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Everything posted by tas

  1. if kesler is such a great leader why is it that when team usa brass rattles off a list of 5 or 6 players comprising their leadership group, he isn't among them?
  2. hamhuis isn't the problem. the problem is that he's expected to be a number one guy here when he should be a number three.
  3. the other thing to remember is that we will all be dissapointed with the return that gillis gets in any trade he makes because he fundamentally lacks the ability to get good value.
  4. well, i wouldn't trade a potentially elite shutdown defenceman for a 50-60 point player with attitude issues and an unearned contract, that's for sure.
  5. david booth is like a big, dumb, horribly inbred yellow lab.
  6. don't worry, i know what you meant. my point was merely that to "daigle" means to disappoint while producing at roughly the same rate as kesler, the same player whose value you're espousing so vigorously.
  7. actually, daigle played IN the dead puck era, whereas kesler played after it. and that point difference amounts to 0.6 ppg vs 0.53 ppg. sure, it's a difference, bit really it's only a difference of 60 points over 600 games, which is what, about 8 points per season? and kesler has had he luxury of playing on far better teams.
  8. interesting that you mention alexandre daigle. daigle: 616 gp 129 g 198 a 327 p kesler: 633 gp 175 g 209 a 384 p hmm.
  9. so spelling mistakes are a peeve of yours but grammatical accuracy is unimportant? that's ridiculous. spelling something wrong in most cases has no bearing on the understandability of the message, but incorrect grammar can change the entire meaning of a sentence.
  10. i don't capitalize anything other than for emphasis, and i can take or leave apostrophes. its a stylistic choice, not laziness or ignorance.
  11. so kesler is going to put up 40 goals, 70 points, and win the selke this year? because that's the top of his game. though that isn't the point. the point is that warhippy implied that any prospect (his words) is worth less than a roster player that's proven he can produce.
  12. ignorance of spelling is far worse. it drives me insane when people can't spell properly in their own mother tongue. written expression is a crucial part of being literate in my opinion. typos are easily excusable. everybody makes them, yourself included (about 3 posts back). not to mention you made a bunch of grammatical errors in the very post i'm quoting.
  13. right, so whatever team drafts mcdavid next year should be willing to trade him for dany heatley prior to the start of the season since heatley has demonstrated an ability to produce in the past.
  14. or perhaps it's apathy as far as spell checking before submitting a post? personally, i post almost exclusively from my phone, i get no red underline (i believe this is browser specific), and frankly, its too much of a pain in the ass for me to bother scrolling back up through the text to check for typos.
  15. i didn't say tampa SHOULDNT trade drouin for kesler, i said they WOULDNT. and i agree with you to an extent about drouin. that said, he does possess the potential to be a franchise player, which kesler will never be. and your description of kesler is a bit much. kesler will never again score 40 in his career. he can't play wing on a second line, let alone a first line. his shutdown abilities are worse now than they were 3 years ago and its only downhill from here considering he's a 30 year old with a ton of wear and tear and he's grossly injury prone. additionally, comparing both horvat to drouin and kesler to toews is absurdly moronic, as toews and drouin far, far exceed the players you compared them too.
  16. allow. for. players. to. have. some. say. in. where. they're. traded. to. typing vertically is a pain in the ass. i don't know why you'd choose to do it.
  17. doesn't hurt that he wears a certain number in honor of a certain retired player.
  18. and yet a typo is irrelevant when discussing the intelligence of others.
  19. big difference between a spelling mistake and a typographical error, fella.
  20. mike richards got simmonds, b. schenn, 2nd. kesler would get no more than that.
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