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Everything posted by Scottish⑦Canuck

  1. I see there's a saltire at the Russia game. I hope they destroy the Czechs.
  2. I take the boring thing back... pull yourselves together Poland.
  3. Prepare yourselves for a boring second half. And watch the Greeks go to ground after the slightest contact. Yawn.
  4. It wasn't a red card, but that's quite a statement to make. Poland deserve to be in the lead whether the Greek got sent off or not. It's a shame, but to call the tournament a fraud because of one referee/incident is ridiculous. The Czech's cheated to beat Scotland, but that doesn't mean I believe the whole thing is a fix. I blame the referee for not calling the game correctly.
  5. Uh oh. Might be 3 or 4 now. Unless Greece really sit in a defend for their lives.
  6. Header I've got Poland to win 1-0 with Lewandowski scoring, and Russia to win 2-1 with Shirokov scoring first. 50p wins me over £500.
  7. Rooting for Poland and my Dortmund trio against Greece . Lewandowski to score and 1-0 Poland is my prediction. 43rd minute goal.
  8. EURO 2012 PREDICTOR http://predictor.talksport.co.uk/ Name:CDC Code:F4B83-RSG
  9. After seeing Prometheus, I can't help but feel slightly disappointed. So many plot holes.

    1. :D


      But the action, man. THE ACTION. I'll probably see it tomorrow.

    2. Scottish⑦Canuck


      It's still worth seeing. It just could've been so much better.

  10. - This makes me sad.
    1. crime911


      Luuuuu= we work hard for this!!!! When we come together We get stronger those 2 are my fav lines

  11. That's exactly how I have it except I've got Poland in the Czech Republic's place. If the Dortmund trio play like they can I think they'll qualify for the knockout stages. I actually put a bet on Russia, France, Spain and Holland to win their groups. 25/1, which I thought were good odds.
  12. I had a dream France won the Euros last night... I'm tempted to put a bet on it. My dark horse.
  13. If I hear one more thing about the Jubilee I'm going to scream.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. S.Mouse!


      The Jubilee is like that show, Antiques Roadshow. The featured items are obsolete and useless, but people still get excited about it for some reason.

    3. Bertuzzi Babe

      Bertuzzi Babe

      @ S7C - it was said on the coverage this morning here on CBC that specifically, the flotilla pageant today was not paid for by the people of Britain but by private sponsors and donations.I'm not sure how that makes the ROYALS selfish.....

    4. Scottish⑦Canuck


      That really doesn't change the fact that all that money could be spent on things that are of more use to people. The cost is ridiculous. Waste of resources.

  14. I really think Rangers have shot themselves in the foot by taking the SFA to the courts. Look for FIFA to get involved and hammer them now.
  15. Ah, Eurovision. You never cease to surprise me... not.

    1. mau5trap


      I will be popular..

    2. :D


      Europe, lotsa stuff going on over there.

  16. It's warm and sunny in Scotland ... What the hell is going on?!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Scottish⑦Canuck


      If you promise to avoid any altercations with children or young Asian women.

    3. The Brahma Bull
    4. :D


      Don't tread on me

  17. Yeah, I know. I feel so bad for Spurs fans. Just adds insult to injury.
  18. Man City win the Premier League. Chelsea win the Champions League. The sugar daddy option pays dividends. Oh well, Euros next. Deutschland vor!
  19. In what way is Chelsea beating Bayern sweet justice? I'd understand if it were Man Utd they were playing, but Bayern deserved to win tonight so justice would have been Munich lifting the trophy IMO. I'm happy for Di Matteo though. He's done a good job since he took over. And I bet Abramovic still won't give him the job.
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