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Posts posted by canuck2xtreme

  1. REMINDER!: One week to go until the start of the regular season, everyone please make sure you are cap compliant by 12:00pm noon Pacific Time on October 1st.

    If you are not cap compliant and within your minors budget at this time, your team will NOT be entered into the database to collect points for opening night.

    Just under 14 hours to go! So far only 7 teams entered into the database, and a handful more with rosters that will go in once IR assignments put them under the cap. Still over half the league to go.

  2. Smiles and waives to all, now i am going back into my corner after the handshakes and the Rangers will be coming out fighting. :towel:

    Not gonna lie, I double checked your roster to see if you had Alex Semin hoping to post the fight gif. :P


    The following sections of the Collective Bargaining Agreement have been revised. Revisions are in bold.


    1.2 – Stat Tracking Site

    - Stats for the 2013-14 season will be tracked on www.pickuphockey.com.

    League name: CDCGML 2013-14

    Password: cdcgml


    2.4 – Annual Awards

    Near the end of the regular season, teams may vote for one player for each of the major NHL awards by submitting their votes from April 7-12 via secret ballot to canuck2xtreme. Teams are NOT permitted to vote for their own players. The winners will be announced upon the conclusion of the regular season. Award winners will earn an extra 50 pool points for their team, and those points will count towards making the playoffs.


    2.5 – Playoffs

    The top 3 teams from each Division will make the playoffs along with two wild card teams in each conference. The two teams with the highest point totals of the remaining teams in each Conference will earn the wild card playoff berths. Teams will accumulate points via their players, and at the end of the first round, the teams with the most points in each playoff bracket will advance to the second round, and so on, until a champion is crowned at the conclusion of the playoffs.


    4.2 – Entry Level Contracts

    Players that are drafted, or players that haven't previously played in the NHL, will be subject to entry level contract limits. A player signing an entry level deal can only have a maximum base salary of $900,000. Teams can add bonuses and incentives in negotiations as they see fit that would raise the cap hit of the player, but the base salary cannot exceed $900,000. The total maximum salary of an entry level player including bonuses is $3.775 million per season.


    4.2.1 – Qualifying Offers

    Teams looking to retain the rights of their pending Restricted Free Agents would need to submit a qualifying offer based on the following scale.

    • $500,000 - $1.5 million = 110% of previous contract
    • over $1.5 million - $3 million = 105% of previous contract
    • over $3 million = 100% of previous contract

    Qualifying offers are calculated using a players base salary, not including bonuses. The deadline for submitting qualifying offers is 5:00pm Pacific Time on June 25th of each season. This offer may or may not be accepted, but the player will go to Unrestricted Free Agency if the qualifying offer is not extended before the deadline.


    4.2.2 – Offer Sheets

    Teams are permitted to extend offer sheets to the RFA players of other teams beginning July 1st. These offer sheets may or may not be signed by the player. If they are signed, the club that holds the players rights has 1 (ONE) week to match the offer sheet. If the team declines to match, they would receive compensation based on the following chart.

    $1,000,000 or less - None

    $1,000,001 - $2,000,000 - 3rd round pick

    $2,100,001 - $3,000,000 - 2nd round pick

    $3,000,001 - $4,100,000 - 1st round pick

    $4,100,001 - $4,750,000 - 1st and 3rd round picks

    $4,750,001 - $5,500,000 - 1st, 2nd and 3rd round pick

    $5,500,001 - $6,000,000 - 1sts, 2nd and two 3rd round picks

    $6,000,001 - $6,500,000 - 1st, two 2nd and two 3rd round picks

    $6,500,001 and up - two 1st, two 2nd and two 3rd round picks

    Teams who would present these offer sheets must have their own teams draft picks as compensation before they are able to sign the player to an offer sheet. If a team matches an offer sheet, they CANNOT trade the player for at least one season. In order to match an offer sheet, the team must have room under the salary cap to accomodate the player and their new salary. The 10% rule does not apply in this situation.


    4.5 – Extensions

    Beginning on March 5, 2014, a player whose contract is expiring at the end of the year can be approached regarding signing an extension. Teams are permitted to enter formal negotiations with one player and can inquire about 3 other players regarding their contract desires before the end of the season. After the regular season ends, teams may open formal negotiations with up to 6 players, but remember only a handful may sign extensions. When negotiating an extension with a player that has played with your club for the entire season, teams may offer up to an 8 year contract term if desired.


    In addition, the new CBA provides for a total of 2 amnesty buyouts for each team that will NOT count against the salary cap. The final window for these amnesty buyouts is after the regular season during the buyout window between June 18th-25th, 2014. A player must clear unconditional waivers BEFORE he can be bought out. To buy a player out after they have cleared waivers, PM canuck2xtreme and it will be processed. Amnesty buyouts must be labeled as such or they will be processed as a regular buyout and a cap hit will be incurred by the club.


    5.3 – Injured Reserve

    Any team with a player on the NHL injury reserve may put that player on injured reserve starting Oct 1st. Players on injured reserve will not count against your cap but will not earn points. While your player is listed on injured reserve, you may replace him on your active roster with another player, be it a free agent signing or a player brought up from your minor league system. To place a player on injured reserve you must send your request to theminister who will confirm the addition. Approval of your player to injured reserve depends on the players official injury status as well as your clubs budget set out for the medical and training section in accordance with Article 7 Section 2. When you want to activate your player from injured reserve, you must create an available roster spot for that player first.

    For additional information on injured reserve, see theministers instruction post here.


    5.4 – Waivers

    To place a player on waivers, you simply post in the thread that you are placing that player on waivers. The waivers placement must be in it's own post and clearly phrased. Waivers assignments that do not follow this format will not be processed and the player will not be on waivers. Players will remain on waivers for 24 hours.

    - In order to claim a player, send a PM to canuck2xtreme indicating your desire to claim the player. The claim must be made within the 24 hour window. After the 24 hour period expires, canuck2xtreme will post whether the player has cleared waivers, or if they have been claimed.

    - A player that is on waivers will remain in their roster position until either:

    • The player has cleared waivers and been assigned elsewhere.
    • The player has been claimed by another team. (Once a player has been claimed, their roster spot will become available for call-ups/replacements etc.)

    - Players that are claimed by more than one team will be awarded to the team that is ranked lowest in the overall league standings at that time.

    - Unclaimed players can either be placed into your clubs minor league system or back onto the active roster. Your team must designate where your player is to go either at the time of being placed on waivers, or shortly after the 24 hour waiver period has expired. If a player clears waivers, they will not be subject to waivers for the 14 day period after they cleared.

    - Players claimed on waivers cannot be assigned to their new clubs minor league affiliate without clearing waivers again.

    - Players who are 24 years of age or younger and have played in fewer than 100 NHL games can be sent to your minor league system without being subjected to waivers.

    - When a player is claimed, both the team that waived the player and the team receiving the player incur a waivers fee of $50,000 chargeable against the salary cap.

    SECTION 5.4.1 UNCONDITIONAL WAIVERS has been added in it's entirety.

    5.4.1 – Unconditional Waivers

    A player on unconditional waivers will be available to be claimed following the same basic waiver rules for a 48 hour period. The waivers placement must be in it's own post, clearly phrased and must specifically indicate that the player is being placed on unconditional waivers. Players that clear unconditional waivers are then eligible to have their contract bought out. If a player on unconditional waivers is claimed, the waiving team will incur the waivers fee for both teams (totaling $100,000), while the team claiming the player will not incur any fees. Teams claiming a player on unconditional waivers are permitted to place the player in their minors system, but only provided the team already has a full 23 man active roster.

  4. NOTICE TO ALL GMS: The Dates To Remember Post has been revised as follows.

    Dates To Remember

    2014 CDCGML Entry Draft - June 21, 2014 @ 5:00pm Pacific Time

    Final Compliance Buyout Window - June 23-30, 2014

    Deadline to qualify pending RFAs - June 25, 2014 @ 5:00pm Pacific Time

    Deadline to sign pending UFAs - June 25, 2014 @ 5:00pm Pacific Time

    Initial Offer Phase of Free Agency - July 1, 2013

    Free Agency Negotiations Open - July 5, 2013

    Compliance Buyout Deadline - July 20, 2013

    Regular Buyout window - September 23-30, 2013

    Waivers In Effect - October 1, 2013 @ 12:00pm Pacific Time

    Start of Regular Season - October 1, 2013

    Holiday Roster Freeze - Dec. 23rd 12:01am - Dec. 28th 8:00am

    Deadline to Sign Unrestricted Free Agents - December 31, 2013 @ 11:59pm Pacific Time

    Trade Deadline - March 5, 2014 @ 8:00pm Pacific Time

    Start of Initial Contract Extension Discussions - March 6, 2014

    Full Contract Extension Negotiations Open - April 13, 2014

    End of Regular Season - April 13, 2014

    CDCGML Draft Lottery - April 15, 2014

    Deadline to sign 2012 draft selections - June 15, 2014 5:00pm Pacific Time

  5. What? Can we still send players down without them having to go through waivers?

    Yes. Until 12:00pm October 1st, waivers are not mandatory and players who would normally be subject to waivers can be assigned to the minors without having to clear.

  6. ah curt..waivers still off?

    Waivers are officially active as of October 1st at 12:00pm Pacific time. At that time, players who need to clear waivers will have to be placed there to be sent down.

    Waivers can still be used anytime for teams that wish to do so but it is not needed to send a player down until noon tomorrow.

  7. TRADE: The Ottawa Senators have made a trade with the Los Angeles Kings.

    To OTT:

    Dustin Brown

    James Wright

    Coda Gordon

    To LA:

    Brett Connolly

    David Savard

    OTT 2014 1st Round Draft Selection

    OTT 2015 3rd Round Draft Selection

  8. On the agenda for today:

    - Update recent signings

    - Post trades in inbox

    - Posting updated lineups from the thread as far back as page 90.

    - Set up pool on pickup

    - Input cap compliant rosters posted that are marked "Opening Night Roster" starting on page 92. Rosters must be marked as "Opening night roster" to be added to database. Projected rosters or simple roster updates will not be added.

    - Update/adjust CBA

    • Upvote 2
  9. Can teams at least have an option of "Unconditional Waivers" where any team can put in a claim and put the player anywhere?

    My concerns were two sided, but I only argued the most outwardly applicable side....the second thing is more personal to roster management and that is Salary or Contract dumps..if any team must dump a player quickly, limiting those who can put in a claim is hurtful to the dumping team in that there will be less claims..so maybe we could allow the term "Unconditional Waivers" to be reserved for players a team wants to dump to anywhere that will take him, and "Waivers" to mean the traditional claim and stick him on your main roster version?

    Or is that the case already and i am totally behind on this topic? lol.

    EDIT: sorry to sound all nitpicky..its not that serious a discussion, just focused in scope so it sounds all anal. I am an analyst by trade, so its in my nature.

    Patience grasshopper ;) Updates coming tonight or tomorrow.

    • Upvote 1
  10. re: Waivers topic

    greens and minister are correct in the way the waivers system is set up, but PO is correct in that I haven't updated the language in the CBA to reflect it. An oversight on my part, I will correct that as soon as possible.

    It will be one of a few adjustments to the CBA that will be coming shortly. An announcement will be posted when the adjustments are made.

  11. Dude, I was at the aquarium with my girlfriend today.

    You make a mean hockey pool, but are a full-on travel 'fail'. Lol.

    Sorry we missed ya, woulda loved to say hi, meet the fam, and check out a few jellyfish togetha.

    :lol: Oh I'm soooo not wired for the city.

    We'll be back in Spring for sure, might drag zen out with me and do a hockey game and more touristy nonsense.

  12. Didn't even show! Boourns.

    Didn't get a chance unfortunately.

    We did however get caught in the downpour walking from the car to the Aquarium, we were all completely soaked. Had to buy Connor a whole new outfit at the gift shop so he wouldn't get sick. Once he was dry, he loved seeing all the animals though. Did a bit of shopping (to get Jill and I some dry clothes/shoes, among other things) and then dinner before heading home, got back around 2:30am.

  13. TRADE: The Los Angeles Kings have made a trade with the Florida Panthers.

    To LA:

    David Perron

    Mark Fraser

    Derek Grant

    FLA 2015 2nd Round Draft Selection

    To FLA:

    Michael Del Zotto

    Darren Helm

    Jerome Gauthier-Leduc

    LA 2015 3rd Round Draft Selection

  14. If anyone was watching the game on tsn tonight, you now know what I look like. I was the guy behind farhan in the nucks jersey.

    Was so close to going to the game tonight :lol: Heading to Vancouver tomorrow, wanted to leave today but didn't want to pull Connor out of school for two days. Blast!! Should have went tonight!

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