don't think theres enough CDC people to pump any stocks lol :P

  12. 5 hours ago, nuckin_futz said:

    I have been trading for a living for about 22 years. First 17 years trading stocks both retail and prop. Was feeling pretty burned out and switched over to Forex and futures trading for about 5 years. Got the itch to switch back to stocks and did so recently.


    Nothing beats working for yourself. Not having to answer to anyone is priceless.


    The psychology of trading for yourself is very difficult. When you have to make money vs 'it would be nice if I made money' it's a totally different animal. The general rule is if you're going to attempt it is you must be properly capitalized and you need about 1 year's living expenses separate from your trading capital. Much easier to take on this endevor when you're young and have minimal expenses. When you have a spouse a kid(s) and a mortgage it just adds to the pressure.

    And that's why I'm sticking with my job for Atleast a while now. 

  13. 27 minutes ago, AriGold2.0 said:

    Who else is in CCIV ? Tomorrow should be another wild day, will run in the morning then without any announcement will tail off during the day. I got 1500 shares currently. If this gets announced I expect $50+ within 2 weeks. 

    I should have, feel I am going to really regret it.  Pre-market is going to be stupid.

  14. 27 minutes ago, AriGold2.0 said:

    Who else is in CCIV ? Tomorrow should be another wild day, will run in the morning then without any announcement will tail off during the day. I got 1500 shares currently. If this gets announced I expect $50+ within 2 weeks. 

    I should have, feel I am going to really regret it.  Pre-market is going to be stupid.

  15. On 1/11/2021 at 5:38 PM, Phil_314 said:

    Yikes... not to mention how state and Federal tax in California amounts to around 50% of his gross salary... so each year he brings home around $3.4 million... then he's got this albatross in his personal life to deal with...

    Plus the escrow this year.  He's probably mid 2s at this point.

  16. 16 minutes ago, debluvscanucks said:

    So do we not get updates anymore?


    I've been waiting, watching the news since 3...usually shortly thereafter Dix and Henry show up.  MIA?

    I thought it was Mon/Wed/Fri recently they did in person updates?  I can't confirm that because I have sorta zoned out.

  17. 8 hours ago, HKSR said:

    There's that website and Facebook group tracking ACTUAL exposure notices with physical evidence (documentation) from schools across the province.  Their database is by far the most accurate reading of what is actually happening with schools. 


    The scary thing is the BCCDC and PHO are reporting only a small percentage of what is actually happening out there.  With that, I've lost a ton of trust in what Dr Henry says about the safety of schools and transmission.


    Schools are open for one thing and one thing only... To keep parents at work to keep the economy going.  Teachers and the other staff in the schools are the sacrifice to keep that going.


    And its needed, the economy can't completely shut down and keep tanking and magically making money pop out of thin air to pay people for being off (or screwing people, making them stay off and not paying them if they may have been "exposed but not test positive").  There should be more precautions taken though. 


    I still don't get why middle/high schools don't have masks. I can see maybe it be harder to enforce in elementary schools but could be encouraged but theres really no excuse for middle/high.  Now those kids are all hanging out after school anyways so may not be any use but still it would be something. 


    4 hours ago, debluvscanucks said:

    New cases:  1,475 for a 3 day period

    Jan. 8-9:  538

    Jan. 9-10:  507

    Jan. 10-11:  430


    VCH: 287

    Fraser: 736

    Interior: 217

    Island: 59

    Northern: 173

    3 from outside of Canada


    22 new deaths  :(  (1,010 total)


    358 in hospital / 72 in ICU


    7,313 are actively being monitored

    Total cases to date:  58,107

    Recovered: 50,541


    There are currently 5,220 active cases


    6 new outbreaks in care facilities

    Thats pretty good, hopefully we can keep it in the 500s or lower on the daily and slowly curb it since theres so many rules at this point with visiting, etc.  The rain and crummy weather is probably really helping keep people home anyways so might be a good thing (eventhough I hate working in the rain).  

    • Cheers 1
    • Vintage 1
  18. On 1/10/2021 at 12:35 PM, RUPERTKBD said:

    It's always more like a hike for me....


    ....all that time spent in the trees....in the water....

    I bought a box of 500 golf balls from someone years ago for like $30 for a certain reason

    • Thanks 1
  19. On 1/22/2020 at 11:14 PM, smokes said:

    I live in city right now. It's like a ghost city, everyone is staying at home and not going out. The grocery stores have all been bought out. Seems like everyone is hibernating now.

    Hows it now almost a year later?

  20. 2 hours ago, ImConfused said:

    Is it weird that I'm starting to forget what it was like to live in the pre-covid times?


    Edit: Wow, 1400 pages and still going.. in honor of reaching 1400 pages, here is a post from the 14th page to commemorate just how much things can change in a year's time..




    Wow has KoS sure changed his tune! 


    In fairness I am sure a lot of us at that point felt different about this virus than we do now as it was new.


    I still blame our Feds for being so slow to start shutting down flights from China and Italy.  As soon as that first one was detected in Seattle long ago should have been a time for us to have shut things down.



    On 1/21/2020 at 8:22 PM, Russ said:

    Oh awesome its in Seattle now.... Hopefully they can figure something out soon to combat this.

    Look at that I posted that back then too lol

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