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Everything posted by tas

  1. maybe discussed already, but did anyone notice gillis's greasy beard? guy looks like he hasn't bathed in a week.
  2. tas

    Ben Hutton | #27 | D

    no, it was absolutely a joke.
  3. this team is the biggest joke in the league, top to bottom. worse than the oilers, worse than the flames, worse than the leafs, worse than buffalo or phoenix or any other terrible or dysfunctional organization. gillis is scorching the earth before he bails.
  4. by no means am i saying this is true, but neither of those are holes. the difference between play fighting and real fighting is plainly obvious. it would be impossible not to be able to make the distinction. i assumed either the person filming was in the elevator or the elevator was stationary with the doors open since kesler allegedly got thrown into it.
  5. assuming this is true, my guess is bieksa. i've always felt tension there hiding behind his "lighthearted" barbs at kesler.
  6. so then you're giving them 2 first round picks out of the goodness of your heart?
  7. why would louis jean lie? why would bruce arthur? even though i rarely agree with your opinions, you seem like an intelligent enough person. why are you choosing to gobble up the lies spoonfed to you by gillis? where there's this much smoke seen by this many different legitimate hockey people, there's almost certainly fire.
  8. so my assumption is that kesler does want out, as indicated by him talking about it in sochi, but hasn't actually asked for a trade. instead, he probably approached gillis and said "if you decide that its better for the team to trade me, i'm willing to waive" which allows all parties involved to save face and retains bargaining power for gillis.
  9. you brought your kids up, guy. you're being ridiculous man. you're threatening people on the internet. grow the hell up.
  10. i didn't even know you posted something on the matter. i'm talking about warhippy.
  11. suffering personal trauma doesn't entitle you to disregard context and expect everyone to walk on eggshells around you and treat you like a goddamn toddler that had a nightmare. not that the poster in question has suffered any personal trauma; he's just a typical whiny member of the internet generation that will happily take any excuse to act indignant and offended and jump up on a high horse of political correctness to crusade against the insensitive meanies. there are no bad words, only bad intentions, and any person thats offended by simply a word, let alone one used without any malicious intent, needs to seriously reevaluate their priorities in life and grow the hell up.
  12. that's a st. louis trade i'd actually make, and i'd even think about it without rattie.
  13. kesler had the highest scoring season of his career as a 25 year old (25g, 50a, 75p) and was first runner up for the selke behind pavel datsyuk.
  14. berglund averages 16 minutes a night (6th among blues forwards) and is good for 10-15 goals and 40-50 pts tops. not top 6 on a decent team. rattie is 170 lbs soaking wet.
  15. i'm not one to overvalue canucks players, but i'd be pretty disappointed with that deal and i can't stand kesler. 3rd line center, small and unspectacular prospect, and what basically amounts to a 2nd round pick in a weak draft? no thanks.
  16. i refuse to lump all journalists together. some still have integrity. botchford, garrioch, kypreos, lawton, maclean, and dreger all get taken with a huge grain of salt in my book, if not disregarded completely, but mckenzie, lebrun, friedman, lavoie and others who have yet to invalidate themselves completely are still worth believing at least to an extent.
  17. i'm a skeptic by nature, believe me. i'm as skeptical of the rumours as i am of gillis and overhardt. the difference is that gillis has demonstrated in the past that he's a liar and that his word is valueless, whereas others, such as louis jean, bruce arthur, and so on, have a clean slate with me. if theres one thing i've learned over the years its that agents, gms, and especially gms that used to be agents arent to be trusted at face value.
  18. and gillis is known for his honesty. "we've tendered a qualifying offer to marc-andre gragnani." whoops.
  19. and yet the same reporter goes on to say and https://mobile.twitter.com/annschmaltz/status/438887760242302976
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