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Posts posted by canuck2xtreme

  1. Kessel not missing any regular season games? I expected that but still, absolute crap.

    So, 8 games for missing a hit and spinning around carelessly with your stick and accidentally catching a guy in the face.

    And 3 games for intentionally taking a pair of two handed lumberjack swings at an opponent and then spearing him after the fact while he's held by officials.

    Seems legit.... :rolleyes:

  2. Irving signed a contract in europe if i´m correct

    True, but if teams want to take a chance on him for the future they can pick him up while he still has a contract in the CDCGML.

    Edit: wow, some pretty good stats there for him too...

  3. REMINDER!: One week to go until the start of the regular season, everyone please make sure you are cap compliant by 12:00pm noon Pacific Time on October 1st.

    If you are not cap compliant and within your minors budget at this time, your team will NOT be entered into the database to collect points for opening night.

  4. I am petty sure buy outs opened today.

    Yes, sorry guys I forgot to post on this. The regular buyout window is now open and will be open until September 30th at 11:59pm Pacific Time. In order to buy a player out, he must first clear waivers.

  5. I never saw it, but heard about it. In my opinion there is zero reason why Kessel needs to fight in that situation and what is a star or skilled player supposed to do ?

    In my opinion Scott saying he is just doing his job is a load of BS. The Buffalo player previously to the situation who hit his head on the ice is a result of that player's altercation. No need for retribution and for what lol ?

    Does he need to fight? No, I'm not saying he should have fought. But the two slashes at Scott and then the spear afterwards are pure garbage.

    I'm in no way defending Scott either, player like him don't belong in the league.

  6. Kessel: "He started it!"

    I think the Canucks should pick up a bunch of Scott type players.... sick them on say....Patrick Kane, and toews etc in the playoffs... then if Kane or Toews respond with a suspendable action, we are golden.... we just need more idiots than the other team has. Now that is dirty pool....but what prevents this from happening--- probably the league coming down hard on teams, and guys like Scott... interesting subject....

    Hmm..... worked for Boston....


  7. If that retard Scott ever went after Daniel Sedin like that I would love to see Scott take as many slashes, and spears it takes to make him think twice about attacking a goal scorer in this league.... That wasnt in the heat of the moment...premeditated goon attack on a goal scorer. He should be suspended, and coach disciplined as well---absolute garbage.

    Oh absolutely, players like Scott don't belong in the league, that was garbage. But that doesn't excuse either slash from Kessel. And if Kessel is so afraid of going at it with Scott, why is he skating up to him after the fact and spearing him? That's like slapping an angry dog when it's chained up, and then complaining that it comes at you when it gets loose. Neither player is the victim here, they're both idiots.

    • Upvote 1
  8. hahaha...kessel and the stick vs. scott ...was like a little kid that tries to catch some apples from a tree :lol:

    Was only Kessel and Scott for about 2 seconds. That first two handed slash was bad enough, but the second one when Scott is fighting two other Leafs and then coming up afterwards when Scott is tied up with another player and the linesman and spearing him like that was bush league garbage. I don't buy his 'I was the victim here' BS.

    • Upvote 1
  9. Could we get an update for the UFA/RFA sheet?

    Thanks for the quick response! (@ curt)

    No problem!

    I think it's all up to date, but likely I missed something somewhere. If you see someone on it that's signed, let me know. Thanks :)

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