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Everything posted by Slegr

  1. I wonder if it has anything to do with his last name. Do you think the coach would be less likely to scratch him if his name was David Ice?
  2. I've noticed the pattern too, and yeah, it's a pretty random choice of a team. I'd rather see us play the Sabres at the start of a New Year, since the two teams are at least expansion twins.
  3. I was at the Jets / Canucks game where Luongo got injured, and sitting about 10 seats back of him. It happened with 8:18 left in the first period, where Wheeler comes in and bumps into him from behind just as he was coming up off his knees, pushing off his left leg. The camera doesn't stay on him at that point, but he is pressed forward onto his belly on the ice and stays down for a moment, despite the puck still being controlled in Canucks end by the Jets. Shorty mentioned 'Luongo is bumped in the crease by Wheeler' and you could tell at that point that Lu's groin was bugging him. Should have been 2 mins for goalie interference. I was surprised when I watched the recording when I got back home that Sportsnet didnt clue in to when it happened. Hopefully he's not out for too long.
  4. Canucks to go on a loooong winning streak, starting Sunday morning!
  5. Rogers is taking editorial control over CBC's Hockey Night in Canada. Who do you hope gets fired first at CBC? Will new editorial direction mean less Canuck hate propaganda? I, for one, can hardly wait!
  6. Loved the Bieksa fight at the end... made me feel much better. I think we win tomorrow, and we got robbed by a hot goalie this morning. Burrows is about to break out of his funk, and wins will start coming. No worries.
  7. Spoosh, on 02 November 2013 - 07:36 PM, said: I'm in Finland. I get all and every NHL game from an operator called Viaplay. Costs 25€/ month. And they vary from game to game. TSN, CBS, MSG or whatever. Some have our commercials running during breaks, but most don't. I posted this in the GDT too: Dunno if you are catching this, but at the TV break, the commentators were laughing at Gino and asking each other wether he was drunk or not And then said he should have dressed differently for the ceremony! If this is true, someone NEEDS to find it and somehow post it. That should honestly be enough to get some CBC commentators FIRED. That would be absolutely classless.
  8. It will be interesting to see how the Eastern bias of CBC will handle this special night of recognizing Pavel Bure. Or as Don Cherry called him on our taxpayer funded broadcasts, 'the weasel'. Should be an interesting coaches corner.
  9. Well said. It feels like they go out of their way to talk trash about the Canucks.
  10. I got a good chuckle out of this. But yeah, it should either be increased quantity and QUALITY of all Canadian teams, OR eliminate Hockey Night in Canada from the CBC schedule, because right now, it's Hockey Night in Toronto / Montreal.
  11. Torts winning many Canucks fans over http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8fL2lJLh7N8
  12. Biggins, you're questioning my skills? There aren't 8 Canadian teams, there are 7. Five western teams aren't vying for 7 pm starts. If Winnipeg is supposed to be in that '5' count, they start 4 p.m. Pacific. That leaves Canucks, Oilers, Flames. The Eastern starts belong to the Jets, Habs, Leafs and Sens. So, there is one extra eastern start time team, yet they have two regional games aired during the first broadcast, which hugely favours the Eastern teams.
  13. Exactly. On a national channel, with seven National Hockey League teams to cover, and viewers across the country, CBC fails.
  14. Exactly, the way to correct bad behaviour is to point it out. CBC's snubbing and poor productions of Canucks hockey at taxpayers' expense is bad behaviour. Ignoring it, or in your case, DEFENDING it, is anti-Canuck.
  15. You might be right about Bettman's true intentions, but the fact remains that if it wasn't for Bettman negotiating on this point, CBC would be covering a lot more Leafs games than they currently do. http://www.cbc.ca/sports/hockey/story/2007/03/26/hockey-night-in-canada.html Fewer Leafs games, more other Canadian teams Bettman said the new deal will feature fewer Toronto Maple Leafs games during the regular season, with more dates being allocated for other Canadian teams. "The mix is not going to be what it's been in previous years," Bettman said. "We decreased the number of the Leaf games and increased the number of games of the other Canadian teams that can be made available."
  16. Interesting comments, with very diverse opinions across the board. One of the common arguments I read is that Toronto and Montreal deserve more games because of their demographics. That's hogwash. Looking at CBC's mandate, it is a public broadcast station that is supposed to promote Canada in its entirety. Ratings and demographics belong to private companies like TSN and Sportsnet. CBC was formed to be something different, but it has consistently failed to live up to its purpose. Some people entirely blame Bettman for the Jets leaving to Phoenix and the Nords leaving to Colorado in the 90s. I put just as much blame on CBC. Hardly any games were shown nationally with those two teams, and that was in a time when regional sports coverage was far more rare. It's CBC's role to showcase all of Canada's team to all Canadians, not just to show Toronto and Montreal to the rest of the country. CBC has always had a huge impact on generating hockey fans (and in particular, Leaf and Habs fans from coast-to-coast). Don't forget that it's because of CBC TV rights that Toronto and Montreal convinced the NHL not to create an expansion team in Vancouver in 1967. Instead, the California Seals were born, with Vancouver having to wait three more years. When CBC and the NHL negotiated their latest (2007) deal, which ends after this year, even NHL commissioner Gary Bettman himself realized CBC was not living up to its role, and insisted that the new deal calls for a MAXIMUM of 23 Toronto Maple Leafs games (CBC wanted more), with more dates being allocated for coverage of other Canadian teams. In that sense, Bettman actually supported smaller market Canadian teams by ensuring more national exposure, while CBC tried hanging them out to dry, like it did with Quebec, Winnipeg, and nearly Edmonton.
  17. CBC is able to show as much Hockey Night In Canada as it does because it addresses their Canadian content mandate. But how Canadian is it to show a significantly disproportionate amount of Toronto and Montreal? There are six Canadian NHL teams. If their focus on two region's ratings is supposed to be translating into gains, it hasn't worked. CBC has a net loss with Hockey Night in Canada. CBC’s revenue for HNIC is $100 million, but its expenses are estimated at $145 million… a substantial net loss. Perhaps if they spent more quantity and quality on diversification across the country rather than shoving two big markets down the rest of Canada's throat every week, they would find more regionally diverse revenues.
  18. I'm sorry to break to you, friend, but CBC functions on government subsidies of (at least) $1.1 billion annually. That is Federal tax dollars that come out of your and my pockets.
  19. Again, it only SUCKS because CBC has made it suck for Canucks fans. What if Jim Hughson was still covering Canucks game on CBC? What if CBC hired a new Don Cherry-type that was 100% pro Canucks during the intermissions? So why is it okay for Toronto to have a completely suped up program, and Vancouver given sloppy seconds? We shouldn't even stand for it, and demand better from a program that we fund through our taxes.
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