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Slegr last won the day on July 12

Slegr had the most liked content!

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Canucks Second-Line

Canucks Second-Line (9/14)



  1. I’m beginning to think the reason this site continues is because it’s somehow intrinsically linked to the new forum site. I’ve noticed when one site is temporarily down for maintenance, so is the other site. Would one site no longer be operational if the other site disappeared?
  2. Egad, I came here as quick as I could! I hear the forum may be.... closing??
  3. I’m not ashamed to admit that memes of hippos pooping make me smile. Time to bring happiness to this never ending forum closure
  4. To help pay for the OEL payout.
  5. Some people say that nothing else travels the speed of light except light. Those people are wrong. Do you know what else travels at the exact same speed? Gravity. Makes you think, doesn’t it?
  6. https://theprovince.com/sports/hockey/nhl/vancouver-canucks/canucks-team-shuts-down-popular-website-fan-forums-fans-lament-the-loss/wcm/d5c20087-f148-4abb-8e86-092f492dbdc0/amp/
  7. Only in our minds. and in cyberspace, I suppose.
  8. Ok, so, for realz, are we all moving back to this forum? It doesn’t have ads of bras on the top of the page like the other one.
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