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Posts posted by Russ

  1. 14 hours ago, debluvscanucks said:

    WTH!?   So Justin's statement was that "we can expect to have half of us vaccinated by next September"??!!!



    IMO won't happen.  US/UK and some other countries have already secured essentially the first years supply with their orders last I heard, Canada was lagging behind as always.  If we get 1/4 done by next September I would consider that a success.  I have no interest in being vaccinated first round, I will wait till 2nd or 3rd round of doses to come out, rather let others be the guinnie pigs in this instance (but I will get vaccinated I have zero issues with that, just not going to be first round of these ones coming out, I will shoot for early 2022 hopefully).


    And these restrictions are crap, if they were really serious maybe they would stop people from going on vacations to other countries.  Until that happens its hard to take the government serious. 

    • Thanks 1
    • Cheers 1
  2. 9 hours ago, kingofsurrey said:

    Dr. B cracks me up....    Virus's don't differentiate between a mall and a school.......     



    Masks are not recommended for children under the age of two, but should be encouraged for children aged two to 12 in public settings. Children over 12 must wear a mask in a public indoor space, unless they are exempt.

    I don't understand this "exempt" part.  Whos exempt?  How do you prove your exempt?  I know people who are fighting to not wear a mask for a 20 minute grocery shopping and are going to the store with a mask on, ripping it off as soon as they are in and telling people they have medical reasons (not true).  

    I get sick of seeing "masks are full of bacteria and are killing people after wearing them".  Like comeon, if that was the case, every woodworker known to man who wears a mask to protect themselves from fine dust particles would be dead right now.  Every time I do a bunch of MDF cutting I throw on my mask and dust collection, I have been good for years and I am fine still.  



    9 hours ago, kingofsurrey said:

    Are women less valued as  humans / workers than men ? Is that why women as less protected.....?


    Dave Harper @southgateharper
    · 45m
    Of course it is because teachers are 75 % women. All the trades are better protected than teachers with a @WorkSafeBC mandate backing them up. Teachers get schmarmy platitudes. twitter.com/MovingParadigm…

    I really do hate this.  What does sex have to do with anything?  As of now they still feel kids are less of a risk than adults for spreading thats the difference.  I still think middle/high should have mask mandates, elementary I would like to see if they could get kids to wear them as much as possible but I would be less strict with young kids as it would be harder for them I feel but I would still like to see masks encouraged at the younger ages even if they aren't mandatory.

  3. 6 hours ago, kingofsurrey said:

    IF ..... you could read..... you would have read that her school district will not let her bring in a plastic barrier...

    but that is a pretty big if.........  you are better at talking than  you are at listening. / reading..

    I would really like to know what school district will not allow her to bring her own barrier.  That I find weird that they would not allow that. Whats their reasoning behind it, there has got to be a damn good reason why she can't get a piece of plexi made and slapped on her desk?  They don't want something screwed into desks and school property to be damaged?  

    • Cheers 1
  4. 1 hour ago, filthycanuck said:

    Have you seen what Very's ingredients are? Beyond meat, other than tasting close to meat, has very little nutritional value. Its just fillers like starches, syrups etc. Very's stuff is actually good for you

    To be honest I haven't looked at their ingredients, looked at Beyond meat though.  Saw like 40 ingredients to make "ground beef" when my ground beef consists of one thing... ground beef :P

    Maybe I will have to look at it, don't think I will willingly eat it though, prefer my stuff to be a little more natural and less fillers.

    • Haha 1
  5. 4 minutes ago, I.Am.Ironman said:

    I did the same... certainly wish I persevered now. And to answer your question, yes. The fund buys bitcoin then you buy a portion (shares) of the fund. You pay a bit of a premium (share cost vs cost of btc) but theoretically you get that premium back when you sell. However, I tried to buy the ETF yesterday and CIBC doesn't let me buy it.. says it's a provincial thing? "not permitted to purchase from my province". Don't know what that's about. I'm going to have to buy them directly I think.

    I just was so confused the backing of bitcoin, how to get wallets to work, etc. I actually read a ton about it years ago before the last crash happened as I looked into it but just couldn't get it figured out where I felt comfortable. 


    Will have to see if RBC lets me do it tomorrow, got a few bucks to throw at something and unsure what to do (TSLA? BTC or GBTC? PLTR? Not sure yet whats the best long term right now)

  6. On 11/22/2020 at 5:33 PM, I.Am.Ironman said:

    There is GBTC (grayscale bitcoin trust) as well

    So basically GBTC has Bitcoins and you are buying into their bitcoin collection instead of trying to figure out the whole wallet stuff?  I tried so hard years ago to buy BTC but got so confused with everything I gave up.

  7. 5 hours ago, Duodenum said:

    GMHI and TTCF with some yummy gains today.


    MEDS rising after hours as well, up over 5 again.


    XPEV over 70 bucks holy, I'm selling off most of this. 


    DKNG static.

    I think I am going to sink a chunk of my leftover cash in my account into this and see how she rides out for a bit.


    Can't believe XPEV, to bad I only bought 5 shares when I had extra in my account just sitting there :P Could have done a lot better than anything else I had, oh well!  Almost $75 in afterhours is just freaking insane. 


    7 hours ago, trek said:

    I still have some TSLA from $167. Cashed out a bit in the interim but riding the rest to the moon (or Mars). Go Elon.

    I am riding to the moon with my TSLA, see where she takes me until I need the money one day. Don't have nearly the returns you do but hell, if theres one company I truley believe in for the future vehicles and energy storage, pushing limits, etc. Its Tesla by a long shot (and I don't even own one :(

  8. Be interesting to see if they have to do the 2 week quarantine.  When they did return to play in the summer they were able to get around it.  Now the guys had to do home - rink and thats it so I could realistically see them opening up and practicing mid December if they get that again. 

  9. 14 hours ago, Duodenum said:

    Man what a great couple of weeks, XPEV, DKNG, RVP, MEDS all giving huge gains, back into MEDS at 4.71 for the next spike up. Sold all of RVP and XPEV. Waiting for DKNG to go back to the 60s. Up 9% but keeping full. 


    TTCF is intriguing, especially at the current sub 16 price. I have a small position.


    GMHI spiked today, I think this will hit 13-14 next week and then I'll sell most of my position. In at 10.25. Sold 25% today since it's a Friday.









    I was following someone who believed in MEDS pretty good, was hesitant, bought and it went down... doh!  Oh well buddy felt it was a really good long term investment overall and put very little in so not crying over spilt milk.


    NIO and XPEV and TSLA keep doing me good. 

  10. 9 hours ago, kingofsurrey said:

    Trying to invest a bit after reading this thread....   



    Some  money on TSX  and a few equity american mutual funds - Science and Tech focussed.  Trying to be fairly conservative with my funds with maybe 10% on the riskier side..... 


    Last 7 weeks i feel like markets have been fairly flat overall......   I am up 3.3  % in 7 weeks  in my portolio  which i feel is OK as i am also learning the process as i go. 


    My wife has room in her TFSA.... I am really thinking about a   Telus, Enbridge or Royal Bank..  Just loading it up for the dividends.......


    Really not sure if chasing high dividends  5-7 % is the way to go... or go after equity stocks and look for the investment gain.....  

    I was watching a YouTube video of a financial guy explaining going for dividends, I will see if I can find it in my history, but he basically said yea its good to go for them but don't stress and try to chase them over other stocks.  I have a bit of stocksk with dividends (RBC/Apple).

    • Cheers 1
  11. 11 hours ago, Phil_314 said:

    Danny Green and no. 28 for Dennis Schroder... first domino seems to have fallen and the Lake Show has even more help for LBJ. 

    Lakers are ripping OKC off.  I don't think Green is worth  much at this point and that late pick is worth squat.  You would think OKC could get more for Schroder.  Its too bad I was hoping all those guys would stay there and grow, they have some nice pieces there.

  12. 15 hours ago, Petey_BOI said:



    Dallas vs vancouver in a cost analysis standpoint,seems like dallas wins handsdown. everything is cheaper and you will make more money. i imagine at some point having a family of 4 in vancouver makes more sense if our family makes between 120,000 in CAD 160,000. if your single though it will be assuredly be better to live in dallas



    Consumer Prices in Vancouver are 12.79% higher than in Dallas, TX (without rent)
    Rent Prices in Vancouver are 5.32% higher than in Dallas, TX
    Restaurant Prices in Vancouver are 2.45% lower than in Dallas, TX
    Groceries Prices in Vancouver are 32.09% higher than in Dallas, TX
    Local Purchasing Power in Vancouver is 40.24% lower than in Dallas, TX


    San Francisco vs vancouver in a cost analysis standpoint,seems like its more complicated. everything is cheaper in vancouver but you will make less money on average 60% less (including exchange rate). But wage disparity is real, and im betting that a giant chunk of the differences in pay is made up from the top 1% of jobs,lets take a look


    all units are in CAD,

    salaries are based off of data from the economic research institute https://www.erieri.com/

    cost of living is based off of numbeo.com

    health care costs are added to the costs and are $2800 for vancouver and $7000 for san francisco per resident. from https://www.shrm.org/.../employers-project-health-plan... and https://www.statista.com/.../average-annual-household.../1


    the average annual costs of a single vancouver resident renting outside of the city centre is $33,480

    the average annual costs of a family of 4 in vancouver  renting outside of the city centre is $89,200

    the average costs of a single San Fran resident renting outside of the city centre is $57,100

    the average costs of a San Fran family of 4  renting outside of the city centre is $144,500

    the afford to live stat for family is based off salary *2 for San Fran and salary * 2 + 3500 (child benefits) for van


    The average salary for a Cashier is $43,550  in San Francisco, CA take home= $36,600 afford to live=no

    The average salary for a Cashier is $34,000 in Vancouver, BC take home= $27,600 afford to live=no


    The average salary for a Carpenter Apprentice is $49,000  in San Francisco, CA take home= $40,000 afford to live=no

    The average salary for a Carpenter Apprentice is $37,500 in Vancouver, BCtake home= $30,100 afford to live=no

    The average salary for a Carpenter is $77,500  in San Francisco, CAtake home= $59,900 afford to live  single =barely afford to live family =NO
    The average salary for a Carpenter is $59,200 in Vancouver, BCtake home= $45,100 afford to live single =yes afford to live  Family =barely


    The average salary+bonus for a interior designer is $103,600 in San Francisco, CA take home= $75,800 afford to live  single =yes afford to live family =yes

    The average salary+bonus for a Interior designer is $77,700 in Vancouver, BC. take home= $58,300 afford to live  single =yes afford to live family =yes


    The average salary+bonus for a paralegal is $108,600 in San Francisco, CA take home= $78,900

    The average salary+bonus for a paralegal is $81,700 in Vancouver, BC. take home= $61,200


    The average salary+bonus for a accountant is $131,800 in San Francisco, CA take home= $91,200

    The average salary+bonus for a accountant is $97,400 in Vancouver, BC. take home= $72,100



    The average salary+bonus for a Civil Engineer is $151,200 in San Francisco, CA take home= $99,000

    The average salary+bonus for a Civil Engineer is $108,100 per year in Vancouver, BC take home= $78,700


    You need to make roughly 165,000 CAD in san fran before it makes sense to live there finacially if your single (entry level  management, experienced civil engineer)

    you need to make roughly 204,000 CAD *2 in san fran before it makes sense to live there finacially if your single (upper middle management)


    The average salary+bonus for a Human Resource Manager is $208,400 in San Francisco, CA take home= $130,300

    The average salary+bonus for a Human Resource Manager is is $143,500 in Vancouver, BC. take home= $100,400


    The average salary+bonus for a CFO (Chief Financial Officer) in San Francisco is $509,500 take home= $301,400

    The average salary+bonus for a CFO (Chief Financial Officer) in Vancouver is $307,200 take home= $191300


    The average total compensation for a CEO in San Francisco is $2,080,000 take home= $1,070,000

    The average total compensation for a CEO  in Vancouver is $650,700 take home= $363,700


    yup, wage disparity is a joke in the states.




    Consumer Prices in San Francisco, CA are 25.24% higher than in Vancouver (without rent)
    Rent Prices in San Francisco, CA are 120.00% higher than in Vancouver
    Restaurant Prices in San Francisco, CA are 35.93% higher than in Vancouver
    Groceries Prices in San Francisco, CA are 19.95% higher than in Vancouver
    Local Purchasing Power in San Francisco, CA is 50.83% higher than in Vancouver



    Consumer Prices in Vancouver are 25.91% lower than in New York, NY (without rent)
    Rent Prices in Vancouver are 50.28% lower than in New York, NY
    Restaurant Prices in Vancouver are 35.31% lower than in New York, NY
    Groceries Prices in Vancouver are 22.11% lower than in New York, NY
    Local Purchasing Power in Vancouver is 2.82% lower than in New York, NY


    i wont do a comparison because you can easily see you will be better off in vancouver over new york financially, without even considering health care expenditures.

    Carpenters are only making $30/hour out in Vancouver?  Geeze 14 years ago when I started I was making $15 and the guys above me with 5+ years were well over $30/h

  13. 5 hours ago, I.Am.Ironman said:

    Yes. Switchback Energy (SBE) is expected to merge with chargepoint.

    What's your exit strategy? A JPM analyst just upgraded the price target from 41-46.. It's at 44.30ish now but has gone damn near parabolic. It can't keep up this pace. They have earnings next week as well.

    Ah good to know about SBE. 


    Honestly I got so little into Nio I'm gonna let it ride and see where it ends up in a year from now. I don't day trade so I'm just grabbing stuff for long term with smaller steadier gains 

  14. 1 hour ago, AriGold2.0 said:

    Man oh man... Is it weird to be disappointed I’m only up $375 this morning when if I held any of the other stocks I like I would be up around $2000.. Dammit...


    RIP to zoom holders, wow...

    Lol little overreation to the vaccine announcement I think but I still think lots of companies are going to be staying heavy on zoom for years to come and reduce their office space. I don't like how Plizer sat on the announcement during the election, seems slimy but I guess they had their reasons. 


    All my premarket is in the green post election but all minimal percentages.  But hopefully it holds up for a while :P I like green much better than red haha

  15. So they now say I can't take my kids to visit the grandparents eventhough we only interact with each other outside of the general work /grocery shopping. Pretty much they are the only social contacts we have had for months but now it's not allowed..... Well guess we are going to whitespot or browns to sit across a table and be even closer to each other than we are in a house where we can easily spread out wider.... 

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