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Posts posted by avelanch

  1. Man I got nothing to do at work so I just read 40pages of this thread haha.

    Regardless of screen time if you could portray any character in this show who would you play? For me I think it would be Joffrey, playing a sadistic ruler would be quite the change of pace. As the actor said himself it was quite therapeutic.

    I think i could play a pretty convincing hodor...

    I'd love to be cast as john snow though. seems like his character would be the most fun.

  2. God, it's hard not to get excited for the future whenever I watch Hutton's 2013-14 highlight pack!

    And not just because of all the goals he scored (although they're pretty damn impressive). But because of where he's actually scoring from and all the ice he covers making those plays.

    I mean, you see Hutton pretty much using the entire ice surface. He's on the left point. He's on the right point. He's at the top of the umbrella. He's working the right faceoff circle. He's leading the rush. He's going to the net. He's parked below the goal line. He's roving and circling the zone. This kid's everywhere!

    The way he moves, just wow! I mean, when he's on the rush, he has absolutely no hesitation in getting right up there--like ahead of all the forwards--and actually leading the rush. When he's venturing deep into the zone, he's not just making a quick circle behind the net, he's finding a scoring position around the net and laying claim to the area. And he has the awareness necessary to know when he needs to get back defensively and know when he can just park himself on the goal line and wait for the set-up for those crazy sharp-angle snipes.

    And Hutton's not just an offensive threat. He's great at both ends of the ice. He's been the workhorse and high minute man on many nights for Maine. He's been a mainstay on their penalty kill. He led his team in blocked shots.

    He did all that (and more) as a 20-year-old sophomore D.

    He's already 6'3" and 200 lbs and while he's at an age where he's very likely to have already reached his full adult height, he'll probably still be able to add strength and bulk to what is an already imposing frame. He's an excellent skater (a skill he's spent his early years working extremely hard to develop), and it's not just "good for a bigger man" skating but at the level where he can often stand out during games as the best skater on the ice. He really has nearly every tool and physical gift you'd look for if you were trying to "build" a quality, two-way NHL defenseman who can play big minutes in all situations, while also excelling on offense and special teams. The only thing he really lacks right now is an NHL quality slap shot (this has been seen as his only obvious weakness) but apparently Hutton plans really focus on adding this tool to his arsenal.

    I suppose Canucks Army is right in saying that we don't know what Hutton's ceiling will be and that "we don't really know with any degree of certainty what Ben Hutton will turn into." His development path is one that's a little more difficult to predict than that of say a early round pick who's been playing for a top CHL team. But Hutton is really starting to look like a blue chip NHL prospect with a very good chance to become an impact player on the Canucks' D in the near future.

    Like I said at the top, it's really hard not to get excited about this kid. ;)

    this is how i felt after watching his first televised game last season, then it just went up from there for each game they showed of his (4-5 i think). my hype meter was so full it burst all over my keyboard by the time the season was done.

  3. As Sabrefan1 pionted out " not including the cost of advertising " which is a fair chunk of change also.But i agree if the OG cast wants to make a third one fans and i would see it.

    the second one had WAY more advertizing/promotion than the first too, which mean it cost them even more and made them even less than the second.

  4. Jensen comes to mind as an exception. maybe it's a matter of having played professionally in europe before juniors? he did play one season in denmarks top league prior to joining Oshawa.

    He never played in the SEL prior to his 1 season with AIK though.

    what i mean was Europe, not the SEL specifically.

    turns out i was wrong though, it was a one season quirk where the NHL/SEL player transfer agreement expired so Jensen's SEL club didn't have to pay Oshawa for taking him, and he didn't count burn a year of his ELC, and the canucks didn't have to oficially loan him out there.

    What's interesting about Jensen's stated intentions, is that it looks like the Canucks, or Jensen's camp, are taking advantage of a window of opportunity here. The NHL and the SEL had a transfer agreement, which would have complicated matters considerably, but it expired at the end of this past season.

    Under the previous NHL/SEL transfer agreement, Vancouver would have needed to sign off on Jensen heading to the SEL (since he's under contract on an ELC signed last fall) and in effect it would have been a one year loan. That "loan year" would have counted against Jensen's ELC and the Swedish club Nicklas Jensen signed with would have had to compensate the Oshawa Generals.

    Because there is no current transfer agreement between North America and Sweden, it appears that Jensen is free to go to the SEL without the Canucks "loaning him" out. As best as I can tell: Jensen's hypothetical year in the SEL won't cost Vancouver a year of his entry-level contract (like Radulov's situation, Jensen should still "owe" the Canucks the 3 years of his ELC), and the SEL team signing him won't have to compensate the Oshawa Generals. Obviously that makes more sense for all parties involved - except for the Generals who at least for this summer appear to be unprotected.

    If Jensen does leave North America to play professional hockey in Sweden, he'd be playing against men in the third most difficult league in the world. Jensen doesn't really have much left to prove at the OHL level, and if he was to return to the General this season he'd have been a big fish in a small pond. That probably isn't as valuable to his long-term development as learning to swim and hunt in a salt-water sea among considerably larger fishes.

    this agreement has since been renewed, so the canucks would have to ok it, and the SEL team would have to compensate the CHL team, and a year of the ELC would be burnt.

  5. If he doesn't make the team, can Benning send him to SEL (provides that BH agrees)? :bigblush:

    I know you're joking, but if that actually happens, it'd be a really good idea.

    People label Bo a a 2/3 liner due to his limited offensive upside, but if he played in the SEL, it'd allow him to develop more on his skills and offensive abilities opposed to going back to juniors.

    only players who previously played there can do that, i believe, but i'm not 100% on that.

  6. Chloe Grace Moretz said a day or two ago that she doesn't think that they will be making a Kick-Ass 3. She blames piracy of the movie. That's odd because the movie made over $60million and it only cost them $28million to make it not including the cost of advertising. They will also make profit from the sale of DVDs.

    the original made +96 million worldwide on a 30,000 budget. for a net of +66 mill

    Kickass 2 made +60 million worldwide on a 28,000 budget, for a net of +32 mill.

    When your net profits reduce by more than 50% from the original to sequel, would you really green-light a 3rd?

  7. Kick Ass 2 - 3/10

    That movie was balls. The movie was so back and forth between what it wanted to say about vigilantism that by the end when it made its final statement, it held no meaning. Most things that people said, and that those people did, made little to no sense.

    I liked the first movie, and that didn't feel as lost and purposeless as this one. I don't actively hate this movie, but it was a large waste of my time.

    Chloe Moretz said yesterday that piracy was the thing that killed the chance of another sequel in the series, but it was not. It's this second movie's lack of merit. A third sequel would in all likelihood be even more vapid than this one.

    Jim Carrey was the only good part of the movie.

    Also, did you know Brad Pitt was a Producer? i guess not everything he does is greatness.

  8. Wow u debunked me from google? lol so u magically found out my name what state i lived in b4? you are too funny Hate all you want but don't make stuff up and say things that arn't true. please tell me how u can go on google and debunk me. Im flattered that you are so enamoured by me that u would go through all the trouble. i'll make it a little easier for you, google US bank Babe ruth Senior basbeall club from 1997 or 1996 Out of Seattle. not sure if it will show our roster or what not since iv'e never tried but if it does since you are so smart maybe u can use your obvious phycic skills and find out which one is me. I'll give you a hint in our team photo im wearing a hat lol. Im guessing you thought you would google who got drafted from canada in 1998? i guess you didn't count on me having duo status in the Usa and Canada HUH. Don't hate so much it will give you wrinkles

    no, she googled who was drafted by the rangers in the year you said you were drafted, in the round you said you were drafted, found that player, said the position you claimed was correct (pitcher), but the circumstances regarding your statement was completely wrong (that pitcher never went to LSU, never mind university at all. he went straight to the minors).

    Actually I did. I was drafted by the texas Rangers in the 5th round in 98 and played 3 years at LSU before wrecking my shoulder and losing 10 miles an hour on my fastball. so ya i know what it takes to compete at an elite level in sports. the teams that u mentioned were crappy teams that stayed crappy, What u suggest home girl is for us to take a good team strip it down just to get one good pick. What a great culture to bring our youth up in. It seems all you can do is point out a spelling mistake, go argue withh mommy and daddy some more im sure they will pump ur 18 year old tires

    In 1998 the Texas Rangers drafted Ryan Dittfurth in the 5th round, and while you got his position right, he was a pitcher, he didn't go to LSU...kid was drafted out of high school and went straight to the minors. Never went to college. Good story Al Bundy.

    Hey man you should really go update your blog. It doesn't have any mention of a college career.


    Also his Birthday on his profile doesn't match Ryan Dittfurth. Same year different month.

    • Upvote 2
  9. Tom Sestito had 42 goals in has last year of junior. How much hockey IQ do we think he has?

    (By the way, I'm not implying that Virtanen is an unintelligent player. Just playing the devil's advocate here.)

    in his draft year he had 10G 10A for 20pts and 176PIM. he also turned 19 on Sept 28 of his draft year and was one of the oldest players in the draft, Virtanen was one of the youngest in his draft year.

    • Upvote 2
  10. Long story short, unless Bo plays lights out 2nd line center hockey at training camp, I don't think that there is room for him on this team. I would love to see him get a couple of games if he has a good pre season, but I don't want to just keep him because, "He's too good for another year of Jr. but dosn't fill a role on the Canucks this year."

    One more year in Jr. and playing a bigger role on Team Canada is not going to hurt his development. Could be a good test of his character. Bo seems like the type of young man to run with any opportunity given to him. He won't pull a Cody Hodgeson if he has to go back.

    he's been gone for like 2 years and you already forget how to spell his name? and what exactly is "pulling a Cody Hodgeson" getting injured, misdiagnosed, and then missing most the season?

  11. I have a bad habit of not checking clothing/bags before putting them into the washing machine and washing important things like ipods and tripods that do not belong to me :o

    my wife recently washed her i-phone, now she has to wait until september for the new i-phone. until then she has to use her old flip phone :P

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